Did you know that there are ants in Skyrim?

Did you know that there are ants in Skyrim?

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Did you know that Geico can save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance?

Yes Todd, I did.

I'm playing Morrowind again at the minute and holy shit, it's like bethesda have scales they just can't balance.

It's literally content or graphics. Oblivion is the closest they've ever come to a balance (for it's time). Whereas Skyrim is a souless borefest that looks semi-pretty, Morrowind looks like absolute shit but has some of the best quests and world I've seen in a long while.

You do realize Morrowind came out in 2001 while Skyrim came out in 2011, right? Morrowind was quite difficult to max out back in the day if your PC wasn't xboxhueg, it wasn't Max Payne tier graphics but it still looked really pretty.

Wait a second! Todd, is that your in game cameo?

That makes me moist.


is that an I M M E R S I V E mod? i honestly can tell how many of 'em are just plain satire or autists correcting things that don't add anything to the game

Woah, does Skyrim have...

Oh of course, don't get me wrong I'm not talking shit about the game, was just making a point that with Bethesda you don't get good content anymore.

>some of the best quests

That's overstating it a bit, the majority of the quests are actually fairly dull. Or have you just never played another RPG apart from Skyrim and Oblivion before?

>Morrowind looks like absolute shit but has some of the best quests and world I've seen in a long while.

Name one.

I just can't get into Morrowind, because as you said, even with mods it looks like utter shit.

3d graphics never age well, it should had been 2d.

Not entirely, people complained about the ugly character models, washed out textures and stiff animations back then. The big open world made it excusable.

God Skyrim's lightning looks like such ass with those overblown highlights, even in 2011
Bethesda is such a piece of shit

>is that an I M M E R S I V E mod?

No, it's vanilla Skyrim.

did you know the last dragonborn is a fragment of akatosh and therefore a shezarrine?

It was already filled with bugs, so yeah.

Oblivion was dogshit, nostalgiafags love it!
>That enemy scaling.
>Those hideous, immersion breaking character designs.
>Still used Morrowind's leveling system but made everything hit for miniscule damage against HP inflated enemies.
>Braindead dungeon design and boring tiles.
>Leveled loot and all those useless artifacts.
>Abysmal main plot and utterly forgettable sidequests.
>Introduced unkillable NPCs.
>Shat on theft and pickpocketing by making everything in homes and on NPCs worth nothing.
>Garbage magic system.
>Scaled back enchanting, blacksmithing and alchemy.

The only thing it had going for it was the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood missions. What a horseshit game.

idk what happened but i finally started playing my copy of skyrim (with 42 mods) and i'm loving it, and i never thought i would. playing on legendary difficulty and i've had to get creative with almost everything i've done because a straight 1 on 1 fight is literally impossible most of the time, unless it's against a wolf.

the only thing that looked good in morrowind at the time was the moons

Never saw them. Nice little detail to be honest.

>Abysmal main plot and utterly forgettable sidequests.
You take that back.
>The only thing it had going for it was the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood missions.
You'll add to that.

>It's literally content or graphics.
There has not been a single good looking Bethesda game. They all look like stiff garbage, and I'm not even a graphicsfag.

it's a shame skyrim is garbage, a better use of dev time would be to have made dungeons not linear as fuck instead of fucking ants.
the only people that enjoyed skyrim were autists who had never played a previous elder scrolls

Honestly I felt like I was playing a B-movie version of elder scrolls or something to that degree. The voice acting can be pretty terrible like with the daedric princes and the games quirks mount very quickly. However I found it to be enjoyable and funny, you can literally kill Mannimarco the big bad nercromancer from Daggerfall in seconds. Not to mention the level scaling makes gives bandits glass armour along with being randomly attacked in the street by that corrupt guard guy which somehow gives me a bounty. The game doesn't even take place in jungle cyrodil but a forest one. I found bumbling around the province enjoyable although I never when spelunking a lot or dungeon crawling so I don't know how stale it can get.

>The game doesn't even take place in jungle cyrodil but a forest one.

Jungle Cyrodiil was never a thing.

People just know the line "It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle." and jumped to conclusions but if you actually continue to read the book it goes into detail as to what makes up that "jungle", i.e. grassland, rainforest, deciduous forest, swamp and marshland. Pretty much all this stuff is present in Oblivion with some new additions to areas that weren't mentioned, e.g. Anvil, and some rearrangement so that it makes a little more sense from an ecology point of view.

I've played all of them sans Arena and I like Skyrim.

Actually, if you read lore books it seems Talos had access to CHIM and retconned Cyrodil being a jungle

not even kidding

>grass clipping through wood
Huh... So this is the power of Skyrim

>Pretty much all this stuff is present in Oblivion
With the exception of you know, the actual jungle parts, which are the biggest parts.
And if you actually read to the end of the paragraph it even says "but most of Cyrodiil is a river-based society surrounded by jungle."
In Morrowind they even say "It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle."
It was always a thing until Oblivion retconned it.

One of the funniest things about skyrim is that the audio is so godawfully mangled no one knew the dragons actually have a shitload of spoken lines during the fights where they smack talk similarly to the bandits et all.

>not installing the immersive potato mod

That's not grass. That is their failed attempt to create uncut wood fibers.

Should I play Oblivion?

Don't forget

>hundreds of va'd NPC's

>7 fucking voice actors. In the whole fucking game.

According to Skyrim he used the Thu'um.

It's probably just to shut up the meme-spouting faggots. This sort of shit is most likely why Pete Hines tells lorefags to go fuck themselves on Twitter these days. Half the time they aren't even talking about lore, they are talking about their headcanon.

Pretty sure that was intentionally removed. There are mods that add it back though.

Sure. Just mod the fuck out of it.

Let me guess. Stealth archer build?

Why mods?

>hundreds of va'd NPC's
>7 fucking voice actors. In the whole fucking game.

That's every Bethesda game though

To fix the level scaling. In the vanilla game, you are more powerful at level 1 than level 25.

Because the game is pretty shit without them?
Oblivion goes from a 5/10 game to a 8/10 game with mods. At least for me.

Or where you asking what mods? Check out the Tesgeneral website or just google "Oblivion mod guide" or something.

Sorry, I meant what mods, not why. No clue why I wrote why.

It's says that jungle is rainforest. There IS a rainforest in Oblivion, it's just moved to the east of the Imperial City instead of surrounding it and the deciduous forest, also mentioned in the book, as been moved east so that it comes up to the western side of the Imperial City. Cyrodiil remains "endless jungle" in Oblivion, it's just not what you pictured that jungle as being.

I love Oblivion but you're falling for nostalgia. Skyrim has way more engaging dungeons, quests and writing than TES4. Oblivion is memorable for the comfy atmosphere and non-neutered levelling system.

Dark Brotherhood was better in Oblivion though.

Here's a neat little diagram to explain how

Ok guys seriously help me out. How do I become autistic about the lore. Where do I begin to read this shit? I understand basic plot points of the game but have no idea how you guys know all this stuff. I know it's from books but how did you piece it together?

Why Skyrim needs 2000 releases and is praised as the best RPG ever is fucking rage inducing.

Im not the Morrowind guy here but holy hell, can people stop praising it to kingdom come? It came out almost at the same time as Dragon Age II and Witcher 2. Jesus, time to die already. Both Bioware and Polskis already released sequels or new games that was successess or super failures.

>skyrim did this thing better
>wow stop saying skyrim is perfect
Are you ok?

Honestly I know this guy that likes Skyrim/Fallout 4. And he has never played previous titles in either series.

How does bethesda get away with it? Neither of them are good gameplay wise. The exploration is bare bones as fuck and there is no player choice or agency for you to change something and have the world react to it.

What is it about Bethesda that makes normies go full retard and enjoy them so much? The stories in both games/writing is seriously awful and barely even qualifies as above 10th grade script quality.

When will the meme about bethesda games end?

At least in spanish the dragons never stop talking. Right now I can't go back to skyrim without feeling bored as shit, but I remember playing it in 2011, on 360 (some friends gifted it to me, yeah, I was hyped as shit for some shitty trailers)

Anyway, the fight with the first dragon, he kept talking shit in dragontongue and normal languaje and almost at the end of the fight the main theme started and when he was dying and said DOHVAKIN NOOOOO the chorus got in and I thought it was scripted but I did the same fight like 5 times on PC but it never happened again...it was pretty cool, but I guess I was just lucky


>n'wah, walk to cave X to kill bandit Y and bring back item Z
>do this another 20 times until your guild level is high enough, then we'll let you kill and replace the current leader
Yeah amazing quests. Really puts Skyrim to shame.

also the sheogorath you meet in Skyrim is the protagonist of Oblivion thus making it canon that the protagonist is always as a dark haired white male

>Jungle Cyrodiil was never a thing.
nice bait. PGE Cyrodiil was far cooler than what we ended up with in Oblivion
>It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle.
>most of Cyrodiil is a river-based society surrounded by jungle.
>It started in the coastal jungle of what is now the Colovian west
>Thousands of workers ply the rice fields after the floodings, or clear the foliage of the surrounding jungle in the alternate seasons.

Name one dungeon in Skyrim where the floor can raise to crush you against the ceiling.

Morrowind looked like shit even at the time.

Didn't stop people from loving it.

>According to Skyrim he used the Thu'um.
that's because CHIM is secret and not easily understood. Tiber probably used CHIM disguised as Thu'um.
Also it couldn't have been retroactive. If he did it retroactively no one would have noticed


Skyim has the best open world bar none.

Most western developers (including the witcher 3 and GTA guys) think making everything big compensates for their lifeless world. Skyrim actually cares about improving NPC behaviors to make it seem as if the world is alive and everyone has their own life.

Its not perfect buts its better than any open world game there is, thus making it the perfect sandbox, specially for mods.

Firstly, Blackwood is not a rainforest it's a swamp, secondly, even if it was a proper rainforest it's not tropical as was described in the book, nor does it make up a large part of Cyrodil.

I don't exactly care too much that they changed it, it would be neat to see, but it never triggered me like it did with so many others. But we shouldn't pretend that Cyrodil wasn't always supposed to be filled with tropical jungles before they changed it for Oblivion.

You're not allowed to talk about any Elder Scrolls before or after 3 on Sup Forums because the Numale Army gets triggered. Reminder that Numidian was from the plane of Aetherius and it having anything to doEpik Quirky Science Dwemer was a major lore destroying retcon.

It is anything but. The world is lifeless and sterile. Morrowind has a better world because it's more interesting, varied, more side quests, interesting phenomena that can happen. More atmospheric.

Skyrim looks,feels and plays like absolute shit. It's painfully obvious this was your first and only elder scrolls game.

Also not that guy you responded to.

Did you know that you can grow weed in Anno 1404?

>There has not been a single good looking Bethesda game.
um try again sweetie


There's a community for it.
/tg/ has weekend TES lore threads, they're pretty good for starting out.
A good podcast to listen to is the Selectives Lorecast which is hosted on MK's youtube channel I think

What did Skyrim do better?
WITH MODS, always with the fucking mods. I had more fun playing Witcher III than doing the same shit over and over in Skyrim and hearing the same voice actor and the same "WHO ARE YOU?" from idiot Jarls, having to redo the same fucking type of quests to buy a house. The Witcher 3 also do that with NPCs and it do not feel like im riding through dead lands like it did in Skyrim. I find Skyrim to be one of the more dead open world. Litterally super long rides t hrough boring land.

Still, it do not render a million remakes to be sold to the idiotic mainstream who think this shit is the best RPG when it is the most shallow made in the Elder Scrolls series.

Yeah no. The quest design in Skyrim is so awful, these days when playing the game I skip 90% of them because of their focus on more cinematic and "epic" shit which just forces you to stand around waiting for people to finish talking or walking. The dungeons might look a bit nicer but they are just a linear corridor most of the time. Oblivion gets a lot of shit for the dungeons because they all look and feel so samey but their layouts are actually some of the best in the series.
Writing is just as shit as Oblivion with none of the characters having any semblance of a unique character or personality.

I’m honestly confused when people think they’re comparable. That’s not saying Witcher 3 isn’t a good game, and that it did things better than Skyrim or other Bethesda games, but in terms of open world? Absolutely not.

Witcher 3’s open world was more comparable to Assassin’s Creed than anything else, and frankly there were tons of issues with it, the same issues that plague a lot of other open world games these days. So many of these games have three or four simple tasks, and instead of introducing variation, they just repeat those same tasks over a massive overworld. In Assassin’s Creed it was always climb the thing, open the chest, climb the thing, get a camera shot, climb the thing, get a feather, climb the thing get a chest.
And Witcher 3 really is no different. You’d get a bandit camp, a monster nest, a village where you kill some monsters and they move back in, etc, etc, etc.
Skellige was the worst example of this. They filled the ocean with the same three floating chests over seventy times. No variation, no change. It wasn’t a substitute for actual content. Which is the problem. Witcher 3 didn’t NEED to be open world, it didn’t really gain much from going off the beaten path, whereas with TES games it’s kind of the core of the games.
People also somehow cite it being better because it’s bigger or whatever, but then I didn’t really feel that argument. The fact is the overworld is bigger, but Witcher 3 is very limited when comes to interiors.
Think about Skyrim or Oblivion or even Morrowind. Every house, every interior, everything you see, you can enter. Skyrim has a fucknugget of sprawling dungeons, where Witcher 3, like most open world games, is mostly above-ground. Caves end up being fairly small or limited in size, and often tied to quests, and are even more samey than people accuse Skyrim of being.

Don't bother. Elder Scrolls lore is retconned every game. Morrowind destroyed Daggerfall's, then Oblivion Morrowinds then Skyrim Oblivion's.

yes and then when u dedicate an entire island to its production you soon realise that its fucking worthless and will make hardly any money.

There's one where part of the ceiling goes down to crush you

That really doesn't look very good. But, alright, sure.

Now show me character models and tell me they look good.

Just start by reading up on stuff on the wiki.
Start with a thing you would like to know more about like say, the Dunmer, then as you read the article you come across information and links to things that sound interesting, like say the Ghostfence, then in that article you find a link to the Red Year, and so on.

Granted you will actually have to find the stuff interesting, but then again if you didn't what would be the point in even learning it in the first place.

The Witcher 3 is a superior RPG game on every level compared to Skyrim, The only part is that you are Geralt and there is no self insert but who wants to play a Dragonborn? I didn't.

Witcher 3 is more alive to me with more varied design on the world than Skyrim. I just do not see how people can call Skyrim the better sandbox when it is so easy to just dig a little at the world and it comes collapsing down cause Bethesda cannot make a interesting NPC worth a while.

It might have a shit ton of houses and shit to visit but what good is that if its just a house with some no name NPC that is boring as fuck and nothing of interest inside it? I like visiting houses, I can plundet through all the houses in Baldurs Gate but that feels like im really finding quests and weird shit in them while Skyrim got nothing of interest or has "capital" city of 12 houses. Another immersion breaker. That is also a reason why you can visit all houses, cause the settlements are fucking villages.

Shouldn't there be whales flying through the sky?

its hilarious how ENB skyrim looks better than any current muh ps4 and xbone game

best rpg or best rpg ever?

you were saying hon?

Or you know, he's a deadric prince and like all the other princes he is able to alter his or her appearance at will.

What is this bullshit Sup Forums?
Why not just make the box a fucking see-through, and tell everyone what's in the box too.
Fucking customs declaration I swear to god, you're literally at the mercy of who's on the job that day - last time they had the intelligence to call it "clothing article" and "silicone item".
What the fuck is this pajeet?

>Now show me character models and tell me they look good.
They look good.

>But we shouldn't pretend that Cyrodil wasn't always supposed to be filled with tropical jungles before they changed it for Oblivion.

You are not going to get tropical rainforests next to deciduous forests. It's a temperate rainforest in Oblivion. And yes, it is in the game. It's borders the mangrove forest, also mentions in that book everyone always refers to, that is located in the south.

They even adhere to the elevation description from the book. The only thing that isn't mentioned is the dry grassland towards the west, but they do mention that area is a wet dry region that sees frequent fires in summer so maybe they thought something like what we got would be better than more forest.


molag bal the king of rape had kids with Vivec

that means one of 'em spawned a vagina and an uterus

Fuck you, back peddling nigger

>molag bal the king of rape had kids with Vivec

What? That's bullshit.


here you have sir, your 3 massage apparatuses and the lingerie you ordered

Sermon 12 is the one that talks about Vivec and Molag Bal's banging, children, and marriage.


I imagine now that TES is mainstream they'll dumb down some of the deepest lore to make it normie friendly.

Hemp is made from a different cannabis plant to the one that gets you high though.

>5 mods later that could make or break the game

rly makes u thunk

I wanna try out Oblivion but downloading all the mods seems so damn annoying.

>spawned a vagina and an uterus
you make it sound like they created a magical flying creature consisting of female reproductive organs

At least they hint on it in Skyrim with Serana and family getting raped into a vampire by him.

What's so bad about it? Do you have slow internet?

Please, they're amazing compared to the quests in Morrowind.


Not only Serana and her mom, Lord Harkon himself got raped too.

Fun for the whole family

Only an absolute moron would break the game with less than 100 mods. Use Mod Organizer.

Most mods aren't so big. Some are only a few kilobytes.

Really? I thought most mods were like 1-2 GB