Paid online wasnt standard yet

>paid online wasnt standard yet
>microsoft actually tried during the first 5 years
>handhelds were still good
>sony actually started trying after getting their ass kicked during the first 5 years
>nintendo dominating (notice all the best gens have nintendo dominating)
Can we all agreed the 7th generation was the best?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Get lost, GenZ kid.
6th generation spawned more evergreen classics in a single season than 7th did during its entire era.

it was good for a while, then online passes, season passes, aggressive dlc practices, microtransactions in games became things.

6th > 4th > 5th > 3rd > 7th > 8th

6th gen was just too good for its time.

lol i just love how people who have 6th gen as their favorite gen think that they are old or some shit, get fucked retard. my brother was born in 2000 and remembers playing the gamecube, dipshit.

Paid online is inexcusable. This isnt the 90s with Sega Channel this is Microsoft being greedy as usual

xbox live is literally flawless

Paid online is a flaw

>nintendo dominating (notice all the best gens have nintendo dominating)
I didnt know Nintendo made the PS1 and 2

sony won 8th gen
since switch is 9th gen

Xbox 360 is overrated tripe, Wii was underpowered, PS3 had a bad debut and all of them pused motion controls. Not to mention paid online

What is this E3? Why say any side won thing when its not over yet?

it was inevitable. it shouldn't have been $60 but they have to make money to pay the people who keep the service running. consoles aren't PCs, the xbox live network alone had to carry the burden of ALL activities it was being used for including downloads and streaming.

>all the best gens have nintendo dominating
Gen 6 would like a word

Also, Nintendo only dominated gen 7 with sales

>switch is 9th gen
No, Switch is 8th still.

9th gen won't start until 2020 at the earliest.

kek no flaws, like i thought

so we just ignore the fact that nintendo dominated in handhelds? ok.

Handhelds don't follow the same gens as home consoles

Nigga even on the handheld department the PS1&2 mopped the floor with them

yeah sure, make up arbitrary rules
too easy

It goes down more often than PSN, caused the paid online model we have today, used to cost double during the last gen AND required a subscription PER account

XBL is not flawless at all, Pajeet

>It goes down more often than PSN
post source
>caused the paid online model we have today
yeah because seganet wasnt a thing
> used to cost double during the last gen AND required a subscription PER account
again here you are bring up muh fees again. literally no flaws, the only argument you can come up with is that xbox live isnt fre.

>yeah sure, make up arbitrary rules
You mean like the "i must make a lame excuse if nintendo is losing" one?

>make up arbitrary rules
How the fuck is that an arbitrary rule?

Everyone knows handhelds and home consoles are distinct entities, literally apples and oranges


hey DIPSHIT, nintendo DOMINATED in the handheld market. that means they DOMINATED in that generation. how fucking STUPID are you holy shit.

Except they didn't DOMINATE

PSP did very well and the PS2 did better than any console ever. That's DOMINATION.

>nintendo DOMINATED in the handheld market. that means they DOMINATED in that generation.
Now who's making arbitrary rules?

anyways keep on baiting. doesnt change the fact that 7th gen will always be the best gen

>post source

wow good job retard! we are talking about 7th gen here and you are posting stats from 8th gen. you are the biggest idiot in this thread!

>keep on baiting
The only one baiting here is you, literally nobody would think Nintendo won Gen 6 otherwise.
>7th gen will always be the best gen
If you're literally underage

The early 7th gen was the most comfy period in my opinion. You could tell the games were really next gen like Dead Rising which had 1000 zombies on screen or how great the graphics were in Perfect Dark Zero, season passes and paid DLC didn't become mainstream yet so devs packed as much content on the disc as they can, it was just a good time.

It all went to shit when the modern gaming practices started to become mainstream.

>gets told
>whatever im right and you're dumb

not an argument. 7th gen best gen ;)

If you're talking exclusively 7th gen then you lose outright because the competition was F R E E

And if you wanted to play splitscreen online, you needed 2 (TWO) XBL subscriptions, costing $10 E A C H

>7th gen best gen
If that's what you think im glad you're finally old enough to browse this site and express your bad taste

yeah have fun playing ps3 online, fucking piece of shit console would freeze up if you tried to send a message while playing online. not to mention all those credit card info getting leaked KEK

ps4 sold the most
and switch is gen 9

>le if you like 7th gen you are underage may may
reminder there are kids born in the early 2000s who grew up with 6th gen consoles and think that was the best gen.

According to your rules the Dreamcast was 5th Gen.

Switch is current gen with last gen hardware.

What possesses you to hunt (You)s so desperately? Are you incredibly bored? Does it fill the void left by your favourite platforms lack of games?

>reminder there are kids born in the early 2000s who grew up with 6th gen consoles and think that was the best gen.
Then you just outed yourself as an actual underage for thinking 7th gen was the best one, now back to MW2 with you

not an argument. next.

Wii sucked compared to Gamecube. I realized this early on when I was mostly using mine to play Gamecube games. Galaxy and Brawl were great but Nintendo really didn't give a fuck about their core audience 2 years in.

Xbox 360 was alright, but shit like Paid Online and RRoD turned me away from it. It was awesome to come to a friend's house for Halo 3 though.

PS3 was incredible. Exclusives really made an argument for the system and it felt like a preview of the future, kind of how the original Xbox felt like. I love the fucking thing and I still play games on it time to time. Free Online should still be the standard but Microsoft ruined it for everyone else.

then put up a argument why 7th gen is best


Switch is the same as Atari releasing the 7800 and the XEGS in Gen 3.
Doesn't make it next gen purely because they already released a console.

Great games. Tons of them.

And there were even more, better, games in the 6th gen


Nope. I'm right, and you're underage.

okay what about xbox paid online
what about all the dlc
what about needing double the space to download something
>inb4 i play pc not consoles

heh i won the argument. i showed proof and all you did was spout basless claims. i win.

xbox live was goat and ahead of its time
dlc if you dont like it dont buy it
thats 8th gen tard unless you own a shitstation 3

Not him but see pic related
And this from one console alone

well for starters most of those games were available on other 6th gen consoles

Post your drivers license. Feel free to black out the important details, but leave your birth date.

I want to see the age of someone who thinks Gen 7 was the best. I'll wait.

And? Those still are more games than what 7th gen consoles had combined

Not originally. Also
>moving goalposts
wew lad

online is free on pc and ps3
or what about needing to buy two xbox live passes for splitscreen
and do you buy dlc if you do then that means 6th gen is better because no dlc if you dont 6th gen is still better because we get to do everything in game and xbox was hacked more times than playstation

post yours first

Okay. Two secs.

no lol, learn to count
>i dont know what goalpost mean!
fucking brain dead retard

>6th gen is better because no dlc
spoken like a true underage. whats your next shitty argument now?

you did move the goal post
you said what were some good 6th gen games we posted some and then you waved them off and said multiplats dont count

>no lol, learn to count
Well your pic had 36 games, mine had like pretty much a hundred so yeah maybe you should finish school first before talk shit to your seniors

hey retard why dont you read his entire comment? he clearly said "this from one console" good god you are so dumb

so pc mmos count now even if the discussion is about consoles

lmfao nice try, i actually posted good AAA games. have some quality control when you make these images.

>expansion packs are dlc
ok kid

>muh AAA games
>muh scores
wow you really are an underage kid

Wii had highest sales numbers. Nintendo won based on that

jesus you guys are so denial its scary. even when proof is shoved right into your faces you still say its wrong, christ...

kek not an argument. you seriously posted shit like fucking ridge racer 5 that basically killed the series, get fucked dumbass.

ps2 sold more than ds and gba
ps1 sold more than n64
and ps4 sold more than pii u

7th gen was the best solely because of MS and Nintendo. Everything Playstation related was garbage for the vast majority of the gen and nearly killed it with the whole $600 ps3 shit

Here you go. Post yours.

I grew up with a SNES, then an N64, then a PS2, then a PS3/360/Wii, and went full IDORT this gen.
I still say Gen 6 is the best.

my nigga who /wii60/ here?

78 on metacritic
so does metacritic matter what are you gonna say

>kek not an argument. you seriously posted shit like fucking ridge racer 5 that basically killed the series
And you posted games like Gears of War and Brutal Legend so i dont see why cant i name bad games too

aaand save. thanks dipshit, now all i have to do is reverse the paint and your fucked

yeah sure loving that paid online having to buy two passes just to play splitscreen

my brother was actually caught up in that whole credit card leak thing. refused to buy any playstation product ever since.

>reverse the paint

Also thanks for proving you're underage.

are you trying to imply thats good? LMAOO

nice try, those games are good. the majority of people think those games are good, it doesnt matter if you think its bad or not.

never even heard of this before now. every online splitscreen game i played would just create a guest profile for my main gamertag

you said metacritic score matters to see if the game is good or not

And Wii outsold PS3 and 360. It won it's generation. That is what I was referring to. Not saying Nintendo as a whole is better or worse. But since youve got a boner for Sony, keep in mind PC is always the winner because pretty much everyone has a computer.

Only Halo and the first GOW did this.
You needed two accounts for GOW2&3.

show me where i said that

i only said that because of the nintendo handheld person

>original gears trilogy
>gears of war

underage detected. the original gears game was praised and was a staple of that generation. it had A+ gameplay and it introduced many new graphical technologies which are used on modern games thanks to epic games and their unreal engine

Why does Sup Forums hate paid online (especially Xbox Live) so much? In spite of it being $60 a year/$5 a month, the 360 had way better online than the Wii and PS3.

Well guess what people also think the games i listed are good, it doesnt matter if you think they're bad or not.

the picture you said the games were shit because low metacritic scores

absolutely not, even the 8th generation is better and it sucks

gen 4-6 stomps on gen 7

i never said that, the picture did.