Just bought a PS4, what are essential games that I need right now
PS4 Game thread
Well I suggest you games such as and or even .
Horizon Zero Dawn
Whichever games you wanted to play so much that you bought a PS4.
NieR a tomato
buy what ps4 games that look cool to you op you done need us
No Man's Sky
I, too, just bought a PS4 and I got DB Xenoverse 2 and ESO Morrowind with it. Also preordered the new Madden and Destiny 2 because I'm a fucking normie with friends.
Get whatever you want.
wtf guys Sup Forums said it was an amazing console... that's why i bought it... now you tell me you can't name any essential games?!
If you dont have a good PC then its your go-to for any modern multiplats you want, anyway Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 are fun and worth the time
Bloodborne and Persona 5.
Everything else isn't worth it or you can play better on PC.
Yakuza 0 and Gravity rush 1&2 for comfy shit, Bloodborne for le ebin true gaymur experience, which is, memeing aside, actually great, but imo souls games get obnoxious without a comfy game to relax you if you are stuck.
convince me to buy a ps4 lads
I recently bought one on a whim as well. Got persona 5 and no mans sky because its dirt cheap. Barely played any of them yet so no idea if they're good enough to recommend, but p5 should be dope.
>want a PS4
>Pro is still that price
>barely any bundles
Fuck. I don't want a slim or original because i have the feeling they will fuck us with newer games with worse framerate because Pro is the thing now.
Why the fuck are you buying a console if you don't have any idea or preference for games released for it?
in less than 3 months it will drop in price.
How sure are you of this? Because I'm about to buy one tomorrow.
>got a console
>have no money for games
end of rine
Black friday bundle i guess.
>create PSN account
>get all the free shit that will last weeks - months till you get some money for proper games.
>buying a console without having any idea what games you want to play on it
You're no worse than those fags who buy random games and make shitty) "what should I expect threads?"
Yakuza 0 is great and Im no weeb
Persona 5 is really fun, and I dont usually like turn based combat
BB is amazing and I love souls games
UFC 2 is fun and tough
Gravity Rush is comfy
I want actual games, user.
Meant to reply to
Well get some money immediately then.
If you're half as cute at that penis priestess you posted it shouldn't be much of a problem for you.
I would be playing something if it was that easy
my dick is pretty cute!
Why would you buy a console if you don't know what games you want?
I just bought a PS4 myself and the first games I bought were Bloodborne, FFXV and Tales of Berseria. Next ones I'll probably get are Crash and Guilty Gear, though I'm kind of hesitant on the latter since I have to pay for online to really enjoy it. I know there are many more good games on it but those 5 are the main ones I wanted.
get Nioh Deluxe edition and Bloodborne GOTY edition for starters.
both excellent games with a shitton of hours of playtime
then get Yakuza 0, followed by Yakuza Kiwami if you liked Zero
get gravity rush remastered, if you liked it get gravity rush 2.
Crash N sane trilogy is a good deal.
oh and Ape Escape 2 and Rogue Galaxy on PSN
also Wonder Boy The Dragons Trap if you like Indie games
get Garou Mark of the Wolves if you want a cheap local fighting game, its one of the best and can be enjoyed with amateurs
hope this helps, have fun spending cash.
PS+ is way more optional then people make it out to be, most multiplayer games are multiplats.
Yeah, Black Friday and Xmas bundles.
The thing is, i wanted to play some newer games and i am tired of waiting.
My ps3 backlog is almost running out too
OP probably left his thread, he's not responded to anything. Drive by posting is cancer, buying a console without a reason to buy one is even worse.
is dragon quest builder good? Thinking about getting it.
>because Pro is the thing now
plenty of games don't even support it and it won't get you a higher framerate just some weird 4k AA thing.
Well i mean i enjoy mine so i can't tell anyone not to buy it. 3 months is a long time aswell.
Current games, yes. New games will start to be more about working better on Pro, like some sports games starting that trend.
I also get a feeling shit like KH3 will work much better on the Pro than the regular console
True. Then i realize "shit, Yakuza Kiwis is about to be released and didn't even played 0"
Yakuza 0 has so much fucking content holy shit.