>church is good
>final boss is the devil

Name three game that does this
and then 3 that dont

>Both the church and the devil are evil

>everyone is evil, no one is good
>not even the player character

>church is evil
>god is good

Are there any games with a corrupted church and religion where god has to have you purge all the heretics and reform it?

SMT usually if you consider the Great Will/Axiom to be good

Path of Exile...


>Church is NOT evil

Act 5 sort of
"""God""" is originally good in lore, becomes corrupted because of the beliefs of his followers, gets killed by you, the player, then comes back very resentful for he evil shit he did and becomes good again as far as we know

Isn't Sin /ourguy/?

YHVH is evil though in every SMT game he's in and the Great Will doesn't do anything except for shitting out messiahs to try to keep humanity in check.

What are RPGs Western or Japanese that portray God as good and AREN'T bad games

>made the beast in the first place (out of the flesh of hundreds/thousands of humans/animals)
>is, for some unknown reason, stealing the powers of all the gods
>is literally the embodiment of Sin in anthro form, and while he does help the player character and help save the day from Kitava, he still isn't exactly a good guy, other than the fact that he supposedly has empathy for humans
>let the beast, his creation, exist for multiple civilizations knowing how fucked up is was and what havoc it wrought, only came out of hiding once someone managed to kill t, and decided to get on the good side of it's slayer
Dude is sketchy as FUCK

I thought the story was like this
>in the ancient times people can ascend to gods, gods are running around being assholes and humans are getting a raw deal
>sin is tired of that shit and creates the beast to lock down all other gods
>the vaal and azmeri tampered with the beast because fuckloads of power, caused the cataclysms
>malachai didn't die properly and tried to gain control of the beast so you go and kill him/the beast
>the beast dies, all gods are free again, kitava is fucking shit up fierce
>you go and murderhobo them to death, kill kitava with some essence or shit from the beast
>sin picks up their souls and gives them to you (the pantheon)
Or am I misunderstanding something? I mean he looks like fucking terrorblade but considering his brother is basically jesus but a major asshole it didn't seem like he would be evil.

You're not wrong, but this also doesn't really answer the questions brought up in my post about how sketchy Sin is.

>the devil killed god and took over the church

Thats kinda the plot of FFXIV Heavensward.

"God" in Japanese games is usually just some really strong guy who exists in the physical world, not a creator.

>AREN'T bad games
>someone gives you a title
>you'll just say that it is a bad game anyway
What's the point of asking this?

being the embodiment of Sin doesn't mean he has to be evil, you could interpret it as being rebellious

also I thought he was himself also locked up by the beast, which is why he appared along all the other gods
and you can't really fault the beast for being dangerous, considering that when it died it took like forty five minutes for kitava to get started ending the world or whatever, as far as I remember it only caused cataclysms when tampered with by the likes of doryani and malachai

>Characters are ugly af