Look up reviews for a game on steam

>look up reviews for a game on steam
>100 hours played: "3/10, did not enjoy"

Are you allowed to call a game shit if you've played it for 100 hours? Sure you may be dissatisfied at the end of those 100 hours or have a better appreciation of the flaws, but you've still been engrossed/entertained enough to play it for all that time. That has to be worth something.

Your primary misconception is that the games quality was at no point altered by the devs

What if you didn't enjoy those 100 hours? You could've gotten 50 hours in, then got bored but pushed through the rest of the game out of a compulsion to finish it.

>he doesnt leave games on for days on end by accident

How many hours do we spend living our shitty lives?

>give a poor review after playing for a few hours
>"you didn't play long enough to experience all the content!"
>give a poor review after playing for a ton of hours
>"if you dislike it, why did you play it for so long?"
fuck you

>playing video games you don't like
for what reason, other than fake internet points of any kind?

There are obsessive completionist types.

Sunk cost fallacy.

>Are you allowed to call a game shit if you've played it for 100 hours?
yes; one reason being things change.