Blizzard to launch 'global diversity and inclusion initiative'

aims to boost women and minority group employment figures

>"Only 21 percent of Blizzard's workforce are women; 14 percent are "under-represented minority groups.""

>"In a bid to better represent women and underrepresented minority groups under its employ, Blizzard plans to launch a so-called "global diversity and inclusion initiative" that will establish internal councils and help "enhance inclusiveness"."

Will this make Blizzard games better, Sup Forums? Will we see the Blizzard of old again?

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This must be why they did a massive lay off a few years ago.

Kill all white men and erase their history

>> old Blizzard games

You mean back when even less women/minorities worked there?

How would this male their games any better ?

Yeah because putting a lot of different people with different priorities under one roof with no real end goal other than "inclusiveness" is a recipe for success.

How about instead of hiring people because they tick all the right boxes, we hire people that do good work?

women are generally more creative than men.

>post-wrath blizzard

that sexist and racist
no one should ever be judged by his skills but only by his looks

((this is what these people actually believe))

I want to impregnate a Blood Elf

Even if she did pay money to have someone draw a transmog that doesn't even match

They don't care anymore. WoW and Overwatch print money for them so all they need is a good public image.


>no one should ever be judged by his skills but only by his looks
But I learned in first grade that you shouldn't judge books by their covers.

>Will this make Blizzard games better, Sup Forums?
Nope get ready for underqualified interns that only got in because of their genitals and skin color over their merits handling your games from now on.

I'am mexican I'am allowed to bitch thats obviously going to effect the overall already declining quality of blizzards products.

who cares at this point. california is a cesspit full of SJWs, it's no wonder every company in the state's trying to bend to their whims nowadays

however, as long as the people they hire are competent and aren't hired based only on the fucking color of their skin, then why should i even give a fuck

>as long as the people they hire are competent
There's a good joke.

Instead seeing problem like this: only 21% are women.
It's truely this: the men are just more skilled at making video games because of different reasons. Instead trying to ease their way in, train the fucking women to become more skilled.

Video games are made with skill, not with diversity.

Training people costs money and we can't afford to waste a single cent on things like that.

I'm against diversity hiring, but let's not pretend that anyone Blizzard has hired in the last 10 years was competent either.

oh good more shit for Sup Forums to cry about

you shouldn't, unless it's about judging a white male

Why is a slutty elf in T6 with a mace and shield from T12 standing in Dragonblight down the hill from Wintergarde Keep?

That whole image is a mess

>as long as the people they hire are competent and aren't hired based only on the fucking color of their skin
But they will be, that's entirely the point. To hire some pajeet with mediocre skills over a white guy with slightly higher than mediocre skills. I doubt many of these hires will actually be involved in game development. They'll probably just fill up art departments and marketing teams.

here come the pedogaf pol whiners

No one mentioned Sup Forums
Go back to your safe space newfag

Blizzard already went downhill, now they're going full sjw as well?
It's over.
Sell your stock.

there it is

gonna spam CP next pedogaf?

It was probably some moron commissioning their character.

So far quotas have always made things worse.
The only time where it is acceptable is putting quotas in management, because this is where you sent undesirables, because this is where they can do the least damage in your company structure.

saving and reporting seems easier
lurk moar

Aww, I kinda wanted to work for blizzard. No chance now that I'm at an automatic disadvantage.


announcing sage is a reportable offence

lurk moar nigger

>least damage

Depends on whether these people are in charge of logistics at all or not.

>our games are turning to shit and nothing we can do will save them
>quick, hire a bunch of women and minorities so we can call all bad reviews misogynistic and racist

>mfw all three of Blizzards attempts to capture the E-sports audience is gonna crash

HOTS, Overwatch and SC2 are never gonna be big

>blizzard is shit
Nothing new, people.

In unrelated news blizzard stock prices shoot downwards.

Im out

>instead of making hot lesbians protagonists they hire more females

blizzard could launch a game that is worth playing

>Hiring based on diversity and not based on skill
When will this shit end?

>mfw they are just gonna cash in on hearthstone packs indefinitely

Hey. Let's be honest.
Blizzard can't do anything anymore anyways.
Maybe, just maybe, some literal whos can look at a game and think "this looks broken" and fix it.
Not holding my breath though.

Why is Warcraft fantasy setting so fucking shit and cringy?

>more diversity in gaming
>always ends up with the normal people doing all the work and the token hires doing shit all or throwing out "ideas" like confetti
>game studio shits the bed until the higher ups realize their fuckup and quietly fires all the tokens and stabilizes the company
>or studio collapses and people blame racism because their shit products never sold

Let's see where this goes.

how does it feel to get discriminated against, huh WHITE BOYS? bet you learned your lesson now you racist sexist fucks.

making bad games causes company lose even more money in the long run.

Boy, someone is new as fuck
Go read the encyclopedia dramatica about Sup Forums in the naughts and come back when you can formulate a coherent sentence.

Or just don't come back.

Guess we can all safely write of Diablo 4 being any good as of now.

Granted it wasn't going to be very good in the first place by virtue of being made by nu-Blizzard, but this just dashed any remote chance of quality.

Anyone with common sense will add future Blizzard games to their mental ignore list.

Long term thinking? Who cares about that shit, just go and hire that pink haired dyke with the tumblr scribbles for a portfolio and don't ask questions.

>women are not interested in this line of work
>so we are starting a program to force them to get on this line of work
>but not other jobs like cleaning sewers, no ma'am.

>Blizzard to commit suicide

for real or is that a joke?

Long term profits create short term losses for moronic stock holders.
Of course more forced diversity just creates losses in general.

Well Blizz sure as hell isn't going to collapse. Even in it's decimated state WoW will keep chugging along.

>hiring a majority of men is bad even if theyr are the best choice from all people wanting to get a job
>let's hire less good people only because they are female or black

i hate this meme, every big companies is doing this and it's retarded, women can be great for these job ofc but there is a reason they are naturally only 21% of Blizzard and forcing diversity instead of good workers is pathetic

It's a joke that's going to happen for real when their next game is shit.

Our management is a joke. Half the people there are related with the boss.
The important decisions are made by people paid way less than they deserve.
Management simply decides in what fruitless endeavour they should invest surplus money. It goes usually to the stocks, where they hired a guy, who manages that for them, so even this is taken care of.

>sjw telling anyone what to do

don't you have orange grumpf to resist comrade?

>shouldn't judge books by their covers
This is why we need feminism. Except of course women, you should never judge women based on looks, only men and only white men.

Blizzard does diversity
>mexican cartel hacker woman no one plays
>arab bomber
>egyptian medicine woman
>indian IT department
>korean is an autistic gamefag
>japs are both le honorabu samurai
>russian is burly unattractive tankbody drunk
>french woman is spy/assassin
>auzzie's a cunt
>chinaman is fat piece of shit causing global cooling
>american is either a cowboy or a soldier

Blizzard's diversity is adhering to cultural stereotypes and it's not a bad thing

got me all excited for a moment


No but I'd imagine that when their token hires do fuck all for the company they'll be shuffled off into irrelevant areas or "retired" with pensions or whatever.
They'll kick up a big song and dance about their diversity hires when they do them but after that you won't hear a damn word about it unless you go digging.

Eh, not terribly.
Honestly it's white women I feel bad for.

mfw warcraft 4 will be a free to play gacha style game

>Half the people there are related with the boss.

This is what really shits me about business in general. It works for momand pop cafes and the like because they don't answer to anyone, but for bigger businesses and franchisees its always the reddest of red flags to know that you're dealing with the worst kind of human being.

Stock holders are generally retarded so it's a joke for now. Once their next game is a pile of shit it'll become true.
Stock holders being morons in general is one of the many reasons the economy is so unstable but that's another topic completely.

I feel like you could have done something more clever with Doomfist and Winston.

>>chinaman is fat piece of shit causing global cooling
who was this again

>only one Sylvanas will have the original armor
>will be insanely low drop rate

It's standard human behavior to trust friends and family over strangers, often for good reason.
You're right though that this doesn't work out for large scale businesses.

This has been discussed to death with the Google memo. One of the greatest biological differences between men and women is men being thing-oriented and women being people-oriented (Empathizing–systemizing), the difference being close to as great as the difference in height between the sexes (d=1.18). Given that software development is inherently very much systems/thing oriented endeavour, women making up 20% of software development jobs is pretty much the representation that could have been predicted based on the forementioned difference: that's the proportion of women being as interested in things and systems as a typical man, and in a modern society with perfectly equal opportunities and livelihood guaranteed regardless of what career path you choose, you'd expect people to pick jobs that interest them the most (that's why women have 41% representation figures in Zimbawe or 55% in Guyana in tech jobs while it's 20~25% in the most equal countries, they have no choice if they want to make a living:

Some of the suggestions presented in the memo to make tech more appealing to women (like pair programming) are sound if they are used when such an approach makes sense in general, but it's a fool's errand to try and force more women into tech jobs. Women (as a population) simply aren't interested in that sort of thing, and focus on tech jobs is just absurd (why is no one complaining about women being underrepresented in prisons or men being underrepresented as veterinarians?).

it's also standard human behavior to trust members of your own race over others, especially if you're white and dealing with lower races

>mfw Sup Forums still replies unironically to this thread even after having been posted at least a dozen times at this point

>post TFT blizzard

I work at Blizzard. Management is fucking terrible. Do something else with your life.

But this is what destroys societies.
Not liberalism and democracies. But the fact, that wealth structures are so hardened that merit doesn't count for shit anymore. Only nepotism.
Doesn't help that the state goes easy on rich guys considering taxes. Our boss is already prepping his son to be his successor, a spoiled little brat. Of course he has "councillors" who will do everything for him. All he has to do for the rest of his life is keeping up appearances.

>people still ask for Warcraft 4 by this company.

And despite how much you hate it you'll


Half you retards are still playing Overwatch.


pick one

I don't play any Blizzard trash

But I bet everyone will suck their cock if they release a Melee DPS Necromancer class in their newest expansion

Once you play Vanilla WoW, you will always be Blizzard's fucking bitch lmao

Kek wills it

I haven't played any Blizz games since i dropped WoW mid Warlords.

Instead of fighting our natural loyalty to bloodlines we should instead structure our society to operate properly under those circumstances.
Merit has only ever meant anything in exceptional circumstances. We should stop pretending that it works for the general populace.

haven't touched it since 1 month after launch

I don't believe either of you.

>hire a bunch of hispanics, women, and blacks
>they have no fucking concept of what high-end coding and animation is
>just put them in customer support roles at a measly 10/hr
>stroke themselves off because stocks soared over diversity quota, while not even denting any position or field remotely worth mention
>Make 76/reaper canon just for good measure
Blizzard does it again

Impressive very nice

I reinstalled Warcraft 3 a few weeks back from a sexy, dusty old CD case.
Shit's cash.
Otherwise, I fuck around a bit with some bros on HotS, but haven't touched anything Blizzard has shat out since Starcraft 2's first part, and I never got into WoW.

It is obviously that feminists are against women. Everybody started hating women since feminists came along. Same with SJW's. I didn't gave a single fuck about minorities, but now i hate them. SJW's are racist!

Those two sure love gorilla cock!

Funny story, i actually just saw an article stating "female bosses are not out to help feminists".

They are so afraid of reaching the end of this convoluted, imaginary war of theirs, that they're willing to turn on the very ideal they set out for, in order to still be against something

This is why I stopped fucking with blizzard the second they released Wotlk. They turned into a formal shell of themselves, there's no more shoul or passion in what they create, and now they're politically correct fucksticks. I bet if they created TF2, 3 of the charecters would be female, the other 3 would be minorities, 2 would be white, and the other would be a gay guy. Because diversity is the most important factor.

Sylvanas sitting on my face and suffocating me is in my top 5 ways to die

>it's racist and bad to negate a job to someone because of his etnicity/gender/whatever

>but there's no problem on negating a job to a white person because you need to fill the diversity quota, even if he was more skilled for the job

Dont forget the, already a classic, drama about that company of all women.

It's been like this ever since Obama got elected

hey Sup Forums im a game developer and i have a question
would you like a game where you can be a shemale and your love intrest is a tsundere loli

I just don't see why you'd tank your company just to score diversity points. It makes ZERO buisness sense. Welp RIP blizzard.