>Digged the first 3 SF games
>No to Adventures
>Found Assault to be a waste of potential
>lol command
I'm interested by how Zero has more from SF2, but I've seen bad things about the controls. Is it worth a playthrough?
>Digged the first 3 SF games
>No to Adventures
>Found Assault to be a waste of potential
>lol command
I'm interested by how Zero has more from SF2, but I've seen bad things about the controls. Is it worth a playthrough?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's pretty bad. The controls are actually the least annoying bit about the game once you get them down, though an option to just play it regularly would have been nice. There's fuck-all to unlock, no traditional multiplayer, there's relatively few levels and those get recycled, it's not horrid but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, either.
Star Fox Guard is legitimately more fun, plus it actually feels like a complete game with a shitload of levels, creator options and boss fights. That one I WOULD recommend.
Well if you want to go through the original Star Fox storyline again for the 3rd time, this is it.
The controls are mostly wonky during all-range-mode fights until you get used to them, which makes them feel pretty good.
However by the time you get good, you've almost 100% the game and no leaderboards or online features of any kind turns this game into a quick spin with little in the way of replaying it.
There are alternate paths that you can unlock with the other Arwing modes if you care about that however, and the levels that are made to impress do impress.
I'd say give it a shot if you can find it on the cheap (I'm sure you can).
Not really unless you get a kick out of peppy saying barrel roll whenever he does one.
Is this video correct?
Is the whole problem with Star Fox that they keep trying to do something innovative to the detriment of the gameplay?
It's a good game that's trashed by people who are bad at video games.
In this game you control several different MECHANICAL WEAPONIZED VEHICLES that don't control like a third person shooter character but control like MACHINES.
They also have DIFFERENT methods of control depending on which vehicle you're using.
The game is FUN, it's short, and it looks pretty for an ARCADE GAME.
Also if you start raging because you can't git gud with the controls then there are VEHICLE TUTORIAL CHALLENGES which let you pilot the different machines in a less stressful Virtual Reality environment.
I'm not surprised that a namefag is a shitposter
How hard it is to make an on-rails shooter Star Fox game that's like the 64 one? Yeah, a few "All-Range" mode levels would be cool to. It can't be that hard.
The game is legitimately a good revival but it's plagued by too many bothers
The controls work, but they take a really long fucking time to get used to
The remixes style of the old 64 stages are great but the issue is that's literally it
Progression is interesting but still lacking in branching paths that matter
I feel this could benefit if Platinum went round 2 and made an original star Fox story with better control options
I am a fan of unorthidox and creative control schemes, I love Wonderful 101, Kid Icarus Uprising, God Hand, etc.
This game is utter shit, it has terrible level design, unfun gameplay mechanics, unpolished combat, really repetitive gameplay, and really bad bad design. It's not a good game.
Honestly I think the major thing that sunk Zero's chances wasn't shoehorning in gimmicks so much as the Wii U dying phenomenally fast. It feels like a very basic core of a game that had its budget and/or development time slashed.
eh, the game's failings are more on a base game design point. The controls are fine but have a grotesque learning curve of about 3 hours when the game itself doesn't last that long. The slow-paced stages also don't really compliment the shooting and flying at all. The camera will also sometimes lock you in a far vantage point and force you to use only the gamepad to navigate.
By far the biggest problem that the game has is lack of content, though. You have two skins to unlock, which you only get after you've completed the game 100% and have no desire to play through it any further. The medals you find are only occasionally triggered by sensible achievements, and the alternate tracks hardly give you new stages or change anything, really.
Dog fights are pretty fun and co-op is a blast if you get someone mildly competent to play with you. It's worth a quick playthrough, I found it far more bearable than Assault
Disagree. I love W101 but even in know the shoot em up levels or any level controlling the Sup Forumsirgin Victory are half assed.
It was clearly rushed out. That's why they had to pack in a side game with the package.
Also I absolutely recommend people replay Star Fox Zero with a co-pilot. Co-op was meant for this series.
The levels outside of maybe three are completely underwhelming and you will be forced into stupid gyro shit on your first run through. You can largely avoid it in the arwing.
I was so fucking mad at this game. Another one ruined with stupid fucking gimmicks. Thanks Miyamoto
At this point Pikmin is the only series that Miyamoto's autism hasn't ruined
He ruined Metroid during the Gamecube years, though.
I think that wasn't his choice. It just so happened that the tablet and Wii controllers made controlling the fundamentals a lot better. I'm certain if he could think of a way he would ruin Pikmin.
In Star Fox it was taking something already perfect and fucking with it.
Oh gee oh no... I have to move my fat/weak arms around slightly to aim.
Oh god, Im so fat/weak that I cant hold the controller up to the TV. Instead I have to look away from their TV and break my neck by looking down at my lap where the screen is.
If only that terrible man Miyamoto had placed an instant screen switch button by using the " - " so I could keep looking at the TV and not have to move. Oh noooooo
It's alright. I wouldn't pay full price for it though, it's really light on content.
Only 2
How did he ruin it when people say Prime 2 is the best?
Tell me how the gyro actually adds to the game instead of detracting from it.
Reminder that you have to justify all the vehicles that are not the tank or the arwing.
>Star Fox
Nigga there are plenty of other shooters that blew that shit out of the water. Nintendo themselves outdid it with Kid Icarus Uprising, and back in the day you had Sin & Punishment and Rogue Squadron.
>nintendo drone
>zero apologist
so much cancer in one person
It let's you aim faster and look around faster than sticks?
It makes cockpit aiming and shooting much more accurate for manually tracking enemy weak points?
Kid Icarus Uprising is held back by the stylus.
I can agree with Sin and Punishment but Rogue Squadron is a different type of shooter entirely. If we were going to say Rogue Squadron then we would also consider Ace Combat.
It does not do either of those things. The screen space in the Starfox games does not benefit from a gyro controlled aim and the speed difference is negligible.
You also did not justify the shitty vehicles designed around the gamepad. I will wait.
>people will keep blaming miyamoto until the end of time even though it was blatantly iwata's directive that the game use all the wiiU features
All they had to do was make a Best of Star Fox.
>Put in Star Fox One's difficulty, differing final bosses, soundtrack, darker atmosphere (crewmates actually die when losing all HP instead of always getting repaired) of Star Fox SNES.
>Put in Star Fox 2's all-range bits and being able to complete the game as the other SF members. (and maybe let you use Bill and Katt in some missions as a nod to Fay and Miyu).
>Put in 64's branching paths and all-range battles
>Put in Assault's multiplayer with online play.
There you go. Instead they couldn't do it without ruining the thing with their gimmicks. It's like they wanted it to fail.
>complains about something unrelated to the original topic, while wasting his time and moots' bandwidth, ultimately adding nothing to the discussion of video games
Look in a mirror before you post on my board.
If you're saying gyro controls don't improve and make aiming more accurate then you're nuts.
Also what vehicles designed around the gamepad? Do you mean that mini ROB that controls like a tank because it's on TREADS?
The controls are fine. I'm surprised someone in here said it took them 3 hours to get comfortable with the controls. Probably the same people who argue that you shouldn't use tank controls in Resident Evil Remake HD.
All the game really needed was more all range mode levels for the dog fights (because that's in the spirit of star fox) and to increase the game speed more.
Next you'll be saying Assault wasn't a dissappointment.
Yo. Cody. Why haven't you killed yourself?
I really liked Zero, but it only works in first person. Like, have the TV on but look at the tablet for most of the game and it makes a lot more sense. I think there's a natural desire to look at the 3rd person view and they could have explained it better, but the motion controls and all that shit are fine.
Gyro the way the Wii U does it is cumbersome to use and an absolute waste of time. A Wii controller I can actually see the benefit.
I said nothing about tank controls.
don't play it, it's not worth it.
What did they change his voice for?
Kid Icarus Uprising's shooter segments are completely braindead spectacles.
Just an animufag.
Gotta agree with all of this. I can't say shit about Guard though since I was too pissed to even give it a chance.
Guard is worth trying. Yes even with Slippy as a main character and it being a pack-in game. It's like Star Fox Guard was fully developed and avoided the rush job the main game obviously suffered.
SF64 is one of my top 3 games of all time.
SFZero, to me, was like an expansion pack to 64. I did enjoy it, although I understand why others wouldn't. The arwing FEELS closest to 64 than any other game and that's what I've been waiting for since that game.
Also, co-op is actually good. Possibly the best way to play this game even. I never see anyone talk about it.
>Kid Icarus Uprising is held back by the stylus.
And SF0 wasn't held back by its shitty motion controls?
At least KI:U lasted long enough for you to not only get used to the controls, but also to have fun experimenting with it. If they did something similar with SF0, a lot less people would have complaints about the forced motion controls.
Yes. It's fantastic. Ignore the Pretendos.
No. It's definetily not worth the full price. Buy it used, or just play the 3DS remake if you seriously want motion controls
Game is fine. Definitely worth the purchase. Controls are actually really good. The shitty part of the game is no actual branching paths that make each play through feel significant. Instead we get lazy dumb ass portals rather than creative requirements or hidden areas. The other shitty thing is the all range mode. Controls feel like shit because of the way the camera works and requiring 1st person bullshit for the sake of immersion. Those gripes aside the game is pretty awesome.
I would say yeah, it's worth full price. People here don't seem to understand Star Fox very well. I love how people claim it's '''''only'''' fifteen hours long when the game is designed to be endlessly replayed and enjoyed. I personally have over two hundred hours on it, and still counting. And a big reason for that is the motion controls, which give the game a new feeling of depth and precision that no other shooter can match.
Every single game ever made is meant to be endlessly replayed you fucking retard. It's not like the disc fucking explodes when you finish.
>All range mode is bad
What? All range mode is when the controls really shine. Flying around bosses uncovering new weak spots is an amazing feeling.
star fox adventures is the shit
Speed is too slow in rail sections, too many all range mode bosses, meh level design, lack of content. Multiplayer could've been great, but there was none. Levels with mechs other than the arwing are even more slow and boring.
It may just be me then. I preferred when the camera followed behind the arwing instead of being forced to use one screen to aim and the other to view the area. The controls feel tight throughout the whole game but the camera really feels poorly thought out. I will say that it works extremely well for the andross battle.
>3D Zelda Clone with magic n shieet for a series set in a Sci-Fi world
>introduced shieet character only waifuniggers support
This isn't GameFAQs.
>the game is designed to be endlessly replayed and enjoyed.
So where the original Star Fox and 64 and these games had more content.
>thinking 1 hour long arcade shooters are relevant
>t. GameFAQs
Needed more cinematic experiences and open world shieet huh?
That's another reason I like Zero. Slippy is actually likable this game.
Get it used. Its totally not worth 60 burgerbucks.
Not that user but at least those games sell unlike Starfox Zero copies sold
Yes, play it. So you'll realize it's not as bad as they say.
>those games sell
Found the IGNigger.
t. Miyamoto/star fox apologist
The controls are weird, but not broken. But that's not the worst problem.
>ANOTHER rehash of SF1's plot
>graphics are shit, even for Wii U standards, despite the delay
>no online
>amiibo exclusives are pointless after collecting all medals
>same cringy VAs from Smash 4
>bosses ranges from annoying to frustrating
>Miyamoto reffered to the game as cinematic
>he also lied a few months before E3 saying motion controls were going to be optional
>Worst selling game in the series, meaning Nintendo will use this as an excuse to never make another game
But on the bright side, both the krystal killed starfox and metal legs memes both got BTFO thanks to Zero