What happened?
Far Cry 5
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oh boy another Sup Forums thread
Retards get mad at cool character designs
Leftist propaganda.
not much yet
Nothing? You realize it's not being released until next year, right?
>all those nu-male hair and beards
Good to see right-wingers continue to get more triggered than leftists.
If the worst the right does is get mad on the internet, then why is antifa and BLM rioting all the time?
I hate this stupid fucking haircut
Fuck off to reddit if you don't like it, lefty
>If the worst the right does is get mad on the internet
There was a domestic terror attack literally last week, kid.
What else do you do if you don't have a job or a family and feel like an entitled piece of shit?
as a white nationalist this makes me fucking livid.
they can't keep getting away with this! we're the master race! this (((game))) is clearly projecting optics that white people should be genocided.
any other proud white nationalists like me really upset at (((this)))?
Has it released yet? All I ever heard about it was the "controversy" and that's it. It disappeared.
the left can't meme
Who the fuck cares? Just wait for the better games
Nothing. It looks fun like 3 and 4
The right wing Fucking killed someone a few days ago
I agree! good thing I'm a true conservative ( not KEKservative) American like our founding fathers. Blood and soil!
2018 Q1 release date
Literal shills tried to drum up controversy.
Oh yeah that guy whose car was surrounded by hooded antifa thugs intent on beating him to a pulp, who freaked out and sped away to avoid being potentially killed.
One leftist thug dies, antifa and BLM riots causing massive collateral damage are totally overlooked. Yeah, that's progress alright. Soon some white college kid will be lynched and the media will call it self defense!
The left wing shot up a whole baseball field full of people recently as well.
It's telling how the Alt-Right and Trumpists get triggered by a game about taking down a violent cult that took over a rural town and is plotting to take down America.
It's really funny how the general consensus here was that he was a jewish deep state plant with paragraphs upon paragraphs of hyperanalyzing his background until news reports about the driver came out and now the narrative being pushed is that he was a good boy all american defender who was literally being held hostage by those meanies hundreds of yards away
BLM still has a higher kill count with that one guy who shot a bunch of cops.
Unless you don't count him because you're a hypocrite.
Game looks more like an ISIS allegory imo, #notallchristians and all that
>all blacks are blm now
>the general consensus here
/x/ isn't real, user
>he narrative being pushed is that he was a good boy all american defender who was literally being held hostage by those meanies hundreds of yards away
>the leftist thinks it can talk about narrative
Yeah, /x/ isn't real and tell me you'd let fascists by another name beat you to death in the street. No one's calling him an All American Defender, he's someone with a lick of sense to run from killers.
I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories but it is kinda telling how this singular event just weirdly absolves the left of the rioting and fighting they've been doing lately. Don't get me wrong, what happened to the woman was fucked up, but people pushing her death as some concentrated alt-right terrorist attack just seems screwy.
Oh yeah I forgot you were a thing.
>he was a good boy he dindu nuffin!
>*rams car into crowd*
reminds me of lefty islam apologists tbqh
Why is it so hard for the left to meme?
It should not be that difficult but somehow it always ends in pure cringe.
>all whites are nazi racist now
see how this works?
haha I agree! :)
What do you mean? Are you asking why the Far Cry series sucks?
Well the answer is probably all the stupid fucking collectibles, the towers, and how horrible the story tends to be. There's just way too much fluff in a Far Cry game. And if you bother doing all the collectibles first, which you probably should, you'll get just about every overpowered weapon available making going through the story a breeze. It's such a shame that the game actually gets easier as you play it rather than more challenging.
He was a white supremacist, though.
They usually just mimic the other side with no self awareness or irony to it.
You can thank your neo/v/ friends for constantly trying to bait Sup Forums, only to have no one respond, then false flag as Sup Forums to get the thread pumping.
>traps are gay
it just keeps going, when will it end?
>muslims run people over
>shame on you for saying anything about this
>white guy runs someone over in fear
No, he was a conservative. Doesn't make him a white supremacist. Maybe he just hated protesters, and frankly I don't blame him.
Nah dude everything gets politicized.
Paris and Brussels are politicized for Trump.
Charlottesville and Charleston were politicized for the Left.
Originally Sup Forums was arguing that it was a black woman driving the car. Then it was a false flag. Then he was actually running over people in self-defense and she deserved it, proceeded by raiding her facebook page and shitposting everywhere.
>Maybe he just hated protesters
So he's against free speech and is a loser, got it.
They're protesting to take away free speech. I reserve the right to dislike people who dislike free speech.
The biggest problem about this game?
The "5"
>Reboot: The Game
>remade 4 fucking times
The right does the same, turns it up to 11 and somehow it works.
See the colbert TWO SCOOPS and liberal comedy posting from Sup Forums. I like Colbert and enjoy the comedy but still laugh about it. I just works but as soon as a leftie tries to do it it comes off as insecure, somewhat cringy and forced.
as if anyone expected anything less
Give me more info
>They're protesting to take away free speech.
No, they're protesting to voice resistance to an incumbent hate group.
I can understand taking issue with Wolfenstein, given how "Nazi" can mean basically anyone at this point and how brutal violence on the basis of political opinions is being normalized by every Twitter cunt in the northern hemisphere (punch a nazi xDDDD).
However, people throwing a hissyfit about motherfucking Far Cry are complete and utter retards and get absolutely zero sympathy from me.
Well first off, it's still under investigation and you're jumping to conclusions.
Secondly the case has shown both that the guy has severe mental issues regarding anxiety and episodes or some weird shut like that, and videos show that some guy hit his bumper with a baseball bat right before he floored the car. These are the facts so far.
Go into the archives and go look at those threads and how many original posters it had that wasn't blasting the OP's ass for his schizophrenia
>literal communist are for free speech
>Implying they didn't show up with baseball bats to start shit
Cmon now man. The people protesting against the statue removal had a legal permit to be there. I suggest you read the signs from the leftist "protestors" and check out the little url that's on the bottom of all of them.
but in wolfenstein it's pretty clear that they're over the top cartoon nazis, how is this a problem?
It's protesting to take away freedom of speech no matter how well you try to word it. Nobody would even consider the alt-right be something to be worried about if you guys didn't make it such a big fucking deal
You can overanalyze anything, Sup Forums. The fact is that Nazis and white supremacists lead to a terror attack last weekend.
No, calling you a retarded asshole and saying your filthy traitor idols should be demolished is not harming your free speech. Free speech is not freedom from social consequence, in fact a core part of free speech is the idea that government shouldn't be involved in that, because society will take care of it. Fucking child. Now murdering somebody in reply, THAT is harming free speech. They aren't the same thing, try to keep up.
which had a right to be there since they had a fucking permit and the right to assembly and free speech is a thing, while those protestors had no permit and carried weapons
big fucking difference
Free speech does not mean you can say dumb shit without any counter protest.
>but people pushing her death as some concentrated alt-right terrorist attack
Nobody is doing that. They're pushing her death as the result of the mentally ill alt-right being let out in public when they should be back in the basement or the asylum.
I haven't played a Far Cry since the first game.
AFAIK i haven't missed anything.
my god this game is going to such a massive hit, 6 more months of DJT and the Alt Right people are going to flock to this game.
The group you speak of had all the legal documents and met all the necessary requirements to protest in the parks. They were protesting about a statue being taken down. The ANTIFA and BLM idiots caught wind of this and decided to start trouble.
Hitler Youth haircut but completely butchered
lol fuck no. I'm glad Ubisoft makes it VERY clear that their products will be pure shit. It saves me the trouble of having to watch someone play a bit of it.
>You can overanalyze anything, Sup Forums.
Here, i'll even spoonfeed you.
Is this seriously what you're trying to argue? Only one side showed up with body armor and tons of guns and it wasn't the "leftists" dumbass. Sup Forums might want to pick a different hill to die on. Maybe one in africa.
Good to see Sup Forums still seeks to defend Nazis.
>The group you speak of had all the legal documents and met all the necessary requirements to protest in the parks.
>counter-protesting nazis to show opposition to bigotry is protesting to revoke free speech
Classic victim complex. Shouldn't you be beating off to Blacked about now?
I'm jumping to the crazy conclusion that they guy driving was in fact not a liberal jewish deep state assassin
Oh, so you're just trying to bait. Sorry, I thought there was actual discussion here
It's not really the fault of the developers.
They did have a permit though. That's objectively wrong.
I'm not american
>Only one side showed up with body armor and tons of guns
Which is perfectly legal and only ONE side had LEGAL permits to be there you fucking dunce.
Is "actual discussion" code for Alex Jones-tier bullshit?
>Free speech is not freedom from social consequence
What if it was roles were reversed here? What if National Socialism was the norm and people considered your politics to be the very loud but dangerous minority that must be silenced at all cost? It's very easy to say these people don't deserve the same things as somebody else, but social justice tends to just be spouted by people who have it pretty comfortable an don't know what real hardship is. For example, in the Middle East there are gays who are beheaded for being found out about. And it's not law, it's social consequence. You shouldn't fight anger by trying to drown them out with more anger and vitriol. That just them look sympathetic in comparison.
>le nazi sympathizer tries to make literal nazis sound like reasonable folk
The counter-protestors also obtained permits, by the by.
Sup Forums stop posting interracial porn on Sup Forums all the time. It's sick
False, both sides had permits.
You know these people would take away their right to be bigots if they could.
>Which is perfectly legal
Yeah, and the leftists has baseball bats so they could have a game of baseball in the park. Pull the other one you mong
Sup Forums is topologically the same thing as ISIS, no real surprises here. They've always worshipped traitors and evil, nothing about their hatred of America has changed.
Nope, absolutely wrong.
They had the right to defend themselves to and hurt those who intend them harm. Those counter protestors had it coming.
Sure kiddo
there are idiots everywhere.
This fucknut goes hand in hand with people saying far cry 5 is promoting white genocide.
I'm comfortable with the fact that most people aren't as retarded as either extreme. or at the very least too lazy to be as retarded.
Look kid, they have a right to counter-protest.
They had every right to be there, more so than antifa. To say it's ok for the left to protest but not the right is just absurd
I never said he was, you're projecting someone else's arguments onto me
Oh but Obama refused to call that guy a terrorist or racist or even just a bad person, but it's ok when he does that.
Just like Nidal Hassan shouting "allahu akbar" at an Army base and shooting everyone up was "workplace violence" not terrorism or bigotry or intolerance. Oh and just like we're told by the media that every time muslims shout "allahu akbar" and run London pedestrians over, it's not terrorism and that we're racist for assuming it.