Who else here learned to love pixels from growing up with them?

Who else here learned to love pixels from growing up with them?

I'm sad they're seen as something inherently negative in the industry's current climate, budgets have gotten so big that funding a full game that looks like pic related wouldn't be impossible, yet it will never happen. Plus there's the issue of indie developers bastardizing the art style by using it in the laziest ways imaginable, instead of actually putting in effort. Pixel art games thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


>rotating pixels
>different sized pixels
>transparent pixels
>millions of colors
>"chiptune" music

It's better dead.

>NES music on games that look SNES grade or higher
People who do this should have meathooks embedded in their wrists.

Compare that to the lazy indie shit we get today.

It's because indie games don't always have artists. They think pixel graphics = graphics that don't require you to draw well to be good.

>I want "8-bit music"
>Say no more


>Who else here learned to love pixels from growing up with them?
Probably everyone considering this is a videogame board and anyone over 20 grew up with pixels. Are you underage?

That's surprisingly Outrun/Space Harrier ish

not him but thats pretty good

Get your ears cleaned

Not everyone loves pixels user, they're seen as a technically inferior graphics form.

Not what I meant. Renditions and covers are fine, I meant when an indie game looks like OP which looks like an early gen PS1 game but they use shit like Commodore 64-grade music and go like "Member ol' school games like this?" when games on NES or C64 weren't capable of those types of visuals at all

In advanced video game where the characters do many different things good pixel art is actually more expensive than good 3D models.

Let's say I want to have a character with 200 different animations. Each animation is on average 10 frames. That's 2,000 frames just for the character. If it's highly detailed sprite work like in your picture or in a fighting game it's a double digit cost PER frame. I've heard of top artists getting triple digit salaries per frame!

Now 3D. Make one 3D model. Each animation gets 3 key frames, which do not cost a lot to pay a guy for even at 600 key frames. The engine interpoloates the difference between the frames. You're done.

BTW we only made 1 character here. You planning on having enemies? Enviromental graphics? Any other NPCS? It just adds up!

In case you don't know, the artist that made this pic is also the head artist/designer at DPad Studios, the creators of Owlboy and developers of Savant: Ascend.
Owlboy finally came out last year after nearly a decade of development. Terrific pixel art, of course.

It takes a lot of work to make a quality game to this standard. Make sure you support them.

If you weren't born in an era when they were prominent or at least common, then year there's a chance of that but the real problem with pixel art is that it's easier to have a team of animators that know very little of how to draw on a 3D model than it is to have a team of spriters but on 2 of them know color theory, how to proportion/scale and animation timing while the rest are just winging it from the seat of their pants.

Nobody thinks that unless it's badly made lazy shit.

holy shit this
i cant stand fake widescreen nes games

At least Konjak is still plodding along with Iconoclasts

Why are filters a thing then?

Considering anyone that uses filters is objectively mentally challenged, I don't really see what point you're trying to make.

by double digit I mean the high numbers $90 etc. Triple digit would be something like $600.

Oh and if 200 animations sounds like a lot. It isn't. A jump usually is 3 seperate animations. A start, a cycle, and a loop. Want him to look different doing a running jump? 3 more.

Add running, walking, and an idle. We're at 9 animations and all we have is a guy that can run, jump, and walk. 9 animations not 9 frames

Oh what frame rate were you planning? You want that nice smooth 60 FPs look? The number of frames you are paying for just doubled compared to going for 30 FPs. The guy working with polys didn't pay a red cent for his extra FPS. In fact he REDUCED poly count to meet the benchmarks so he's paying even less LOL

Yup. I've also been keeping my eye on Jack the Reaper.for a while.

That's the price of having a timeless classic looking videogame.

looks fucking awesome. Is it out?

>posts the most non-offending example
I don't know what you're trying to prove, but if this is a false flag just stop.

it's better than indie adventure games with millions of colors and resolution less than on atari 2600

Think it's cheaper to make modern art than (good) pixel art in gaming.
Pixels have limitations that don't work in a 3d or semi-3d environment.

I hope I'm not being condescending and I hope it doesn't look like I'm demonizing anyone but I don't understand the entitlement and I never will. Not everyone can do what people like Capcom, Irem, and SNK did back then, not everyone has those artistic sensibilities, that team leadership, and that work ethic anymore either. Those people put everything aside and made literally the best shit just because they could and their egos never got in the way.

Today's indies are really talented programmers but the fact of the matter is sometimes they have to cut their losses so they can make what they love and it may not always look great. People have to put bread on the table. This whole "If it doesn't look like so and so it can fuck right off" is bratty. You can be a jack of all trades, but you can't master all of them. Also artist types, affording them is a nightmare and not all of them can code. Just think about it for like 5 seconds guys without using your frogs and automatic kneejerk buzzword weapon systems.

The point being made is that indie shit doesn't get it's shit straight. Both examples are bad.


It's your loss that you can't enjoy anything anymore for shit.
Nobody has been promising authenticity for you.

All those "I" statements make you sound like an egoist and you probably are. Don't wear your fucking heart on your sleeve when people are being criticized, it's not like they're literally being burned at stake.

It's a price no one is going to fucking afford.

Let me put it another way. Have you noticed that sprites dominated in a time when the pixel count was low? Since it was lower it didn't cost an insane amount of money for one frame, hell there were even less frames because 24 FPS was the standard.

And have you also noticed there are very few actual animations? Let's take the final fight dude: idle, walk, take damage, pick up item, 3 punches, jump, 2 jump kicks, throw, knee, suicide. That's 11 animations.

Bayonnetta has more animations with just one of her weapons. Hell I think she has more animations even without attacking. And I'm not even counting cutscenes!

You could NEVER make Bayonnetta with sprites unless you'd bankrupt your company before it even finished alpha stage.

>all of Stardew Valley's pixel compromises

It could've been literally perfect.

Going higher than 640 x 480 spelled the end.

>pixel art will die within your lifetime

>It's your loss that you can't enjoy anything anymore for shit.

That's a huge leap of logic there. I'd worry more about your kneejerk sense of insecurity, buddy boy. Snapping at people for criticising flaws you enable as endearing. I detect someone's vanity is being threatened.

OP there's no point. Modern Sup Forums is too young to really care about this shit. 2D is gone and will be gone forever, everyone here has nostalgia mainly for the xbox 360 and ps3.

That game in the op image looks nice but it would get torn apart if it came out today.

Please, don't try to put the blame on me - you are the only one who acts like a grumpy jerk who can't seemingly be pleased with a good looking game.

I honestly, 100% don't give a damn about what you think about my thought process, since you can't focus yourself on judging the argument itself, instead of judging the person who stated it.

They could do it if they tried but sometimes it just looks weird.

Not caring for specific aspects for indie games =/= being unable to enjoy things or hating all indie games.

So yeah, I'd say you're the one making a mountain out of a molehill.

And guess what. The polygon guys do not need to spend a DIME to get higher resolution!

So let's say you had your imaginary spirte company that sticks to 640 x 480 (you'll never look like OP's picture. Your resolution isn't high enough The best you could manage would be something like pic related. So you've got that. Your competitors are running their polygon based games at 1920x1080. Who would buy final fight 4 with SNES era graphics when you can get Bayonneta 3 with today's graphics?

And remember they can have as many animations as they want because rigging and key framing is so easy the intern can be taught it in a week. You have to cough up dough for every single new attack, new movement ability, new costume piece, special cutscene!

Enjoy making your beat em up with 6-10 different attacks. When the 3D guys have 6-10 different weapons with 10-20 different attacks each!

whatever - get lost

>quantity > quality
The mentality that ruined games desu.

yall niggas better buy Cuphead!!!

that game is the fucking promised land of 2D gaming. imagine rescue ranger s game that looks like the actual show.

>Don't wear your fucking heart on your sleeve when people are being criticized
What are you talking about? No, I mean you guys really complain too much. Just because I point it out doesn't mean I'm offended. Comic book guy from Simpsons didn't just spring up out of nowhere, it comes from people who mindlessly consume, shovel things down, and act like they're purveyors of good tastes when they really complain about someone who works for a living doing what they love.

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, I'm saying there are times when it's probably best to shut up. Complaining about indie devs and what they put out is like admitting you're too afraid be courageous and put yourself out there. Why be a wageslave when you can have a chance to make money yourself? How come I can't defend the craft without being called a kike jew shill?

Cuphead is nice, though the fact it took 7-9 years give or take to make shows exactly how time consuming 2D has become to make. Though it helps that this is rubberhose animation as a videogame, so all those corrective cycles alone could have outweighed the planning.

It is ambitious though.

I literally haven't bought a single video game in my life, but I'm planning on buying Cuphead.

Dude. Do you not understand my fucking point. The 3D game Bayo has EVERY ATTACK in Final Fight and she gets to have them with higher quality because creating animation with polys is peanuts. Some animations can be done in a under a minute through the magic of key-frame interpolation it will come out looking ridiculously smooth. New animation tools that practically automate the process get made all the time.

With sprites each animation costs an arm and leg and you get what you pay for

So the 3D game's animation gets more quality and more quantity and it costs LESS MONEY.

The only reason to make sprites anymore is if it's a game with basically no animation at all, if the sprite work is so simple that it costs nothing.

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, I'm saying there are times when it's probably best to shut up. Complaining about indie devs and what they put out is like admitting you're too afraid be courageous and put yourself out there. Why be a wageslave when you can have a chance to make money yourself? How come I can't defend the craft without being called a kike jew shill?

Criticizing how someone is doing the job doesn't mean you have no respect for the craft itself or the product. Work ethic varies.

>indie color pallette all over the place
Fucking NO. I'm sick of games that look like that.

>Work ethic varies.
and I even said that in my original post. I just can't get behind shitting on other's people work because a lot of the time people make really cherrypicked comparisons and well people love those things

If you throw an indiepixel game next to say Darkstalkers, yeah it's gonna look really really unflattering and it's unfair because those games were made when 2D was an industry standard and the guys who made them were Japanese. They had it on lockdown. Meanwhile that indie game getting torn to literal cinders, usually one or 2 guys. Indies are the literal Sup Forums boogeymen, we should have no shame in admitting it.

I wonder if Seiken 3 was an influence for visuals here.

I still love Metal Slug and how much love is put into its animations, but it's a lot of work. AAA games have the budgets for it, but normalfags turn up their noses at 2D graphics, so devs don't do it. So we're left with indies, who generally have neither the ability nor the time/money to make it look good.

>Times when it's probably best to shut up
Yeah really describes this board. Everyone screaming about what they don't like but the second someone tries to have a casual conversation then out come the frogs and "if you don't like it then deal with it and be quiet" rhetoric.

game itself doesnt look great and I dont like 30s cartoon aesthetics.

We are currently in a generation whose first games were on Xbox 360


Why do people always refer to the NES castlevania games as looking great? for late era NES they look like shit