Six more days until GOTY
Six more days until GOTY
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Sup Forums tears will be so sweet during the first week sales.
Dead thread, dead game.
Taking bets on how many tantrum mra posts will appear after release
sorry what game?
So hyped
It's gonna be GOTY desu
more like DLC of the month, just like uncharted became a GOTM
Cuz overmeme raped that overrated crap with even less sold copies
>Chloe and the worst character from U4 are the only playable characters
>No Sam and Sully teaming up
How am I supposed to relate to minority women? I can't play this game.
Are you Armenian? Is English your native language?
I don;t even care if an actual good game gets GOTY at this point.
Game of the moth? What the fuck?
I actually had no idea we were this close to the release date
When you see start seeing the PlayStation YouTube ads playing that means it's time.
>shill priorities
>open world
>more nonlinear than 4
>but it features Chloe and Nadine
>not using ublock origin
>tfw no bikini costume
>games full of men shirtless in underwear
how is this equality?
Would've saved my ass especially after all those nightmare Horizon: Zero Dawn ads. Shit.
Sad how they cranked her Indian facial features up to 10. She was perfect in Uncharted 2.
They don't call him Neil Cuckman for no reason.
I hope Naughty Dog got Uncharted out of their system after a decade of games. I want them to go back to doing platformers again, like Jak and Daxter or even Crash. No more of these cinematic experiences already, Naughty Dog used to be my favorite back in the early 2000's.
>caring about a dlc for the fifth uncharted game
inb4 sonyfags pretend the vita game doesn't count
What's a vita?
what happen to her?
>reality is shilling now
Nadine is literally the worst character in the entire Uncharted franchise, and so they decide the last entry in the franchise (for a while anyway) is going to feature her.
Great idea, retards. Way to stick it to misogynerds everywhere!
If it was a Chloe solo game I'd be there day one, but Nadine is so hateable that I'll probably never pick it up. I refuse to have the awful character shoved down my throat.
>no sully
Trash. Interest lost.
why? it's just uncharted 4 gameplay with new tranny Chloe, U4's gameplay is exceptionally mediocre.
You never played uncharted 4 if you think it's mediocre
It's one of the best action games ever
>tfw no 1960's era prequel with young Sully going on womanizing treasure hunts and criminal dealings
sorry you got triggered, bro
>chloe looks like a poo indian now
>nadine instead of cutter
fuck that
Do you forget that the fucking TLOU DLC got a GOTY award?
>tfw no donut drake
nope its pretty much common consensus that U4 gameplay was dog shit boring same retread we had since uncharted 1
and this game is going to be 90% filler and game length will be arbitrarily inflated with boring kill room encounters
and that matters how?
Is she even ment to be Indian? I thought she was British with a tan from running around in the sun
is this the uncharted game with the really nice butts?
It's guarenteed this shit will get a GOTY award no matter how bullshit it is. TLOU shouldn't of gotten the award either
>they got rid of donut drake because they felt it was insensitive to fatties
>as a fatty I was sad to learn he would be gone
You is shilling now whitey
She is half Indian half Australian.
>Australian liking an Indian enough to bear childreb
Why are they working together?
Australian dude was probably drunk as fuck.
>take best girl
>make her ugly because she was too attractive
>pair her with worst girl
>that fucking nose
so they blatantly just changed her race?
It will flop as hard as MAFIA III and ME :Andromeda. Sjw agenda shit isnt selling games, people literally dobt want this shit guess theyll have to learn the hard way.
But Hellblade is already out matte.
Plus, Uncharted died with 3.
4 contradicts itself and the whole drama doesn´t suit it. Not to mention the political agenda...
>Will either have to buy this shit game for gf cuz lol anniversary or some jewelry
Get the jewlery. At least you may get some sex out of it.
>But Hellblade
stopped reading there
>he only cares about sales
Sup Forums is indistinguishable from neogaf
Mafia III is 2K's fastest selling game ever with 2.6M copies sold. Mass Effect: Andromeda, despite being a piss poor job was hailed as a success by EA, and turned a profit. Horizon: Zero Dawn has sold 3.4M copies since February. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has sold 10M copies since last year. What the hell makes you think people don't buy these games, despite your political leanings?
why do naughty dog fags always use this excuse?
it never fails, it always the same you didn't play it excuse.
>it always the same you didn't play it excuse.
Well, have you played it?
It must be hard, being constantly triggered as you poor wittle fellas.
Oh well, at least people irl take you seriously, right?
she was always mixed aussie and Indian, they just made her uglier to to fit her Indian heritage.
I don't know if that's an insult or a good thing to Indian people.
Depends on your response
are you having a stroke?
can't wait for this shit to bomb and the mental gymnastics niel jewmanwill have to go through to not blame diversity
meant for
I don't care, I'm not about to jump to my feet to defend a game somebody hates. But I do opine you hold judgment before evaluating ANY game you haven't even played.
>A Naughty Dog game bombing
Now that's a laugh and a half.
Won't win any GOTY awards, not in a year where we've had Zelda Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Nier Auotmata and soon Super Mario Odyssey.
stop speaking for me
Wanna bet?
Put your house and life savings on the line if you're so convinced ULL will win every single GOTY award
You must be thinking of splatoon 2
Mass Effect Andromeda is GOTY you little shit
What does the splatoon community mean by this?
>Six more days until GOTY
how can I not play it? naughty god remains on top
whats the point? Naughty dog is against lewd clothes for girls but okay for men to be shirtless in underwear
I want to get it, but paying $40 for a standalone DLC really boggles my mind. Should've gotten the Triple Pack when I had the chance. I'm glad they're adding MP if you only get Chloe's game and not have UC4. Hopefully, it will add more people playing MP.
ND adding Asav as a new character in MP pretty much confirms thaley can add Rika Raja or based cameraman Jeff, but they're just being fickle.
Why are the villain characters so much more abundant than heroes ;_;
It's a stand alone sure, but is about the length of the first game that also comes with the multiplayer from Uncharted 4, and a digital code for Jak and Daxter 1. For $40 I say you're getting your money's worth, especially if this is you're first time jumping in.
Epic bro, bet you rake in the pussy
>tfw pre-ordered but don't really feel hype
i don't get it, is this a full new game or DLC for uncharted 4?
>Shilling has already begun
Six more days until the worst selling Uncharted game of all time comes out
It's so bad Sup Forums doesn't even shitpost about it
It's like Wolfebstien: The Old Blood.
It's not really a sequel because there's no major gameplay changes, but it's not DLC either because it is a standalone thing that doesn't need the original game to work.
Basically reusing U4 engine and some assets in new levels put together to make a shorter than average game sold at a budget price.
You know thats a lie. Shitposting will be nonstop
C-Close enough?