I finish this game today and I don't regret nothing. It was good

I finish this game today and I don't regret nothing. It was good.

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Try nuka world if you want regret

But user, if you're having fun with that it's fine. You don't need to be judged by a bunch of aspies who can't enjoy nothing popular or nothing new.
F4 was a good game.
If you don't expect nothing aside from mindless fun the game it's fine even today.

>Tfw no Pity styled DLC this time around.
I just wanted to explore a denser city

I literally stopped playing it during the intro because my PC couldn't stay above 60 fps.

I enjoyed that DLC. I do all the DLC content before finish the main quest. (Intitute ending).

It's an okay game, but a shit Fallout game. It's literally generic bargain bin quality

I don't hate FO4 neither Bethesda or Todd but I hate how popular is the game and the company.
Normies likes crap.

I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it. :( Not a fan of the voiced protagonist. I wish I could've gotten into it better.

Hate something because it's popular WHAT THE FUCK?
So you hate Overwatch (Blizzard in general), Undertale, Activision, EA, Ubisoft and Sony?

At this point everybody hates EA and Activision. Even normies.

my most played bethesda game, (mainly because of the 3 min loading screens) pretty good autism sim with, building mode, junk collecting, weapon tweaking etc.

not to mention the it's first bethesda vehicle ever which doesn't have shit combat, so that in combination with their fantastic open world design makes it pretty addicting gameplay loop

Not to mention far harbour is actually pretty good

That's why BFII and the new COD are two of the most expected games of the year.

How can you see that garbage ending and not even have a tinge of regret?


>create unique densely detailed worlds with complete player freedom
>hurr why is bethesda so popular

Yeah. Bethesda deserves even more recognition.


Because he have shit taste. see

>3 minute loading screens
PS4 here and it's only like 20 seconds, even at level 90

They had a good thing going with the original songs.
Shame there wasn't a goodneighbour radio with all original songs from various characters

On pc or console? Not sure if I should buy it for ps4 here.

Short answer: Texture Mods.
Loose textures are the main cause of long loading times.
PS4 only uses plugins and XONE needs .BA2 archives but in PC most of modders doesn't care about packing their mods into a .BA2 file.

Xbox one because mods.

PS4 pro has better performance over Xbox but overal shit mod selection

Sup user I heard you enjoyed Fallout 4™. Now you have to get the full extent of the game by buying Bethesda™'s Season Pass™. After you're finished with that GOTY material DLC, be sure to check out Skyrim:Special Edition™ right after!

not even, my hdd is just old and fallout has hyper resolution textures for god knows why

skyrim is just fine ironically enough

>dont regret nothing
So you regret everything?

It was fun with mods, but just horrible vanilla. Even Skyrim was playable vanilla, but FO4 was horrible without any tweaks. I don't understand how it takes so many years for Bethesda to publish a game that's so incomplete, has lack luster quests and presentation, and sounds like it was written by a retarded fat cunt with neon pink hair.

>whoa, we're being attacked by an army of 3 super mutants and you're the only person who can save us! w-what? you can't save us right now and have to come back in several weeks in game time? ok

Several ingame weeks later

>whoa, you saved us from that army of 3 supermutants and a bloatfly that came along while you were gone! you are The Chosen One™!

>when da president calls u da alt-left n it sticks

It was a good game. Not the best fall out but way better then the way people meme it here. Im even going to buy it again for VR.

ps4 has mods too.

I bouts it on the PSN summer sale and the season pass, I completed it once it come out, but bought it to play again and play the DLC.
I'm pissed off that in an "rg" I have to cater my playstle around my companions.

>inb4 use only dogmeat.
You need the companions, to pick up power armour you find which also gives them extra carry space. More importantly, to get their perks.

+best combat Bethesda has done.
+best looking game along with Oblivion.
+weapons mods were cool as fuck.
+settlement system, while nearly broken, was still a good risk to take. I sunk tons of hours into it.

-Voiced protag
-no skills
-dialogue wheel
-shit quests
-runs like ass
-level scaling

>When the president calls people names
>After a murder

new dialogue system was fucking retarded, but I didn't mind female protag voice. I'd go as far as saying I liked her.

settlement system was terrible considering the price you paid in the game for it. imagine instead of that cookie cutter half baked autismcraft shit we got actual locations with thought out characters and quests? imagine instead of the 2 sizeable cities we had multiple city states?

Haven't played a fem but I HATED the male voice. Sounded like such a little pussy even when picking the badass sounding dialogue.

I personal dont even mind the voice acting. It was the lack of options. Give me 6 voices to chose from and bring back more then 4 voice lines and it would have been fine.

I couldn't really immerse myself without a silent protagonist mod. The male voice was just too clean cut for a lot of the characters I ended up making. I didn't think something like that would detract from the roleplaying aspect as much as it did but now I'd say the voiced protagonist was a bigger blunder than the outright removal of several RPG elements.

I'm just saying I had fun with it; I know it was poorly executed. The settlements and your interactions with them have next to no impact on the rest of the game besides artillery and income.

>+weapons mods were cool as fuck.
The majority of weapon mods were just straight upgrades.


I liked FO4. I think it's a great game. But, it's a shit Fallout game, I think New Vegas is way better Fallout game. I wish they allow Obsidian make another Fallout, but knowing Bethesda's ego, it won't happen.

It's fun but it's definitely the worst Bethesda game, and the worst Fallout game. Bethesda definitely took the wrong direction here, they focused too much on the sandbox elements.

I feel like they should focus on different aspects with their two properties, thus making Fallout more narrative focused and TES more sandboxy.

They asked obisdian if they wanted to make another game, and obisdian said they were occupied in another project, most people from black isle left obisdian anyway.

>They asked obisdian if they wanted to make another game,
That was after FO4?
>most people from black isle left obisdian anyway.
Right. I guess we won't ever have another proper Fallout game.


proofs on that claim?

It was fucking trash. Just like Skyrim this game holds your hand and makes everything so linear and piss easy. Every quest came to the same predictable ending, you are never given any real dialogue choices make any difference. Your choices in the game don't matter, it's just running around looting and shooting bullet sponge enemies.

and oh god the writing, I could say a lot more about the terrible narrative and story

Twitter, i think i dreamed it thought.

+best combat Bethesda has done
the combat is literally borderlands

im enjoying it so far.

I feel like Bethesda games are a guilty pleasure.

That would be an insane cost though. The game would have to be completely linear like Call of Duty for that to not bankrupt the company.

"Fallout 4 was a rousing success, with approximately 12 million copies shipped around the globe, amounting to over $750 million in sales"

I don't think it would have broke the bank.

>black guy shoots cops in dallas blm protest
>president calls cops brutal and calls for gun control

Yeah, ffs indeed.

Well if you want my truly opinion about "it's a shit Fallout game"...
I've never play F4 thinking about Fallout in general I mean to me it's just a post apocalyptic open world game and it's fine.

And Borderlands was one of the best games out there.

Literally red-dit:the game.


it's pretty good for making a waifu and running around shooting at not zombies and the inexplicable hordes of raiders, and coming back to drop off the loot at a comfy base you designed yourself

it's pretty bad as an RPG though

>Playing Bethesda games for story

>And Borderlands 2 was one of the best games out there.

I made 2 Fallout 4 characters with different skills and personalities for each, both are about level 120. Still play FO4 from time to time, such a great game.

Same thing.
I wasted around 1500 hours of my no life playing that shit.
The game came out when I was 17 yo and it was the best co-op shit I've ever play.

Overwatch and Undertale are shit games on their own merits.

>don't regret nothing
So.. you regret everything?

Leave OW alone it's my favorite MP game to date. ;_;

I tried to like it, but it felt really mediocre in a lot of areas compared to the previous games. The gameplay I was fine with, wasn't anything amazing, but it was perhaps an improvement over the previous entries. On the other hand the quests were mostly forgettable and there was an over reliance on dynamic quests, dungeons felt very samey after the first 5 or 10 with the majority of dungeons having either super mutants, raiders, or ghouls as the enemies. Dialogue was terrible, main story wasn't anything special, settlement building had no depth or any real point, gun customization was nothing more than vertical progression of upgrades, the perk system had nothing really exciting, mostly % increases.

Imagine having taste this bad.
Enjoy your shallow, skinner box casual game.

>different personalities
>do nice thing for other people and be nice about it
>do nice things for other people but be a bit of a jerk about everything

>love the brotherhood from 1,2 and tactics

>boot up fallout 4

>where fallout 3 was goodie two shoes fallout 4 had them be maximum edge masters

id had potential if they hired the old writers

also did anyone notice how little they touched on chinese communists? i mean i get the submarine quest (inside a sub full of reused assets) but otherwise you didnt get the lore and backstory the previous games had with chinese remnants or multiple quests with loot like stealthsuits

if pre war commonwealth was a tech hub wouldnt they have had agents hidden throughout?

im wondering if they did it for sales in china or something

FO4's brotherhood is kinda like General Barnaky's vision of it from FOT.

>fuck ghouls
>fuck muties
>FUCK ROBOTS(until he's a robot)
>do recruit people to our order though
>also strongarm settlements for stuff

that, with 1000x more vertibirds.

i wish they brought back the Calculator

also seeing barnaky like that really scared the crap out of younger me.