I just finished playing this. What did I think of it Sup Forums?
I just finished playing this. What did I think of it Sup Forums?
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It was ok, not very scary except for a few moments.
Not quite as good as Dead Space 1 or RE4
It actually grew on me the more I played it. I admit. I wasn't really liking the first moments but the later chapters were pretty nice. And visually it's a great game.
Fun, dont get why it was billed as a survival horror when it's an action game though
Also melee upgrading is a trap and only exists to fuck the player over
I actually thought the lead up to some "scares" were pretty intense. I like seeing the spider lady in the cage before she broke out though. Though, to be honest, I think it would have been a more effective "scary" game if there was some actual geography. Levels tend to just bee straight lines with no real sense of progression. It would have been far more effective if there was an actual layout to the place.
I was enjoying it but just stopped playing on chapter 10 or 11 for no reason.
It's gotten a lot of unwarranted hate. It is not really that original and it obviously has problems, but it does survival horror very well.
Well, some levels are scary. Every boss is first hyped up and you are kinda afraid of it as they show them to you through the level. The balance of resources is just perfect (I was never too powerful or underpowered). Balance between hiding, action and set pieces was great too.
Overall it felt like a proper RE4 sequel. It improved on some ideas, added some mechanics, took (maybe a bit too much) modern mechanics and it was full of crazy moments that I didn't see coming. Like in RE4, it felt like an adventure - you ran away from a giant boss through a hall then fought it in a garage with fully destructible environment, went through creepy sewers, fought off invisible enemies that were only seen when pushing objects, did some fun cooperation with your partner, avoided underwater mutated shark aligator thingie, etc. It has a lot of memorable crazy moments.
And of course, at the end you blow up the final enemy with a rocket launcher placed conveniently. If that is not RE I don't know what is.
I loved every second of it, more so the second time I played it, and I can't wait for the sequel.
>what did I think of it Sup Forums?
At least you're honest
I was pleasantly surprised to find out I unlocked weapons and newgame+ mode after completing it. I thought I was going to be stuck with the pistol, shotgun, and sniper rifle as my only real weapons.
I do feel like when I hold down to aim that it does zoom in a little too much though. I hope in the sequel to dial it back a bit. Also, I hope they add more of a story structure because I couldn't really tell how I was progressing at all.
Yeah. Also neat little shit is in there like you can actually kill some of the monsters that chase you for extra gel (similar to Nemesis). They will still come back later, but you get a benefit out of it.
For sequel they already confirmed that structure makes more sense now (is less disjointed). They will also add bigger areas with some "side objectives", which might be either good or bad depending on implementation. I guess they are also advancing crafting as you will be able to make ammo and healthpacks now. This might also be either good or bad - I want tactical decisions, not collectathons. But I will trust them for now.
I think FOV was because of the shitty aspect ratio they were going for. They removed that for the sequel. If you play it on PC, you can remove the black bars - I also recommend you install Widescreen fix program, where you can change the FOV.
I like the premise, and environmental ideas like the slowly deteriorating save/upgrade room, but thought it was kind of unbalanced and drawn out in a lot of places.
Still interested in the sequel though. Now that the plot twist behind the mental world's already revealed I'm curious what they'll do with it.
Is the theory that Seb's guns only work on enemies at all is because of subconscious pull im the shared conciousness an actual thing
I never played the DLC so I dunno if that was answered
Yeah, I immediately turned of those black bars the moment I saw them. They were really fucking bothersome. Concerning the monsters I actually kind of like finding out the symbolism behind the long haired monster girl that was weak to fire. I thought it was actually pretty clever. But I still don't really know what the safehead guy represented. And what was the importance of Leslie? He wasn't Ruvik as far as I could tell. I'm still confused about that. I thought they were building up to some big twist but I must have missed whatever the twist was.
Post your face the first time you hit an enemy with a bottle so you could stealth kill it.
It's a bit pretentious but this is official explanation I guess:
"The Keeper was born from a combination of Ruvik's memory of the safe where he kept his research, and his unbridled rage. The safe head represents the atrocities of Ruvik's past that he's trying to keep hidden, literally crushing anyone who comes near."
Leslie was linked to Ruvik but got crazy while doing that to my understanding. Ruvik is only a brain, but can somehow escape through Leslies body at the end (maybe because they were linked?).
Seems like in sequel you will go to different heads. One of them is a crazy artist (check trailer released today) and I'm pretty sure they mentioned someone else. Ruvik will probably return as well.
I didn't even realize when I made this thread but a new trailer for Evil Within 2 was dropped today.
>Seems like in sequel you will go to different heads. One of them is a crazy artist
So it's Psychonauts with guns?
Yeah, that doesn't make much sense. I don't see why Ruvik would care all that much about a safe. On a side note, I thought how Ruvik would just suddenly appear in the Mansion part and could instantly kill was legitimately scary and tense.
My biggest complaints about the game actually have to do with some of the mechanics. Like I said, I feel like the aiming is way too zoomed in. But also I feel like people and enemies are too... meaty. I don't really know how to describe it. To me it kind of felt like I was playing a rated R version of Dragon's Dogma.
The story is good(?) but the storytelling is poor and the dlc is a must to fully understand whats going on, dlc stories should compliment the main campaign not be required to understand whats going on, I suppose cutting out parts of the game and selling later is just the nature of games development nowadays
Oh, another thing that confused me is I can't figure out how Ruvik managed to kill all those people in the real world. In the beinning and ending we go through the main lobby of the hospital and it's filled with dead people. But Ruvik is just a brain so he couldn't possibly actually kill anybody, and I doubt he could project himself literally in the real world. That wouldn't make sense.
Why were mathes given so much attention? Its literally just crowd control or a preventive method of killing an enemy, oh and the gimmick of 1 boss fight.
When you were introduced to them I thought the game would evolve and have enemies that either revive or dont die when stealth killing them forcing you to use matches but it never happened, kinda butt flustered about upgrading to carry 15 of them.
Good game even if it devolves into pure shooting in later chapters.
Fun game, crafting and dumpster diving for gel was stupid though. And of course they're upping that pointless shit for the sequel because muh every game must have crafting and leveling according to player research committee.
The game made me realize how much I missed the melee system from RE4 & 5
You were never not in a simulation ya ding dong
You just didn't understand it.
If an enemy is dead on the floor or if you shoot an enemy so they fall the the floor, you can burn it. If more enemies are around him when you do that, they burn too.
For me, it was an easy way to dispatch large number of enemies at once - shoot someone in leg or lure enemies towards a corpse, light it on fire at the right time and they go up in flames.
I just want a little more ammo.
And upgraded melee that hits harder than a wafting summer breeze.
Shoot a fag in the leg, throw a match. Saves a few bullets. Then again ammo wasn't really that scarce that you'd have to rely on this often.
>I just want a little more ammo.
pls no
What? So the entire game was in the simulation? Even the supposed ending and beginning? I'm actually confused now. So when does he get out of it? And is any of this explained in the DLC I haven't played yet?
Crafting was alright. It offered tactical decisions what to get and more incentive to disarm traps (which is risk reward).
Upgrading was mostly pointless but I guess they wanted to reward exploration.
Yes I think everything is a simulation.
>And is any of this explained in the DLC I haven't played yet?
Yes, you play as Kidman who is a secret agent working for the organization who makes the simulation shit.
Did anyone else shat their parts during the house chapter (ch.9 maybe?) after doing the lobotomy thing you open the door and Ruvik was there ready to kill you? And the he appeared at random, that shit was tense as fuck.
That was legitimately pretty damn spooky. I almost wish he was in more chapters because of it.
The DLC states that simulation started with the piercing sound in the first cutscene.
>tactical decisions
Nah, crafting 2 more exploding bolts ain't that important. I usually didn't bothered since you find that stuff anyway. I guess it made me kill myself few times fucking with those bombs for really no reason though.
Oh okay. Also, what was that monster that looked like an amalgamation of multiple people squished squished together supposed to be? I was pretty legit as far as monster designs go, but I don't really understand what the heck it was.
After few times not finding anything he just stopped spawning. If only he had enough sense to look under the table.
Awful story dated gameplay.
A poor mans re4, not the worst game you can play, but the pinnacle of mediocrity.
I don't know what I did wrong, but I just barely had any ammo on my playthrough. I made it to the final chapter and just straight-up couldn't proceed because I was empty on everything.
>what was that monster that looked like an amalgamation of multiple people squished squished together supposed to be?
Did you beat the game and check the model viewer? It's literally called amalgam. It's the minds of victims who had died in STEM mashed together. Ruvik also talks about it in one of his tapes, I think the one in chapter 8 (the caves).
I just finished a few days ago.Well I'm still can't beat your "dork-side" twin in Keeper dlc,'cause insta-kill hands are always catching me but that's details.
Really hated the way story was told in original - if you want to understand anything you HAVE to play Kid scenario. Tell me side stories in additional content, not something that should be in vanilla game. And they're still haven't told us what happened to chinese detective (Joshua I think).
I'm cautiously optimistic about TEW2 but I really don't like "semi-open world" direction they're taking. Last time when horror franchise tried to do this (SH:Downpour) it didn't work at all. But still, looks good, not gonna preorder, but probably gonna get it on winter steam sale.
Oh, and that's reminds me how fucking horrible TEW run on my PS4. Borderline unplayable at times with frames below 20. I have no idea how this passed any QA control at all.
Didn't upgrade weapon damage and ammo capacity? Didn't aim for the head? If there lots of fuckers in one place it's preferable to down one and torch the rest with a single match.
i couldn't get into it, stopped playing and uninstalled after 1-2 hours
Ah, I must have missed that tape. I haven't really viewed the model viwer yet.
>but I really don't like "semi-open world" direction they're taking.
Oh, they're going that direction for TEW2? That actually sounds like a good idea to me. My main complaint about the structure in TEW is that there really isn't much of a structure so it kind of destroys the sense of progression. It also helps build up to genuine scares if you have a reference point for the area. If TEW was structured more like the Spender manor in Resident Evil I would have be more scared at certain parts. The part where you see the long haired spider lady reminded me heavily of the shark in Resident Evil for example. Anyway, I'm actually glad they're going semi open world.
Matches are literally just taking the "knock to the ground and knife to death" strategy prevalent in RE4, but making it an actual mechanic with resources and strategy. It wasn't supposed to be what the game was about, just a little way to reward smart play.
The model viewer gives background to all the enemies in the game, you should check it out.
I still can't figure out why there were giants in the graveyard, or why the church would make them though. Seemed completely unrelated to the story.
Did all that. I think my main issue was that I flubbed it on one or two bosses, and was nearly running dry for the rest of the game.
You didn't even have trap parts at the end? I've beaten the game twice and had 90+ trap parts on the last chapter both times.
Didn't break wooden boxes or find keys then. It's usually not a problem to stock up at the quieter sections. Also that retarded boss that sent you never ending worms that dropped ammo.
the church and the cult come from kid's memories, its her hometown
everything in steam its an amalgam of the minds trapped inside
I can agree with this, had some parts I really liked and some parts I really despised.
they said its not really open world, but it will have big areas to let you choose how to progress or something like that
I scrounged the whole damn map.
It was ok, not anything ground-breaking and some of the segments were stupid but situations kept changing all the time so fast that you never quite get bored playing it.
do you remember that sound at the start of the game? thats everyone around beacon getting connected wirelessly to stem. Later on you see a cutscene of some doctors carrying you in a stretcher, thats when they plug you in
>Oh, another thing that confused me is I can't figure out how Ruvik managed to kill all those people in the real world.
You weren't in the real world anymore by that point. Main characters and all the people living near the Asylum were instantly hooked to the machine when they heard the weird sound. The machine on top of the Asylum is a new model, which main feature is that it has a Wireless mode. Ruvik later on hooked the main characters into the machine so they could help him get out of it. The firefighters, cops and civilians you fight in modern day segment are all officials who arrived to the scene and the neighbours of the asylum.