How do we get rid of girls who only play Mercy?

How do we get rid of girls who only play Mercy?

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How do we get rid of endless Mercy shitpost threads

Play a game that is too difficult for girls.

I want to get rid of girls in general

make the staff shoot a healing projectile instead of a beam. so basically maker her Ana2



why do we have to get rid of this?
It means the good player can play dps and the bad one play easy mode healer

they're always nice and teamwork-minded as well. if they dont play mercy theyre going to play Mei and the last thing i want to see is more of that fat chinese faggot

This, you should be happy a girl is willing to play a really good healer

>always nice
because they want to boost their ego
>teamwork minded
because they literally depend on men for everything, and in a game, they cannot play someone that requires anything more than simple actions

>Goddess Mercy skin

Top unf

Ok but why is it a problem if it ends up being helpful in the end?
I don't care what the reasons they do that shit are. As long as they're contributing to the team, it doesn't matter.


I'm a man and I almost exclusively play medic on TF2, does that mean I'm a faggot?

No, it's because I want to be useful and almost no one plays him regardless.

>Two players who can literally only play Mercy are on the same team in a mode with no duplicate heros

nigger, i dont want women in games
they have no place in highly complex societies and the fuck you think a game with a comunity is
just because you cant get pussy and want to get around with women , does not mean that i want to be around them after i pound em with my bbc
white people are fuckin trash. destroying societs, cultures, and now trying to make me into some fuckin inferior white whore´s playmate

Who is this

Tell one of em to play Lucio. He's easy too. Just avoid fire and stick to your teammates and you're helping. Basically the same general strategy as Mercy only with better movement options.

Don't girls usually play tank? At least that's what I've noticed from experience.


got something on your mind, Jamal?

I play Mei and Mercy. Deal with it.


Any else came back to Overwatch for the event from a long break and amazed by how dull it is?
I just went a game and can't for the life of me see what I loved about this game anymore.

>its another girl Mercy player automatically assumes you're a worse Mercy because you're a guy episode

it means you are a cuck whos afraid to do anything more than hold down a mouse button

>join competitive mode
>load in
>someone's locked in my mains whether tank or DPS
>look to do support
>mercy already instalocked
>its a mute team member with over 300 hours this season as mercy only
>mfw I'm the odd one out, not playing a character I'm actually kick ass at

Also, every time someone asks "hey can I take (your main)" after I lock it and deny, they get pissy and throw. But even if I do let them, they're absolute trash and we lose anyhow. How do we fix this?

How to get Mercy's feet in my mouth?

Only in World of Tanks

I bet you never even played team fortress
Medic is great

Nerf revive

800 hours, friend. None of it idling.

Keep trying to deny that you are afraid of having to put some effort into something.

You don't. You stop being an angry screeching autist that thinks other people are the reason why you're losing games.

Make her hard to play

get them pregnant

Same, I'd rather break my leg than play a game of this shit.

>tfw you make a video shitting on mercy mains and girls found your video and keep trying to call you retarded

You learn how to play everyone and stop being bad at the game. It's hard to look at yourself for improvement, but you'll get results. It's easy to look at others for improvement, but you won't get results.

Give all male characters misogynistic voice lines when they are out of range of beam but within earshot

By always declining their friend requests. Girls and gay dudes always say I have a nice voice so I flirt with girls over voice to have them pocket me and then never talk to them again after the game.


Make mercies healing have a recharge so she is no longer a healbot. Then give her a secondary like the needler from Halo. If she pops it, she gets a boost to her healing charge.


Will you stop shilling and fuck off already?

You shill your video like every thread, dude

This doesn't piss off anyone but hambeast feminists. Their rage then pisses off virgin neckbeard gamergate fags and it's just a shit flinging fest after.

Probably the best opinion. Girls won't play her if she's difficult or complex.

They will go away once mercy gets nerfed or somthing. Same thing happened with the hourly roadhog bitching threads.

Why would you even want to? Every female mercy I've played with has been pretty great

First time posting ;^)

>Hey can i get ____?
>fine fuck you then faggot

why are people like this

Only on tumblr

Either that or we give her healing rampup to make her better at triage than the other three healers. Her biggest issue is that besides Ana where you need pretty good dexterity to be effective, the others have a similarly low skill floor but can be vastly more effective.

Lucio has been a constant pick forever, and Zenyatta similarly enjoys a decent amount of playtime in the current meta at high level play.

The only time you see Mercy is when Pharah is in play, and that's usually in KOTH maps simply because of how Pharah friendly they can be.

i see a mercy in literally every fucking game.

You see a Genji and Hanzo in every game, and your desperation makes you hallucinate a Mercy.

>stop going into the same thread everyday dude
>clicks on the 30th mercy thread today just to see if there are any new mercy insults

good shit. subbed.

Well then stop being such a sexist pig and play a different game?

Love your vids man, Keep up the good stuff!
You're not Syberbolt are you? ;_;

Hanzo, Widow and Genjifags are worse then Mercy mains tbqh. at least Mercy mains pick support.

Not him, and I don't know how it is in Masters/GM, but in my time playing plat/diamond, Mercy is the most common healer I've seen alongside Lucio.
Of course, that's just ancedotal. I don't know the current actual stats.

I wish this was the case with males too, plenty of bad player that can't even play Soldier but still insists on instalocking dps

You instalock dps when you know you're good and consistent and don't trust other people, you don't do it when you can't even trust yourself

Stop playing games casual enough for a girl?

like lawbreakers

Have the chances of getting a Summer games skin improved compared to the Aniversarry skins ?

>Play on smurf
>Want to throw without making it obvious and getting reported
>Insta lock Mercy every game
>Dumb Mercy mains ask me if they can have Mercy because they literally can't play anyone else
>Don't answer and stay on Mercy
>Heal and shit
>With tons of hours on Genji, Zarya, and Reinhardt I know when they have ult and almost always know when to hide
>Get big rezzes and my teammates love me
>Dumb Mercy main trying to tank or DPS still drags the team down and we lose
>~36% winrate on her and rarely get reported
How to derank a smurf 101

>they're always nice and teamwork-minded as well.
Translation: Passive aggressive and expect to be protected constantly by the entire team at the detriment of pushing the objective because most are too inept to use her pistol to thwart flankers. Mercy mains excel at whining not healing.

>Game starts
>Have those people who insta-lock to Hanzo, Widow, or Genji
>Team needs a healer and/or a tank
>Last person who hasn't chosen yet takes Hanzo, Widow, or Genji
Tanks and healers can be fun and all but it gets tiring playing the same characters over and over again. I just wanna play DPS sometimes.

>be a literal shitter
>have no one to carry me
>can only play mercy
>teammates hate me and tell me to kms
>lie about events on an anonymous image board

>How do we fix this?
Stop solo queueing.

Blanket ban

This game would be 100 times better if charaters had about 50% more hp.

I rather have them play this dumb healer slut that take no skill than Soldier or Mcree.

Kinda, dupes are much less common now so if you have most of the useless sprays and player icons already that will increase your chances. On the flips side you will earn coins more slowly now so if you previously relied on simply purchasing the 1 or 2 good skins every event and not having to deal with this pseudo gambling you are out of luck.

>repeatedly ask for healing and the pussy stays behind 3 walls

teach them how to play more than just mercy

I can just as easily whip out my mic and call every mercy main a cockmongering coalburner

Don't commend them. I'm serious, have you seen how salty Mercy mains get when they don't get commended for holding down LMB and fuck all else? Don't commend them and ruthlessly call out every single little mistake they do. Mercy mains need constant validation that they aren't fucking worthless, withhold that and they will leave.

This is objectively wrong. Please go fuck yourself.

>number 1 advice
>says mercy should shoot instead of healing

fucking retard breeding more retards


you almost got me I was going to play overwatch just for this bitch. I'll keep resisting the urge to mansturbate on this swiss woman

How can one character attract so many forms of sub-human filth.

If you are being targetted and can aim then you should absolutely stop healing briefly to kill whoever is threatening you.

But you can't aim, and that is why you picked Mercy.

I can tell you didn't even watch the video.

>You are behind Reinhardt and there is an enemy sniper
>shoot the enemy sniper instead of damage boosting rein or healing him (when he's at full health)

You wish that would work on me. My team winning is all the validation I need.

>calling the kettle black

I want to live in a world where only cute girls exist. What's the point of having guys anyway?

>3 teammates dead
>me(mcree), ana, and mercy left
>mercy tells us to just run in and die
>ana runs in emoting and dies
>i tell mercy to just ress those 4, literally standing right next to her
>pick off 2 while this is happening
>she refuses and we stagger spawn

i hate mercys because most want to fish for potm

Maybe I'm lucky but I've never seen that happen.
Unless the team is fighting with themselves over the loss or shit talking another team, it's usually silent after the match. Most people just leave as soon as the result shows up.

Just going to leave this here you faggots

BYE !!

I watched the the entire shitty video with his faggot voice speaking and I can honestly say youre fucking retarded

I am high master rank since season 1 and I play all classes, the advice he gives is stupid
>shoot the gun instead of healing those shooting
fucking uninstall the game, ruining every match with these retarded mercy, zen and ana players that are shooting instead of healing

hm... makes you think... i know youre going for the edge bait but theres some truth in your joke

No, you're actually right. Mercy is the most picked healer in the game, folllowed by Lucio.

From Silver to low Diamond, there are a lot of Mercy-only mains who are only playing Mercy because of how little SR she loses on Defeat and how much she gains on Victory.

When you get up to mid diamond to Masters, though, you usually get a Mercy still, but they tend to be far more competent with other healers and other classes in general.
My wife is up to 3800, and she mostly plays Zarya and Zenyatta. She only plays Mercy if their second healer isn't carrying their weight and she needs to compensate.

If your a Mercy shitter your team likely isn't winning.

>when you get two mercy mains on the same team and one of them is forced to play someone else and get absolutely shit on

Send them to me.

>I am high master rank since season 1 and I play all classes, the advice he gives is stupid
Post a screenshot of your career page then, bucko.

How about you play LawBreakers instead?

user if you want to add me all you have to do is ask. I got my main and smurf to low Master then deranked my smurf to low diamond. I'll admit my main plays with GMs and T500s sometimes and they make me look like I have a mental disability. The skill gap between low Master and T500 is painfully massive.

My contribution as mercy has saved many games that would have been otherwise losses.

you know shikimaru, without women we wouldn't be around ya know?

make characters that look like Mercy that play in other roles. Guys have so much of a choice with selection of characters, girls do not because the only really 'girly' characters are healers and the selection is limited usually to 1.

You know what the only thing worse than that is?
A team of all tank mains.

why would I even bother doing that dipshit, you're fucking retarded

If girls actually did the healslut challenges it would be fun.
But it's always just the faggots who so them