Is it even possible to play it on PC? Sure...

Is it even possible to play it on PC? Sure, my build is very weak budget one (g4560 + 1050ti) but it should be enough for this game. Even with fucked up fullscreen performance I still get stable 60fps at 720p HOWEWER after like 30 minutes of playing shit starts to stutter like every fucking second. What the fuck? Playing it at 720p is bad enough already but I can live with that but why sudden stutters? It runs fine when I load it up. I have some old version of FAR mod installed but it only helps with v-sync performance. Is there any way to fix it?

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Read up about and then install and configure this

Actually nevermind, just saw that you already have it installed. Can't help you m8 but I haven't heard of any issues regarding memory leaks. How much ram do you have?

Also it doesn't only help with vsync performance. It improves FPS a metric fuckload. Have you actually changed the global illumination value to something lower or not? Cause that's what you should do.

I've only had it crash twice within 86 hours.

I have 8gb ram. I didn't change anything in the mod, at first I thought game only had problems with v-sync and FAR mod sorta resolved it but when I started actually playing I got those damn stutters everywhere.

By the way, is there latests version of FAR for cracked game?

Then you should. The default global ilumination value is 128. Change it to something lower but always keep it a multiple of 16.
32 or 48 should be fine. The lower the value, the better performance you have.
It will affect the lighting in some places under shadows but that's all. Performance will improve a lot. Maybe you'll even be able to play at 1080p.

It's in the FAR.ini btw.
Another thing. Change the "BloomWidth" value to the same width of the resolution you'll run the game at. It will improve visuals in certain places with no impact on performance.

Haven't had many crashes personally, but the game is definitely extremely demanding (read: unoptimized).
You'll need at least a 970 for decent performance at a decent resolution.

Stop using speccy you shitter.


>inb4 some retarded shit like botnet

what's wrong with speccy

Thanks, I'll try it. Not sure it'll fix stuttering but well.

I don't really have problems with running it at 720p but it just runs worse over time which is fucking weird. Like I'm fighting that giant boss without any problems but then I'm at the moon base and game stutters every second I'm walking. It's extremely annoying and makes the game unplayable.

He's just being a retard.

>stop using this light, convenient, easy to use program that correctly displays all relevant information about your hardware in a concise and fast way your shitter

>It's extremely annoying and makes the game unplayable.
That's the game's memory leakage in action.
The game also eats memory like a motherfucker, so you'll likely need more than 8 GB of RAM if you play it for long enough.

>The game also eats memory like a motherfucker, so you'll likely need more than 8 GB of RAM if you play it for long enough.

This is not true at all. I played through all of it for hours on end on each session and I have 8gbs of shit tier ddr3 ram.

I have 16 GB and I've seen the game use upwards of 5 GB by itself.
If you alt-tab a lot the game is going to get some nasty memory leaks from time to time.

This is what happens when you pirate an unupdated version of a game OP

Go back to some to whatever early 2000s forum you came from.

I have "Build 1787043" version. Which patch is that?

Last time I played I remember using a combination of FAR mod with the global illumination lowered, Full screen gaming and I had to set the game to use only half the cores(quad core so only 2).
Its simple, just open task manager. Go to processes>nier>set affinity. Then tick off every other core. This stopped my crashing completely and I was able to actually play the dam game. You have no idea how many times I had to keep redoing the tutorial.

On steam, i'm wondering if my r0280x powercolor can take this thing, I feel unstable using Windows 7 even with 16 gigs of ram and a i5 -6600k cpu.

get a better cpu ffs

A 280x would be fine at 1080p.

I will once coffee lake or zen+ arrives but how exactly 2c 4t at 3.5ghz isn't enough for such game? It doesn't look cpu heavy at all.

Good, I kinda want to get it. Though I get some fps drop in certain things like in Overwatch in certain menus and high action. Although funnily enough I only get the FPS drop if I try and watch stuff from streaming sites first with ads.

I ran it perfectly smooth at 4k using 2x 108gtx in SLI

did ever patch this pos?

I have similar spec and I can play for hours without stutter, even without FAR.
Try updating your net framework and visual c++

I get worried every time I update AMD drivers that somethings gonna fuck up. And because of the random FPS drop I get due to watching streaming sites in Overwatch, I wonder if Nier is even more fragile and any wrong thing will make me get stuttering.

Update the game and the mod, it should work.

Why do you even have vsync enabled?
Also, a 1050ti can do better than 720p.
Your CPU is pretty trash though.

>Why do you even have vsync enabled?
Because game has awful tearing?
>1050ti can do better than 720p
It can but only in windowed mode because fullscreen performance is fucked up.
>Your CPU is pretty trash though
You don't say. Yet it's only 70$ so quite great for such build.

I play at 900p everything on low except AO, Global Illumination at Medium and mostly maintans 60fps. Specs are 7870, and an i5-3570. In my 140+ and counting hours, I think I got one or two crashes.

Well, I dunno user, the game is not well optimised, that's for sure, but not to the point where a mid-range build would have trouble running it at mostly 60 fps.
You're just trying to run it with an entry-level build.

As I said twice already - I can run the game just fine. My problem is stuttering which appears after I play for some time. I don't have any FPS drops just weird stuttering. It clearly has nothing to do with specs since fresh start let me play fine. Just not for a long.

Try turning off AA

I only have AF x16 and effects on High. Everything else is turned of or minimal.