Are there any characters you ship?

Are there any characters you ship?

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Her and Knuckles makes more sense.

Not to say that the thought of her seducing Tails and forcefully fucking him into manhood isn't hot as fuck, though.

mating_press dominant_female huge_ass naughty_face cum_inside

They make a good pair

Pharah + Mercy. They were literally designed, from a gameplay standpoint, around each other.

Malon and Link. I kinda consider it the correct path for the Kid Timeline.

No shit

Like a fucking cruise liner

Peppy and Slippy, yeah.



Katt x Falco yeah.

>tfw no Rouge to /ss/ with
That Canned Furry comic fucked me up big time


Reimu and Marisa

Geo and Sonia.

Which booru?

user x Waifu

Actually no, but if you thought with more than just your dick you'd know that.

Does it count as a ship if it's a canon pairing?

no you fag and thats also not videogames you double homo

As a joke mostly.
But I also wish this pair never existed.

I only enjoy ships with high probability of being canon in whatever media they are from. A ship based on aesthetic or fetishism alone is boring. It needs a good story to go along with it.

Try to guess what game this is


>Waifu in turn
It wasn't that hard to figure out, was it?


you fucking sicko

Didn't link properly. respond to this one instead.

Rouge is my wife

Says you

Also Talbain and Felicia, cliché as it may be.

I just find student/pupil relationships to be cute

yes says me no shit wow no shit dude wow dude wow woooow

>76 x Reaper
I really don't understand her obsession with that ship.



which do you think






>One person = everyone
Nice try pedo

Nah, this fag would probably try to burn your house down if you suggested TailsxRouge /ss/.

Not canon


It just reminded me of that happy moment

fuck off manlet

>Tails has absolutely nothing definable about him whatsoever
>Completely lacks an actual personality, only trait he has is "He's really smart"
>Gets paired with Rouge a lot for literally no reason despite the two having maybe a minute total of screentime together
>People try and convince themselves that they aren't autistic for liking/supporting a completely crack ship


Feel free to post more bat tats though.

>Not Tails/Wave

Literally perfect for each other.

Nathan Drake + Treasure

No, I think they just like seeing a slutty, busty woman take a shota's virginity, whether he likes it or not. (Usually "yes")

That was drawn by Kelly Turnbull, the woman who does "Manly Guys Doing Manly Things"


They're paired a lot because of the obvious /ss/ vibes

That one isn't that farfetched, since Mona actually does like Wario. It's just that Wario likes money more.

>Literal pedos
Oh, okay. Explains the autism.

Yes, they do.

Me too.

I ship RingabelxEdea, TizxAgnés, and YewxMagnolia


No it wasn't. Want a link to the actual artist?

Even I know it's impossible, but Kanji/Naoto.

>Tails has absolutely nothing definable about him whatsoever

that fox is packing two monster cocks

Sorry user, its hip to fuck statues

kanji in a heartbeat would be with Naoto, in fact they can work this out. Naoto works as a detective and Kanji makes sure food is ready when Naoto returns, they'll be reversing their roles and still work it out

Congratulate them.

>tfw in 2014 Sup Forums was already filled with normalfags and reddit
fuck why am I still here

>Tails has absolutely nothing definable about him whatsoever
Not true, the Adventure games gave him a little coming of age story about him needing to prove himself to Sonic and everyone. Of course, that didn't really stick and Tails lost relevance as a main character

Only Batman and Catwoman, and that's practically cannon anyway.

You posted it

Too bad Kanji's too much of a little fucking bitch to ever man up and ask Naoto out. She wouldn't be romance-able if that weren't the case.

Oh well, it just kind of blended in with all the 76 x Reaper stuff she draws on her tumblr.


>openly supporting forced marriage

Then it will be Naoto who will have to ask for Kanji. They are quite the opposite is cute to put them together

Talia says hi

Nope. Naoto has absolutely zero interest in Kanji.

Why do you dislike it so much?

Bruce didn't just ask Talia to marry him, now did he?


So... pedos.

I actually prefer that artist over most of her stuff. In fact I prefer many artists over her. This pic, for example, is by a korean dude that makes some top quality stuff. There are a lot of really good artists that draw this shit.

I'm fine with it, it just can get annoying sometimes. Like how for a week straight 70% of the art blogs I follow decided that Dream Daddy was going to be literally the only thing they post about.

To this day I am buttblasted, their interactions were great.

Mainly it's because Kanji is a little bitch, yeah. 4 damn games and he has done nothing but fawn over her without acting on it.

Samus and Pikachu

Catwoman was always the better woman for him anyway. Talia is just a villainous bitch. At least with Catwoman, she's a shade of grey.
Also Damian can go fuck himself. I hate that little shit.



Marisa and Alice is pure you cock mongrel!

Still mad.


Literally just hedgehog Sakura and Sasuke

>Entry level Alice/Marisa
jk Marisa honestly has a lot of chemistry with so many characters. She even got a Jizou in the new game

remind me when's the last time alice appeared in the games or manga outside of some irrelevant dialogue-less background cameo?

Bad guy x Good girl coupling is the GOAT and too underrated

>Vapid whore who doesn't do anything but make cakes
>Guy with actual personality and charisma and interests

No, they really don't make a good pair at all.

Shadow isn't bad though.

The only time Bowser shows any charisma is in the RPGs, which is where Peach also does things that isn't making cakes.
