Hey user, what's your gamertag!?

>Hey user, what's your gamertag!?

>gaming laptop


Starburst is shit.

feet thread?


>gaming labtop
>tables a mess
>white wine not red
>nu-female glasses
>pagan tattoo
>playing vidya naked


Please add me

poopfeast420 my darling


What's wrong with white wine?



Bitch has fucked up toes.

Rip Roarin Booger Penis

My what?
Oh, my username.

It's only good with fish. Red wine is the real deal

It's a preference.

I'll drink both, but red wine is easier for me to drink and seems to have a more robust flavor. It can be astringent rather than simply sweet or acidic.

>"nu female glasses"
>preferring pleb red to patrician white

I'll never understand white wine lovers. Just seems so weird to me. Like what's the appeal?? Seems kinda creepy honestly

Anyway post more foot pics

not a game

>patrician white




I'm happy people are ditching the stupid fucking furry consoletan for the switch