When the FUCK will we get a Borderlands 3

When the FUCK will we get a Borderlands 3

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After their arena-shooter-with-cards flops

when randy get enough money from publishing games



Are you so retarded you ignore the other games because it doesn't have a number in the title? That's worse than people who think there's only 2 kingdom hearts games, christ

After they've sucked the We Happy Few devs dry.

lmao what


It's all anyone wants from Gearbox

Hopefully never. That series was never good.

borderlands needs to die

Fuck you, and fuck Sup Forums when it comes to this

It's a legitimately fun FPS, with an interesting setting and great gameplay. Is the writing obnoxious? Yeah, sometimes. It's not in the way of how much fun the game itself is though.

Also, Tales from the Borderlands was great, so all Borderlands 3 would need is those writers and it could be genuinely brilliant.

Hopefully after Gearbox goes under and sells the IP to somebody less shit.

This. They need to scam other devs to actually finance Borderlands 3.

I'm literally ok with this.

Fuck off Randy

The original writer from 1 was going to come back for 3 but his poor health forced him to leave. Don't know if they said who'll replace, but don't expect them to be smart and hire someone competent. They'll just get some Burch tier writer from the local coffee shop to do it.
Randy, please.
But really, I want Gearbox to die. Borderlands would be much better in the hands of some other dev.
So would Duke.

From the state they had the game in at GDC I would say late 2018 at the earliest.
Late 2019 realistically.

Destiny 2 is coming out pretty soon actually

I'm honestly expecting Blizzard to have some big announcement or event when B3 comes out. Just to twist the knife a bit further.

The only people who could afford Borderlands are some shits like EA.

Overwatch spin off with Story mode that plays just like Borderlands

I would fucking laugh

Doubt it. Pretty much any AAA publisher could afford it. I could even see someone like Devolver buying both Borderlands and Duke's ip. Randy is just too stubborn to call it quits so if he's going down, he's taking as many casualties as he can with him.

I think I read that he actually wrote everything already, before he left. I'm not sure though.

I hope he did at least.

As soon as he's gone, its impossible to tell how much they'll change. He was also the creative director, if I'm not mistaken.

Wouldn't 2K Games automatically inherit the license in the event of Gearbox's death?

I got a feeling borderlands 3 will be meh. Borderlands 2 is seeming more and more like a one hit wonder.

1 was better then 2

It's currently in development.

There was an employee that leaked some info a while back, provided proof via screencap of Gearbox's in-house communication app. So like.. could be fake, but he seemed legit. He said most of the meat of the project was finished. Some cool things like the new berserker class is also the new Siren, rumors (keyword) in-house of an arena editor, Sanctuary is your hubworld as you use it to travel between vault locations. Two keystone per tree in any given class, as well as class mods that dramatically altered how keystones functioned. All sounds pretty cool.

But there was not even a tentative release date when he was here, and if that tech demo they showed a while back was any clue, Gearbox is being very cautious about BL3 since it's pretty much the only thing from them anyone actually cares about. If it flops, GB is probably fucked. I hope they understand that and make a proper BL3.

They haven't showed anything yet though

>level creep makes you replace your gun every 10 minutes
>>great gameplay

No one here can possibly know that. It depends on what contracts say

Randy also did some tech demonstration that was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to stir some buzz and excitement about the mysterious borderlands character he wouldn't reveal, but no one cared


have you ever seen someone try so hard to a cool gaming icon?

>Being this much of a faggot for Blizzard

Anyway, the fans of Borderlands wouldn't want some Blizzard shit. Nobody was a fan of Battleborn in the first place.

Don't even play anything by Blizzard. It has more to do with the fact that every time Battleborn announced anything, Blizzard also did something on the same day. Coincidence? Perhaps, but its funny to imagine someone at Blizzard wanting to kill off any chance Gearbox has of surviving.
B3 will likely just be B2 with different maps. Maybe they know they can't survive another flop so they'll give it their all but I don't know. It's still going to sell. It's their one guaranteed product. It'd have to be the most obnoxious, bug-filled game so far to not make a profit.

I mean the first game was great, but Borderlands 2 was way, way worse than the first one and 1.5 or 2.5 or what it was called was just shit

I'm not sure I want a third one

That does come across as a bit forced. Which makes it sadder considering how generic it looks.

what the fuck? explain yourself cunt

For the most part it just needs better writing. 1 felt a little too bare when it comes to dialogue and story, 2 felt like it was trying too hard but the overall story was enjoyable. Handsome Jack is unironically one of my favourite villains.

2 was better than 1

>Anyway, the fans of Borderlands wouldn't want some Blizzard shit.
The only thing I can think of competing with Borderlands loot'n'shoot would be Destiny. The releases might be a fair way apart but I imagine a expansion will probably launch around BL3's launch date.

One of the few things Burch did right was Handsome Jack, and that's mostly because the VA ad-libbed the good lines and embodied that psychotic arrogance.
This video of him playing Pre-Sequel is great.

Borderlands 2 wasn't worse than though. It was a lot better, more varied, more engaging. A lot of BL1 was in similar environments, and a lot of the guns felt pretty much identical.

Why do you act like Burch wrote everything? He was one of the writers, in a team.

I can only find Burch as the writer, no one else. Even if more were involved, he was still the main writer. Not sure where you're going with that.

He wasn't.

borderlands 2.5 is borderlands 3 for this user, lmao here's your (You)

Good source.

Yes and? There's a reason why it was advertised to have you find new and better guns
Not an argument
The only thing I can agree with you on is that Gearbox are complete dumbass when makeing BL tick and someone else should make it.

>Tales from the Borderlands was great

nice meme

>Pre sequel better than 2

I can't say no hard enough.

It is though. It got praise from literally everyone that played it, even Sup Forums.

>plays a loot-based arpg
>surprised when he gets loot because "that's not how muh fps do eeeet"
Autism was a mistake.

It's not autistic to point out shitty gameplay

australian accents and humor whoever thought the world would like it

Tales isn't Australian

Pre Sequel is you stupid cunt

>Is the writing obnoxious? Yeah, sometimes.

Only sometimes? You couldn't name a single moment where the writing is tame or enjoyable. It's always a hot mess