Yous gonna buy tems game?

>yous gonna buy tems game?

Other urls found in this thread:離島棲鬼

Only if you do good in college

only if you suk dik

Post it

tumblr tier garbage for braindead 16 year olds

someone find teh greentext

just post the audio link already

>t. brainlet

>Sorrwe user but yous dic is a lil to smol


>audio link
its on youtube you nigglet離島棲鬼

Stupid self insert

what a way to ruin a good thread

The webm is great.

>when you find out shes super fucking fat and is a stereotypical buzzword spouting tumblr girl


I already did. Was one of like 5,000 people who bought it day 1. Played it. Enjoyed it. Moved on. Now sick to death of hearing about this forgettable game to the point that it has retroactively soured my memories of it.

Man just audio really shouldn't turn me on this much.

Pretty sure they're talking about Chang, but this might also be the case.

>good thread

> nottalking like a retarded baby and saying things like "SQUEE" and "*GLOMP" maes you a brainlet

the game is trash and everyone involved is trah.
If you genuinely like undertale then you are stuck in a 16 year olds mindset.
I'm not even bashing the game, i'm too tired to do that. If you really, genuinely like this game you have very low emotional intelligence.

>When she starts to deep throat


Gonna need source homie.

Alright, I'm gonna take a little internet break.

Calm down, I recommend browsing a thread about a game you like instead of acting like a 13yo kid who just got grounded by his dad.

>having a cum and/or smegma fetish



Well that was a lot of help.
>youtube reccomended
what did they meann by dis

No but i can draw tems porn

Show example

Well you better get right to it, user

>you're 13
>youre just a kid, kid
>nothin personnel kid
>im older than you youre just a dumb kid

insult me all you like but the truth is the truth
all the joke in the game are low-hanging fruit and shit that has been repeated in highschool over and over again. the "guaranteed laughs in my weaboo friendcircle" kind of humor.
>goatmommy died oh nooo i didnt mean to kil oh no so saaadddd
pleb level emotional manipulation.

Superior minor character coming through

I cant post gore on a blue thread

Had to dig through some shit in my hard drive but I found it.

Post an imgur link

>liking undertale at all in any capacity because you're a stupid furfag who is impacted emotionally by everything and despite the game having very little gameplay, choice, and is advertised as something it isn't aswell as being written by a amatuer, you like it anyways because the smuts good and it touched your feefees


Who's your favorite character, user

Already have it on PC.

Thank u user. Kekd heartily


>not liking something based solely on porn
What are you, gay?

[muffled Hoy]

He's bored. Let him stay bored

I can just jack off, the base material is garbage.


I want to deepthroat Undyne's cock

this game weeds out the underaged weeb autists
can we get together and decide that Undertale is a /mlp/ thing not a Sup Forums thing

whoa that turned into something else entirely


why is this little chinese girl playing with spaghetti

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

user, this is Undyne we're talking about, not Poison

Half the porn disagrees.

what? how tf did you even know that? do you just image search everything? holy shit i'm impressed

>That midriff
Muh dik

It's because he's a samefag who only calls out his own posts.

>that feww when too intewwigent to twy and pwetend to be machow
I sewiouswy hope you meanies don't do dis!

How does the CTD sequence play out on the PS4 version?

oh fuck me

If you play undertale you like stephen universe
if you play undertale you hung out with the losers in school and probably went to a smash bros club with them
if you play undertale then you have a terrible sense of humor and laugh nervously when around other people even if they arent funny

>inb4 some virgin autist tries to weakly burn me with my own fact format

>projecting yourself onto others

Sounds way too generous. I won;t pretend I'm no expert. I'm not one to cruise pahea and e621 on any regular basis. If it is indeed the case, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a case of a handful of artists going gonzo, like that one dude who commissioned over a hundred scat pics of Toriel and Isabelle to try and get rid of the demo threads back when they were a thing.

oh yes

>tfw you're incapable of being a normal human so you pretend to act retarded on purpose


Her voice tears through my head like a migraine attack.
How can anyone get hard from that voice?

Daily reminder that if you wouldn't let So Sorry fuck you, you're gay.

not really

>he's not wetawded yet


nope , i made fun of those losers :)
had some girl in dog ears bark at me once though. they all smelled so bad

I already finished it

Look who it is

And here you are, posting on Sup Forums

nope, sorry that you cant comprehend that multiple people outside your autism circlejerk think that your taste is trash

>mfw not degenerate enough to be turned on by Tem sucking dick for college

Guess I'm not a lost cause after all.

oh shit boys the autistic one has arrived

Missing out desu.

>Guess I'm not a lost cause after all.
>posts weeb reaction image
one of us
one of us

someone post the story

That's not me. I'm doing that because it's a funny meme. I don't feel like doing it now.
It's an okay game. Not more, not less.

yeah 4c-chan is for losers only guys, chads stay out
i bet we're t-totally equal, b-bro

Why are you stutter typing?
Are you ok?

Something tells this is meta-shitposting where some fag just does this whole tripfag getup to do the obvious samefag joke

you know why you limp wristed pasty faggot

I don't actually.

>onii chan

Explain this."lee goldson"

Ah for fuck;s sake,user.
He's whipping out what is quite possibly the closest equivalent we have costco brand shitposting. It's the most generic shit aside from 2012 era ironic shitposting.

I want to help temmie get to college.
By making her suck my dick.

That just makes you gay.

As yes no one will ever go on internet and tell lies

You'd think so, and to be honest, some faggot trying to false flag is much more fun to believe than someone being double-ironic. Sadly enough however, it is also perhaps the most plausible explanation.

I see.
How autistic do you have to be to do this?

Kek, those last couple of seconds.