What went wrong?
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awful bamham, counter everything teir combat with none of the other things that made the arkham games good
The fight against the coeurls in the dungeon with no item usage was god-teir until I figured out you could use healcast spells as elixers for yet another 99 stack full heal item
Ending was shit
Tragedy was so overplayed it became suffocating
Main protagonist is the most incompetent out of the entire FF series
Shit, shallow gameplay
They sent out an unfinished game. In order to truly know what happen in the story you have to but dlc.
You also spend more time and care more about Gladioulu's sister then Luna. That's Noctis love interest and she's barely in the game.She appears and then dies
Also, Chapter 13
To much clothing.
>Main protagonist is the most incompetent out of the entire FF series
Explain how he's less competent than all the other protagonists including Firion, who had half of his party member dies, Cecil, who unknowingly almost caused an entire people to go extinct, Cloud, who's party members literally had to continue the mission without him because was moping too hard, and Tidus who...Tidus.
You don't have to buy the dlc to get the story.
You have to buy the movie.
Seriously, Episode Gladiolus adds NOTHING to the narrative. Honestly it raises more questions than answers.
All i fucking need is a XVersus remake
Have you not played Dissidia? Firion isn't incompetent, but the Emperor is that good. He's without question the most competent villain. He practically ruled the world and could destroy nations with his Whirlwind magic, and this was at the start of the game! Mateus started off better than every other villain in the series. Not to mention he becomes God and Devil. In the novels and in the Dawn of Souls remake, Firion ends up learning Ultima, the hardest spell to learn, and succeeds in besting him. Firion also tanked Emperor of Hell's Starfall. Firion became a very powerful warrior and mage for him to defeat God Emperor of Hell in battle, and he didn't need any bullshit special powers or lineage unlike Noctis. As for the dead party members, Mimwu and friends ended up defeating Emperor of Heaven. It all worked out in the end.
Like Firion, Cecil was up against overwhelming odds, so a loss of lives is to be expected. Don't forget that Noctis didn't stop the World of Ruin from happening. At least Cecil survived his story and became a king unlike Noctis.
Are you talking about the time Cloud was in a wheelchair? Cloud took a blast from the Ultima WEAPON that sent him straight into the planet's center which is full of lifestream. Cloud's body is strong is easily SOLDIER tier, but his mind couldn't handle the full force of the lifestream unlike Sephiroth. Even so, Cloud managed to come back stronger than ever, fucked Tifa under the Highwind and defeated Sephiroth in a battle of will. What Cloud had survived would have killed Noctis a thousand times over.
Tidus' development was far more realistic than Noctis despite both of them having similar backstories. In fact, Tidus is a better Noctis.
We had high expectations with SE.
Honestly they'd actually lose respect from me if they did this. I just want them to move on from FNC already. Also I don't give a shit about VIIR.
>XVI in 2022 at the earliest
Not enough time spend focusing on LunaFreya's feet
Literally everything.
They pushed out a game that was on the backburner for a decade just so they could be done with it.
Noctis was a very childish and annoying character, he didn' care a shit about anything, and didn't wanted to do anything to the point that gladio had to stand up against noctis shitty buh hop I don't want to do this i'm very sweaty while everyone was giving their lives for him and gladio did this two times, it took him ten fucking years, TEN FUCKING YEARS and the world going to ruin to accept that fate and finally do something about it.
The combat was about as much as you could hope for from a modern big budget arpg, but the story was so rushed it was embarrassing
>they put the exposition in a movie
>they put the characterization in an anime
>characters and plots disappear halfway through, only to be resolved in small easily missable pieces of text
>several characters who were promoted as main cast show up for only a few minutes each, one is almost completely ignored so they can sell dlc later
>Luna is barely in the game, dies fucking off screen
>half the map is on rails because they ran out of time to finish it
>the entire World of Ruin style second half of the game is also on rails and about an hour long because they just had to shove that shit out the door
There's a great game in there. They should be fucking ashamed
It's very simple: The plot.
The villain LETS you win. The villain is invincible and unstoppable, and he is actively rooting for Noctis to kill him. The entire part would have died dozens of times over, if Ardyn wasn't explicitly keeping you alive so you could kill him.
And at the end of the game, you kill him. Big whoop, you gave him exactly what he wanted, and he got to torment the world for 10 years.
What was all that shit about Noctis learning to be a good king? Or saving his kingdom from the Empire? None of that even mattered, because Noctis and everyone worth a damn died in the end.
>Tidus' development was far more realistic than Noctis despite both of them having similar backstories. In fact, Tidus is a better Noctis.
Just look at the intro sequences of both games. Within minutes, you already get a rough idea of what type of person Tidus is, his life and relationship with Auron and Jecht. Now look at XV's opening. You learn fuck all about Noctis.
>What went wrong?
It wasn't a good game, making it a bad game
People like good games over bad games, making it the wrong thing to do, creating a bad game
Ultimately it was wrong for Square Enix to make this decision
The game is still very fun but it's just unfinished.
Entire subplots are missing ignored or glossed over.
I played the shit out of it thought it was pretty addicting. The first final fantasy I even fucked with hard since 12 which I never actually finished. Plan on getting the remaster sometime soon though.
Gay boy
>Entire subplots are missing ignored or glossed over.
What subplots? I haven't played the game in a while. Remind me.
Bad combat and cast.
>that fucking mobile game that continues to ve advertised
I haven't believe they shamelessly let that happen after Square finally gave everyone a long awaited game that turned out be half assed
It's worse than Xenoblade X in literally every way.
>Sleep and this Red Moon were important to the game as far back as the Duscae demo
>Completely left out of the final game
How much did they fucking cut?
Even though XCX plays like warm dog shit, it has a fantastic open world.
Pandering to fujoshis and losing a big group of their old fanbase as result.
I think another problem with XV was that it relied on ppl to watch the movie, the animes, radio drama, etc and all this other supplementary material just so you could give a hint of caring about Noctis and friends.
Also, since it was clearly unfinished, it's apparent that's why they had all these non-vidya material to watch since you weren't going to get much out of it from playing the vanilla game itself.
Ravus is a huge one
The entire backstory of Regis and his earlier years handed to you in a photograph and never mentioned again
Cor Leonis
I know they added some dlc but literally Gladio disappears from your party and comes back with a scar and thats all you get.
I know this isn't very descriptive but I havent touched the game since it came out or played any of the dlc.
Just go look at a character list and then tell me anything about them. Especially the Niflheim side.
It's not on PC
>The entire backstory of Regis and his earlier years handed to you in a photograph and never mentioned again
Did you play Nier Automata by any chance? It's sad that it explained Noctis and Regis' relationship better than XV did at all.
Don't forget Verstael, who they promoted as a main character but who was stripped out of the game almost entirely so they could sell his side plot as dlc.
I have not but that is neat.
You should. It's much better than XV.
That's not even the worst part of his character:
>Game comes out
>Official guide tells you that Prompto and Versatael are father and son
>This is LITERATELY never mentioned in-game at all
It's not Final Fantasy in anything but some visual trappings and name. Also fuck exclamation point and map+compass based """""""questing""""""". FF spent the late 90s perfecting organic narrative in vidya. Fuck this game for throwing it out for the shit WC3 formula.
Tabata deserves to suffer.
Nothing. One of the better FF's in recent years. Not the best ever, still has areas to improve but it's the best one since 12.
Ravus goes from potential Disc One antagonist and rival character to fucking dead in the span of two of his cutscenes
Terrible combat and AI
Mediocre music
Fetch quests take up a disproportionate amount of game time
I didn't trade it in. I just threw it in the trash once I was done.
>Main protagonist is the most incompetent out of the entire FF series
Even keeping in mind that the protagonist of FF12 wasn't even a secondary character to the main plot?
Why the fuck did the scrap the city escape in favor of the protagonists being unaware until they read a newspaper? That would have been a way better opening, and being in the city before it happened would have allowed for the type of world building that they just had you read in that lore room instead. Was it literally just so they could make it a movie?
Xenoblade x was awesome, fuck you user!
>Characters have cellphones
>None of them checked the news in the morning
>They all just stood around doing nothing during the morning
>They had to find out via a newspaper
This really annoyed me.
I think that's what he just said
>The Attack on Tenebrae was reduced to a skybox
>World of Ruin is a glorified corridor to the final boss
>World of Ruin doesn't have a dog tag monument made by Dave to commemorate hunters
There's one thing I really don't get, if you count in the movie.
Okay, in the movie, Noctis is on his journey, right? But he needs the king's ring. However, Regis is holding the King's ring, and then he passes it to Luna, who flies back into the city to meet him.
So why not just give Noctis the ring from the start? Was Regis using that ring? Couldn't he just have gone "Hang onto this until the right moment, son. Or you'll fucking die."
Instead, they risked losing the ring AND Luna, either of which would have doomed the world.
You ever actually just stop and think about how fucking bad XV is? It's literally the Japanese DNF, thank god I beat it quick enough to actually make a profit reselling it (Got for $40 on discount, flipped it for $55 in a week)
Why does the mobile game ad show up like 50 times a fucking day on youtube.
because you're accidentally whitelisted youtube on adblock
>Post yfw when you pre-ordered the season pass
too western worshipping
too much western pandering
not enough western worshiping
not enough western pandering
Not so much wrong, but just a very average game. Anyone who hasn't played it is better off waiting until they finish it and release it as a full game in a collection.
I didn't watch the movie but wasn't the ring the only thing keeping the magic barrier around Lucis up?
>not a great game, so can't sell on that
>people who wanted a fantasy game can see a mile away that this isn't it, so no sell for that crowd
>waifufags threw their money at Nier and the 2Booty instead because there are only dudes here
>Final Fantasy fanboys are either playing XIV or lubing up their dicks for news of 7-R
>the very questionable decision from SE of remastering a vastly superior game like XII and releasing it soon after
I mean, who the fuck were they expecting to sell this to? The Cawwadooty crowd? This fucking game has NO APPEAL.
It came out. XV was the last thing from pre 2010 I was waiting for and now there's nothing left.
Nothing at all?
To the teenage faghags, user. This game actually had thousands of fanfics written for it long before it even came out.
>square enix releasing final fantasy xv in a collection
See you in 2030 space cowboy
This joke writes itself then.
These people don't fucking buy videogames. What is so hard to understand about that?
You market your game to the average virgin waifufag and, no matter how many obvious flaws it has, it will sell, tremendously (Overwatch, Nier: Automata, hell even fucking Dead or Alive).
Fujoshis don't buy videogames. They watch gameplays and write fanfiction about it.
Ten years of unfinished engines and horrible decisions from SE