Apologize to Nintendo Switch

Switch – 87,798 (61,933)
PlayStation 4 – 34,691 (43,862)
New 2DS LL – 24,187 (33,871)
New 3DS LL – 17,276 (22,200)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 7,771 (9,077)
PlayStation Vita – 4,651(4,773)
2DS – 3,527 (3,740)
New 3DS – 740 (1,078)
Wii U – 132 (158)
PlayStation 3 – 95 (96)
Xbox One – 75 (90)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll apologize when I actually get my hands on one


>Sony 2 weeks ago when PS4 was dominating due to DQXI

>Sony fags now
>Japan is an irrelevant market, we are dominating everywhere else. No one gives a fuck about Nipponland

what does LL stand for, Sup Forums?

>Wii U – 132 (158)
>PlayStation 3 – 95 (96)
>Xbox One – 75 (90)

LL stands for "large large," which is how their language does "extra large" basically.


Leally Large


>still splitting the consoles
C'mon now...

Anyway, you're just setting yourselves up to get shitposted on when the worldwide sales come around/when the Japanese market starts drying up.

80,000 isn't very impressive user. Esp when many have been waiting weeks to get one.

What's even more hilarious is DQXI is selling more on 3DS than PS4. no in Japan give a fuck about PS4.

>source my ass


>December sales numbers


>eh that's not really much. Its just cause mario

>70% of the buyers are parents giving the swtich for their children who doesn't even know what good games are and will probably break their consoles in about 3 months of use.

>total sales 3DS 1.5m
>total sales PS4 1.2m
>hurr no one gives a fuck about PS4

If there was a larger margin there, I'd agree with you, but now you're just being a retard.

What language is this ?

What did they mean by this?

the nintendo net profit margin is 25%. Sony's net profit margin is 2.5%.

Who cares?

these posts were never funny

glad it was removed

just to BTFO the people who cry about total console sales.

Nintendo is more profitable with 10 million switches sold than Sony would be with 200m PS4's sold globally

>This much projection

Fuck off dumb anime poster

And how does that affect US, the consumer?

People brag about console sales because it = more 3rd party games.

Only goalpost-moving fanboys that are ass ravaged give two fucks about profits.

Implying Japanese kids are on the same levels of autism as Merifatkids

Is Sup Forums now full of uptight spergs?

>80,000 isn't very impressive user
PS4 wasn't selling 80k ~30 weeks in

I gave up and just bought one for Europe. Don't regret a thing

>Is Sup Forums now reddit 2.0

These are sold out already.

Why did Sony even bother with the Pro?

Europe is enamored with the mature gamer tag and the Pro will make them feel like a professional, plus they always buy Sony stuff

Most competitive gaming teams come from Europe after all

What came out this week to boost sales?

M$ baited them with the Xbox One S and Xbox One X

>Sony 2 weeks ago when PS4 was dominating due to DQXI
It didn't even outsell Switch then tho


Nothing, those are the basic sales they get when they can supply a bit more consoles.

I sincerely hope you didn't actually believe the butthurt sony negroes that spouted that the Switch wasn't really supply constrained, did you?

Nothing. It just sells.

Man, Microsoft is really fucking up huh?

>the wiiU was a flop, i-i swear

>release all your console games on PC so retards fall for the bait and buy their shit OS
>end up not selling all that much and completely destroying your console in the process
I bet it seemed like a good idea in their minds.

>Lacking this much self-awareness

>when the Japanese market starts drying up.
People have said that for a long time but all that happened was they stuck with handheld gaming/cellphones. The Japanese market isn't going away.

They should apologize to me for still not releasing the VC. Its been 6 months, and the others only took 3 or less.

I'm pretty sure the Slim/Pro ratio isn't much different in Europe desu

I hope they get tired of getting scammed by all that gatcha retardation and they go back to play actual games soon.

Xbox never sold a dime in Japan, it mainly feeds of burgers

The brand needs to drop the consoles and just become a PC gaming client.

Valve needs the competition

You're still under 10m worldwide sales. Don't count your chickens till they hatch.

You start bragging after all the fanboys have had their fix.

We have this discussion every thread, and you people continue to pretend it's not the fanboys buying all these up.

>Xbox One – 75 (90)
Never gets old

Why would VC be a serious factor. It's a neat little bonus if you gave the money to blow, but if retro games are that important to you then you ought to be buying the originals or emulating.

Ah yes, fanboys only when it's sold out in Japan and selling better than everything but the wii and ds.

How is this even surveyed? You're not going to be seeing many kids personally paying for shit over $100

Switch is really owning it

How is it even consistently selling ~100 systems a week?
At numbers that shit it's gotta be only gaijins living in Japan on work visas or something that buy them and surely they all just buy it and be done with it.

How is it even consistently selling ~100 systems a week?
At numbers that shit it's gotta be only gaijins living in Japan on work visas or something that buy them and surely they all just buy it and be done with it.

And what do these numbers mean at all

Its a cheap and easy way to pad their 1 per month release timeline

Also, portable N64 and GC titles

It's been sold out at launch. How long are going to keep saying that?

Yes, it's still under 10 million, why is this so hard for you to understand?

And it's not outpacing the 3DS in Japan.

The same thing they always mean.

More console war ammo.

That the roachstation is shit compared to the switch in Japan.

This has been know for MANY weeks, tho.

jesus, that nigger is very slow

you can't buy console that don't exist
The switch hasnt passed the 3ds because there isn,t enough to buy for it to be possible

It's not a hard concept to grasp, should you over 70 IQ

It literally says how at the bottom. Try not being blind

Until you pass 10m worldwide and momentum keeps up?

Why is this so hard to understand?

It shows there's still a shitload of demand.
It's been limited to 20k a week shipments for weeks now and the fact that they're delivering four times the units now and STILL selling out is simply absurd.

And then, where will you put the goalpost ?


The goalposts aren't moving, this has been a fact the entire time.

Lol wat? Only 43,863 people own a ps4?

It's only this week's sales.

Neat ! Now do provide a hook, i want to be able to laugh at your mentally deficient ass when it reach 10 mill (november latest)

Voluntary response makes that data pretty weak

What are these numbers from?

same as american polls, so yeah, i guess it may be trash.

how new are you?

It does, in fact outpace the 3ds in jpn so far despite the crippling supply issues.

Roaches out of the woodwork wwwwww

Not quite. It's really close tho.


Switch sales vs CURRENT PS4 sale W-o-W since Switch Release

From what I've been reading in forums and seeing on videos, a lot of japs want DQXI for PS4 but they went for the 3DS version because it's way cheaper than the PS4 one

Also the usual excuse they had for home consoles, "no time to play on home" when most of them CAN play on home

nothing, they just likely allocated more stock

>Also the usual excuse they had for home consoles
It's also the excuse that makes sense, JP workforce is extremely busy for what it is
>no time for sex, dating, or marriage
>unless you're a filthy foreigner who can either work from home or be a housewife

>MLP hat


>Japan sales

Who gives a shit?

>>MLP hat

>Who gives a shit?
and yet, here you are

you have to go back

You do.

nigga that is not even MLP

The highest number of units you can get out of Japan is 20 million and that's impossible when most of them are mobile gamers now and etc. This kind of numbers will not last especially when most japs mostly buy nintendo made games so you cannot expect people that already bought the switch for splatoon to buy another switch just for mario odyssey/whatever.

Wait a few weeks more and see this dwindle down when the supply problem stops and those that want one got one.

>implying I care about sony failing as usual

Like I said, who cares about Japan sales?


>2:30/3h of battery life

Nah, fuck this worthless crap m8
Link porn and lewd are cool tho

It's still an underpowered tablet with no games. And it's flopping world wide.

They really didn't want to make the PSV but they need to show people they're still making next gen consoles.

Obviously the switch has higher sales. All the other consoles released 4 years ago. Switch sales will start dying down by that time span as well.

How's the switch doing in Europe and North America though? The PS4 is doing well in every market

Its Perry the Platypus you illiterate fuck.