Gay men and women appreciation thread. Let's discuss some of our favorite gay and lesbian vidya characters that were loud and proud, and able to kick a lot of ass.
Kanji-kun is one of my favorites, but I'm also a big fan of Dudley and Vega.
Gay men and women appreciation thread. Let's discuss some of our favorite gay and lesbian vidya characters that were loud and proud, and able to kick a lot of ass.
Kanji-kun is one of my favorites, but I'm also a big fan of Dudley and Vega.
Other urls found in this thread:
nice meme
The greatest canon vidya yuri couple of all time.
a cute.
pratty is gay af
are gay birbs allowed?
He has a wife and childern
Skeltal son
>Kanji is gay
Wow, way to totally misunderstand Kanji's entire character, really shows how much you love the game
It's confirmed he has a wife (male) and that his kids are adopted
stop oppressing us gaybros, you disgusting straight
He was attracted to Naoto when he thought she was a guy, that's gay.
but he kept being attracted to her even after he found she was a gurl so no, he's bi.
Thats just a semantic argument then, being bi is gay.
Why is Sup Forums so much against Kaiji being one of us?
you already got a bajillion of straight characters in vidya give us fucking kaiji atleast you dont even fucking care about him unless someone talks about him being gay then suddenly you care? fucking straight fags need to die
bi is gay, homie. you can't fuck pussy, then take dicks in the ass and claim you not gay because you fucked pussy.
>not gay
You sayin' he likes dudes?
none of those characters are gay
I see you missed the entire point of Kanji's social link.
>Having sex with a male requires you to take a dick in your ass.
Ive had sex with both genders never been fucked in any hole before what does that make me?
Protip: it makes me alpha as fuck
i hope the sexuality wars begin soon then i can finally put some straights heads on a stick
Vega is only attracted to himself, he's a narcissist
You fucked a guy, so I guess it makes you gay.
>that jail nigga logic
himself, which is a guy. gay.
>not saying "no homo" after you pounded his cute little manly femmy boipussi hard and came buckets inside of his manass
fucking faggots i swear
also kaiji is gay i know Sup Forums loves being contrarian and shit because thats what 14 year olds think is cool
he is bi atleast
you can turn it around all you like but a majority of people agree with me
>relentlessly hunts a thick Chinese female cop and a female M. Bison clone
>constantly refers to beauty especially when talking to those two
Tone it down queero
But I currently have a gf who I fuck almost every night.
Ya'll niggas wish you were so beautiful that everbody wanted to fuck you.
Thing is I live that life.
Feels good.
>saying [no homo] makes it okay
>implying he's not wishing he could be more like them, not actually deep inside them
vega the type of nigga to masturbate while watching himself in full length mirror
it literally does though i say "no homo" all the time after i fuck my husband and he fucks me and we are both perfectly straight
this is a quality thread
are they more than just friends?
I wish Kanji was actually gay, it pissws me off that they'd seemingly go full homo and then chicken out at the last minute.
they had the perfect chance with persona 5
it pisses me off considering that i find the males in persona 5 much MUCH more interesting than any of the females
i know its japan but then just go the route of making a fem MC if you dont wanna go for gay
i couldnt really get into waifuing any girl so i just picked the least annoying one
Mishima totally wanted mc's dick.
Yusuke's S-Link felt more romantic that half of the girls' links. I was legit surprised dating him isn't an option.
But then again I somehow feels like P5 is marketed more towards the west while being clearly about Japanese problems, which is weird and doesn't make a lot of sense, I know.
hetero people are really fucking annoying though not even in a memey way
they get mad if we make one film about 2 kids being gay or a videogame character being gay
i know gay people can be annoying (but pretty much all people in america are kinda annoying soooo?) here in europe we atleast keep to ourselves most of the time and i think thats the best way really BUT STOP BEING SO FUCKING ANNOYING IF WE WANT A LITTLE APPRECIATION IN MEDIA HOLY SHIT
there are a million videogames where you go for a girl or can date a girl and yes GO HAVE FUN WITH THAT but give me vidya where i can date men too and stop giving me flask for it just because you find it disgusting
iam actually happy with the SJW arrival (but considering that they are even more fucked up and crazy and want me to tolerate annoying black people and transexual looneys both sides are fucking terrible)
also fuck milo LOL IAM GAY AND RIGHT WING DID YA KNOW THAT what a fucking disgusting person
and fuck sky (that LoL streamer who was on that one stream where jon tron was also) most annoying gay person i have ever seen in my life
>Yusuke's S-Link felt more romantic that half of the girls' links
holy shit, I thought I was the only one that felt that way. especially that scene where you both hit each other and collapse by the river side.
this is a nice bait thread the mods will never know
But Milo doesn't do that in fact he barely ever even mentions it. Plus if you really feel that way go watch Dave Rubin's Interview with him Milo is a secret gay master racer.
i think they deffinitly planned something considering that you were supposed to be able to go for yosuke in persona 4 aswell which was cut out also
Mishima is named after an actual gay man who hid his homosexuality and feigned an interest in women so it's possible Mishima could also have those traits.
i guess its because iam a middle leaning person and i think going either completly for the left or the right is just dumb
i just wanted to hug mishima and give him a good piece of advice
and tell him that if he believe in himself he can become even greater than a phantom thief
then i would hold his hand and let him cry it all out while patting his head and telling him how much of a hero he is to me
people with self esteem issues turn me on so fucking much god damn
Remember where you're at guys, keep it Sup Forums.
I really hope you get to romance him if Persona 5 Plaitnum becomes a things.
I wanna cuddle him and help him with his self esteem issues.
Don't Aera in the sequel
Don't forget*
>people with self esteem issues turn me on so fucking much god damn
>I wanna cuddle him and help him with his self esteem issues.
sometimes i think i'm in the minority since i prefer bravado/boasting guys but that's because giving compliments to other people makes me feel weird
Shame people with self esteem issues irl are insane, I want to cuddle with a self-deprecating cutie
Getting a usually confident and arroagant boy blushing and getting flustered from you genuinely complementing them has its own charm, user.
Are bi characters okay in this thread?
According to half the poseters here bi and gay are the same thing so I would assume so.
Confirmed faggot here.
well it kinda is
iam a bi fag myself and still consider myself more on the gay side (but thats also because modern woman are mostly trash tier)
i bet it does, the whole "complimenting someone makes me feel weird" is just a thing of mine that i have since forever
i'm just a living banter machine
Biphobic faggots are funny, specially when you broke their hearts and left them for a woman, their angst is beautiful.
Pic related is pretty much confirmed for bisexual.
I love bravado/smug dudes, they are my yaoi kryptonite.
That's cute in a way, do you find roundabout ways of complimenting boys or do so indirectly?
my friend
i do in fact, but i've to be alone with the guy in question. i can never compliment someone i know when i'm in a group of people
and it's a pretty straight forward formula: i start with "hey, you better prepare for this since i'm gonna say some pretty lame shit" and then i follow with a simple "you look pretty good/great"
>kanji is cutest boy ever made
>he wasn't gay after all
fuck atlus
>the one dude whose character would have benefited from the revelation of being gay had that plug pulled at the last minute
If they planned it,he's still closeted gay.
>Kanji is gay
this shit is almost as bad as the Naoto is trans shit, stop making this thread over and over again.
>lol I'm not gay I just love to knit
It still pisses me off so much that they'd go and portray an accurate depiction of what it's like to realise you're gay as a kid in japan and the struggle of being associated with nothing more than a stereotype only to chicken out at the very last minute.
>Kanji is cutest boy
haha nice joke
They had recorded ENGLISH lines for it. I'm not sure how their dev cycle went, but that seems to me like that had to have been a very last minute decision.
Oh I didn't mean Kanji, I meant Yosuke.
Man that was such a wasted opportunity.
Considering that kanji/naoto is canon, id think this thread is more for appreciating the sexually confused.
wait since when?
Not that I disapprove, but where is this confirmed canon?
Gay character
>I'm gay I'm gay, did you know I like the same sex. Has no character besides being gay
Character who happens to be gay
>Bro,manly,"Get Bent" beat up thugs who were waking up his momma, falls for reversed trap.isn't flaunting the fact he's gay
Why are most western gay characters just gay without ant character
Everytime I think Sup Forums can't get any gayer I'm proved incorrect.
tell me about games that actually do this
fucking retard
Kanji is not gay
Kanji felt a bond with Naoto before finding out he was a she and after he found out he still felt the same for her
Because Kanji wants people to accept him regardless of who they are, he accepts people because he wants to be accepted
The reason why his shadow was gay was because being gay and being accepted for it at the time of the game's release (2008) was still seen as something most people would reject you for, just like Kanji with his girly hobbies
Its symbolism, not homosexuality
every single bioware game from the past 5 years
>I'm gay I'm gay, did you know I like the same sex. Has no character besides being gay
Does this ever actually happen? Even the Dragon Age gay options have actual characters. Dorian was the only one whose entire story centered around being gay, and somehow he was the only good character in Inquisition.
Why do people still call Kanji gay, when Yosuke was the one who had unused voice clips of him being gay for Yu?
Kanji wasn't gay, he was completely socially inept. He had no idea what having friends were, and the reason he did take up sewing was to make his mom happy since she was really his only friend, and it made her happy, which made him happy, which is why he goes overboard when worrying about her (beating up a biker gang, etc). His definition of "love" and "friends" are completely twisted because of how he grew up. The moment Naoto took interest in him (because of questioning him for detective work) without being intimidated by his demeanor or ready to mock him, he took that the wrong way and confused love and friendship with eachother, making him think he was liking (love) Naoto because he (she) took interest in him and talked to him like a normal person, and wanted to meet him multiple times (for questioning/investigating).
Persona 5 really was the perfect time to bring back gay romance, even if it was just for one character like Yusuke. I can only conclude that Atlus is full of cowards and cares more about not pissing off their otaku base than anything else. I wish Kaneko still had a major role at the company.
Indeed. I was legit into the dude's sassy personality but never felt like it was his entire being. I just saw him as a quick witted, wicked tongue wizard dude that's trying to make up for the sins of his homeland while being a badass necromancer. him, varriv and Blackwall were my bros that were a treat to listen to during the long walkabouts in the game.
Yeah I was expecting something given that we got pretty close with Yosuke (and the fact that Jun is considered canon for P2 by most people, including devs).
Maybe in the inevitable P5: Subtitle. Fatlus definitely knows the power of fujobux, and actual, insufferable otaku usually play even shittier games that cater to them.
A fag and a dyke coming together and putting aside mutual hatred to save the world. Truly Star Ocean 3 was before its time.
Man I still remember being triggered by people who shipped these two, and it's been over a decade. Nel is for Clair, Albel is tsundere for Fayt.
So they're gay? Or straight? I don't understand. What am I even looking at aside from what's was said about dykes and fags
Neither of them are implied to be one way or the other, but Albel is obsessed with the MC and Nel is real close with one of her squadmates or whatever.
theres nothing you disgusting freaks do that is appreciable.
>(and the fact that Jun is considered canon for P2 by most people, including devs).
>including devs
You fucking EOP faggots keep spreading this shit around without a clue. It was a joke answer. He purposely avoided giving an answer initially and when asked again laughed and made a non-committal answer saying Jun.
>that outfit
Was Albel the bicycle of the army? Was the dragon story just a cover-up for his father killing himself out of shame to know his son was a slut?
Well when the only other options are worst girl Lisa, or best girl but also big sis Maya, Jun is the clear choice.
Probably, but Fayt was the first one to take a stab at his heartpussy.