Cold Steel

How are you guys enjoying Trails of Cold Steel?

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It's pretty fun desu. A little too easy though, I'm playing on Hard and the only trouble I've gotten so far is when an enemy boss uses an S Craft which oneshots my party. The balance is a bit iffy but it's still fun.

Cold Steel's difficulty is really fucked. Cold Steel on nightmare mode is arguably easier than Sky 3 on normal mode.

Did it release on Steam or something? Why the sudden threads?

Calvard when?

>Did it release on Steam or something?

>Fie starts giving flowers out
>gives out flowers to all the girls in the dorm
>only male she gives flowers to is Rean
What did she mean by this?

She wants Rean to lay her on a bed and gently fuck her brains out.


you guys are waifuing best girl, right?


Yes, I loved it! I even bought it when it was for sale for 5 bucks to show my support to the developers and that PC is indeed a viable platform! I can't wait for 2, lucky console bastards are already up to 3, they'll probably get 4 when we get 2...

I am indeed. But why did you post a picture of Emma?

Fie is annoying.

It's okay, they won't get turbo mode. PC wins again, baby.

Yes, and the school sections are now voiced.


Which school sections?

Yeah, three-four years after console CHADS had their fun...

Yeah, maybe they'll even finish the game without turbo mode by the time the PC version releases.

it looks like shit on my PSTV, I'm glad they ported it to PC.



Yeah, totally worth the wait, huh.

PC gaming; playing yesterday's classics, today.

Does this mean CS3 will eventually be on steam too?
Yay, so I guess that means I got a PS4 only for Persona 5 then.

Beat it a few days ago. Started replaying the Sky trilogy yesterday since they added in the turbo button.

"Eventually". So in layman's terms, sometime next decade.

>Yes, and the school sections are now voiced.

is this line voiced?

These are Japan's favourite Kisekis.

I'm not. Character interaction is like one of those harem animes I hate.
I will probably refund it.

why is Towa such a mary-sue?

>Fie is the only CS heroine in the list
Can anything stop our girl and her progressively more revealing outfits?

>Bestelle at first
>Broliver at second

Sometimes Japan is alright

Did we play the same game? I liked the interaction and this is coming from someone who even refuses to watch the harem animes Sup Forums likes


>Can anything stop her progressively more revealing outfits?

No. Only somewhat important scenes that weren't voiced before where it should've been voiced.
That being said, he did go and record some lines he wanted voiced when the game initially came out, including that one.

No, they couldn't add voices to any regular interactions. Cutscenes only.


>Rean VA is a furfag

I'm going to marry Fie in CS3 and ignore every single opportunity to hang out with Alisa!

>more males than females
What gives? Isn't this a waifu game?

Yes, it's a topic of hot debate whenever he posts here.

His soundcloud's also full of Undertale shit and Cold Steel memes.

>Isn't this a waifu game?
Not really.

Do he have a fursona or Luxray count as both his Pokesona and Fursona?

I think it suffers from having all the girls be "reserved" for Rean in case the player wants to romance one of them. It really limits a lot of the interaction and dynamics between side characters, especially when Rean isn't the middleman between them.

I'm one hour in and the main character already got slapped for '''saving''' the blonde bitch who I'm supposed is the generic tsundere of the game.
Oh, and threre's also a.. shinobi? and why the fuck add a pitfall trap? This game is anime as fuck man.

I'll play it for another 30 minutes before refunding it.

emma best girl

Alisa wins again

That's just the EOP PC poll. Fie won in Japan.

Is there a full-size version of the Steam achievement icons somewhere? I'd love to have a proper look at the artwork.

delete this

Alisa stops being a cunt pretty early on and even admits she was being a bitch about the whole thing. Fie's thing is explained later on as well.
Not saying there aren't any anime cliches period, but some of these things are actually addressed.

Honey, JRPGs are the main genre of video games I play, patience is not something lacking in me.

>I'm one hour in and the main character already got slapped for '''saving''' the blonde bitch who I'm supposed is the generic tsundere of the game.

she does grow out of it but I will admit that the opening part is cliche in parts

>Oh, and threre's also a.. shinobi?
Not a shinobi but it's part of her backstory

>and why the fuck add a pitfall trap?
Sara is a jerk

Remember to buy Estelle game, the superior Trails game, with the refund money

>main character already got slapped for '''saving''' the blonde bitch
That was the moment she lost the waifu bowl forever.

That dumb shit gets resolved literally at the beginning of chapter 1.

You mean in the PC polls or overall?
I remember Alisa being the most popular in Japan, but then again, that was some time ago.

It's right here

I just finished the first one and now I'm hesitating to start SC because FC kind of dragged at the end.

>Rean VA sounds like a 20-something year old man
It's bad.

>finished FC
>not instantly buying and starting SC
How do you resist the cliffhanger?

I played both Persona 5 and Dangan Ronpa with Japanese audio so I kinda surprised he is involved in more popular series.

>play Trails in the Sky FC
>fight those 3 black guys on top of Carnelia tower
>game is suddenly difficult

I just hope it won't stay that way because this is gonna be a real pain in the ass to finish.
I just want to see Estelle and Joshua cuddle

>Rean in 3rd

Well, at least they showed purple loli who is the actual best.

>unironically liking the dumb bimbo over the mean machine

Yeah give it a cooldown. SC is even better than FC but the gameplay gets very tiresome after extended periods of time.
Although the Turbo mode alleviates a lot of the pain.

>Ends on a cliffhanger
No. It's bad.

That's forbidden love user!

Nothing but respect for MY president.

She's boring.

>Crow made it
>To no ones surprise 2nd is taken by Olivert
>Rean somehow made it into the top 3
>No Jusis

What gives?

Because as unlikeable as he is, he's undeniably the most complex, deepest and detailed protagonist in the series so far by a longshot.
He's still no where near as likeable as Estelle or Kevin but I like him more than Lloyd

Rean voices Revali in BotW

>because FC kind of dragged at the end.
What the fuck even are you talking about? Sky FC had the most hype final chapter. Every minute of it was awesome.


It's part of the appeal as far as I'm concerned. She's a nice, hardworking, straightforward girl. The perfect wife.

>no sara

Nips with shit taste again

Should've stopped after FC if that's the problem. I'd say the real problem is how awful that concert scene was and the final fight being a RNG puzzle fight

Cuddling is not fucking so it's okay.
what the fuck is wrong with his hair?


I never played the skies games because they look like ps1 games. Now that I know they also end on a cliffhanger I won't be picking up the other ones. I actually bought TiTS on a steam sale and never played it.

Yes it is but it includes bromance if you want to go that route. Pick your favorite and get a waifu or bro for life.

About Sen III Is Crow, I mean "Siegfried",really fucking back?

>because they look like ps1 games
Stop being an underage retard. Have you never played an actual ps1 game in your life?

Same. I decided to wait for Xseed to translate the sequel, but now that I know that everything in the freaking series ends on a cliffhanger I lost all interest to play it.

I'm probably older than you so yes I have.

He and Rutger Claussell both seem to be back somehow. Between those two and osborne, some weird resurrection fuckery is going on in erebonia somehow.

I enjoyed TURBO MODE so much

I'm 30 years old so i doubt that. If you weren't an underage fuck then you'd know it looks nothing like ps1

You could just play the three Sky games and stop there.
Hell, even the first two would be fine.

He was brought back to life like Osbourne and the Jaeger king

Weissman in FC literally says that Sept-Terrions could control life when you first meet him on the tower.

Played it years ago. The high school setting was fucking excruciating but overall it was enjoyable.

>Rutger Claussell

they showed him in CS3?

My nip is shit but I believe these should be the rest that are in the little blurb in the bottom right.

11. Renne Hayworth
12. Randy Orlando
13. Alisa Reinford
14. Kloe Rinz
15. Towa Herschel
16. Tita Russell
16. Jusis Albarea(tied with Tita)

I wonder if Falcom will take the hint and the next series won't have the stupid dating-sim aspect.

I'm 33. Wanna fuck?
It literally does. Maybe the textures are sharper but style-wise it is very similar.

But they have the best waifu...

Yep they've shown him too. There's definitely some weird shit going down in erebonia