What are some games that threw a boss at you that made you think, "wait, am I actually supposed to fight this?"

What are some games that threw a boss at you that made you think, "wait, am I actually supposed to fight this?"

inb4 dork solez


First encounter with grigori in DD

That doesn't look very threatening

I think that's why he posted it honestly. "wait, am I actually supposed to fight this?" has multiple meanings.

Pretty much every boss in the Wonderful 101. Goddamn.


too bad the actual fight sucks dick

Pretty much every boss in Shadow of the Colossus.

At least he's easy to farm

except for the fact that he has a fuckton of HP

Leviathan in FFXV.
I thought I was missing some gimmick weapon or weakpoint the entire first half of the fight.

Too bad that fight is really bad and honestly just really unclear

>Break head with HBG at the start
>Return subquest

Binary Domain

did 4U even have return sidequest?

I know one of the MH games I played didn't

Yes, because 4th gen added subquests to begin with. People abused for G-Rank charm runs by breaking Rathalos's back.

Gen/XX is the only other game has currently has it, and people abused it with LBG to get Akantor parts to sell since the game had some serious zenny shortage going on.

>Yes, because 4th gen added subquests to begin with

no it didn't, and it just reminded me which one. In tri you could end by sidequest but MH3U removed that option


Doesn't seem surprising since Tri also did a bunch of other things that ended up being shitcanned forever, and now it's remembered as the game with completely defunct high rank.