What's a fun game that you can waste hundreds or thousands of hours in that isn't a MMO?

What's a fun game that you can waste hundreds or thousands of hours in that isn't a MMO?

Im not trolling but try league of legends

Mount and blade

heroes of the storm

Monster Hunter

Let me see... Garry's Mod, Team Fortress Two, Worlds Adrift, Dark Souls... Want me to go on?


Is there a zoomed out version of that pic?




any game with a big modding community

Post the full pic


Skyrim Special Edition, my friend


Mario Maker

came here to post this


Team Fortress 2, unironically

No Man's Sky is a good choice, but I would also recommend Skyrim (avoid the earlier Elder Scrolls games, they're no good, overly complicated), as well as Undertale if you do all of the endings, which you should because the story is phenomenal and takes quite a few playthroughs to fully grasp

payday 2
europa universalis
mount & blade
TES series
crusader kings 2
darkest dungeon
souls series
killing floor
x-com series
MGS series
stardew valley

fighting games, shmups, arcade rhythm games, basically anything that requires a lot of dedication to become skillful at

Just about any 4X game.

Any hack-n-slash/Diablo-like whatever.

Wrong, I'm nearing 500 hours on my standard and master mode playthrough combined and I'm close to 100%ing them both (all seeds, all shrines, all quests), no way anyone without sever autism can put over 2000 hours on that game.

I think it's a meme at this point that if you play tf2 then you most likely have 2000+ hours on it

>as well as Undertale if you do all of the endings
That's like a 4 hour game with only 3 endings.


Warcraft III (custom maps)
Starcraft II (custom maps)
Counter Strike (any version)

Unironically: Overwatch.

I know what you're trying to do. It's not gonna work.

I like Hyrule Warriors a lot, could be because also played WoW so grinding didn't bother me too much. Have not played any other musou games however and not really interested either and Zelda is easily my favorite game series.

These 2 also I have hundreds of hours in.

Why not play MMOs? They're the best if you're actually planning on removing time for your life

Xcom UFO Defense
Xcom Apoc
Also the newer ones if you want games with updated graphics.

nobody plays it anymore


There are no good MMOs at the moment. Tired of WoW/FFXIV.

Battleborn, the devs wasted thousands of hours in it

The Witcher 3.

(partially) this
Especially Payday 2 (aka Infamy Farming Simulator), TES (you can't mod it enough) and EU/CK

shit game

Crusader Kings or any Grand Strategy game, Dwarf Fortress.

agreed, 1k+ hours in mh4u and still having fun

Anything Picross on the DS/3DS,especially the 3D series.
Speaking of the 3DS all 4 Etrian Odessy games. The Untold games are slightly easier remakes of the first two games in the series, but the presentation is much better, I prefer having an actual story, and overall they are better games. Maybe doing all 4 in a row is overkill if you dont like dungeon crawlers, so jusy choose one and go from there.
Test Drive Unlimited for me remains the premier Open World racer. Graphics arw what you expect from 2006, but with enough tweaking the handling is superb, the world is big enough and I personally enjoyed its completion over other ooen world racers.
Revelations and Revelations 2 raod mode are fun arcade modes that take a damn good while till they become tedious, and by that I mean that it takes a good 5-6 playthroughs of each onqs respective modes for that, and both games raid modes each last a good 20 hours and that ia without perfect scores, so do the math.

>4U's my first MH game
>Finally decide it's time for me to leave HR and get my keys
>Finally achieve G Rank
>Am G2 now
>It's kicking my fucking ass
>Completely botched a B. Tigrex hunt earlier today and turned the game off in shame (I hadn't played seriously in a few weeks)

get out

Factorio. I love Choo Choo trains.


>try 4U
>Has some retarded story
I dropped that game in less than 3 hours.
Generations was better just because it didn't have me sit through boring talks.

Warframe back in the day

Now you start the game way too underpowered for it to get fun within a reasonable amount of time

Find a friend and play something together

Dragons Dogma
Path of Exile
Binding of Isaac Rebirth

you're mom is a shit game

>Generations was better

fucking please


>online friends

Monster Hunter


is the total war warhammer game fun?

Bored as fuck and Ive beaten every game posted here

Rimworld. Autism colony simulator

Shitter detected

game is boring as fuck and AI is retarded

Do you like Total war games? Do you like warhammer fantasy?

If yes to both, then yes.


>Generations was better

Destiny is pretty good for this. It's king of an MMO but you can sink in hundreds of hours without doing anything social. In game matchmaking will give you people but you don't have to talk to them and evenif they suck a competent personcan solo anything

Ah so that's why I just can't get into the game despite all the hype and generally enjoying the flow.

Ass Faggots if you're into that sort of thing

A decent multiplayer shooter with a good community (I poured what must have been a couple hundred hours into Halo 3 MP)

Or games with near unlimited modding potential like most Bethesda titles or Mount and Blade.

Because I'm an autist I can also pour hundreds of hours into various grand campaigns in total war games.

Should have just called it stealth archer.

Fucking this
I want to keep playing but I have no bros to help me beat Akantor

Civilization or Total War or 4x strategy game of choice
Flight Simulators

If you like total war then it's terrific, especially if you liked any of the games MTW2 since the engine is almost completely different.

Warhammer is honestly one of the best games CA has ever released.

Path of Exile
I'm 5000 hours deep and will never stop.


You fuckers made me buy it.

Who should I play as?

Smt faggot



Same as OP but what are those games you can play without sound and not miss a lot

I'm a huge Dwarf fan but honestly my favorite faction in terms of play style is Da Orkz.

I would try out Humans first though since they're the most standard faction and you'd get a feel for the game. The Empire is your best bet.

Have you played other TW games? And if so which ones? If you've played Shogun 2, Rome 2, or Atilla there isn't much of a learning curve. But if you haven't it can take awhile to figure out what the fuck you're doing so I suggest watching tutorials and try finishing a shorter campaign on medium difficulty.

shit game

Gimme dat picture sauce.

Warband, fuck the Nords.

I tried playing PoE but I got bored after a day. Do I need to play it with friends for it to be fun?

It's the only game that's more boring with friends.


Or have a rl friend that enjoys some similar games

guess i'll have to try again later


i thought the tits were way bigger

Dwarfs are the easiest. Go with whatever you think looks most interesting. Play on normal difficulty, or easier. The harder difficulties are just tedious in single-player, in my opinion.



Racing simulators


>Hundreds of thousands
>Not even one hundred thousand hours

Fighting games

someone post emoji porn


what game senpai?

Rimworld, Mount & Blade Warband