Boy I sure do love "discussing" Yu-Gi-Oh games

Boy I sure do love "discussing" Yu-Gi-Oh games.

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Yugioh Abridged is just depressing now, my god does it suck.

Is Little Kuriboh shittier now or did we just grow up? DBZ abridged is still great, but YGO abridged is just awful, I actually get angry when a new episode comes out.

My thoughts exactly, even the voice acting is worse. Maybe it is just hard to get funny gags out of this shitty season, or maybe his butt still hurts bad or something. I still got high hopes for him,

Moving on to game discussion, how good is legacy of the duelist on steam?

I think he grew out of it.

Doesn't he also have severe depression?

The fact that his wife is literally a tumblr stereotype doesn't help

Who /hype/ here
>i'm not gonna let you play yugioh: the deck

Slow, dead online, overpriced dlc, outdated.
Worth a pirate if you want to get into the game and learn the basics.

>Yu-Gi-Oh after Battle City

>Summons after Ritual Summons

Little Kuriboh's Ninjabridged series is the best thing he has ever made by himself.

Literally the most boring and cancerous era of yugioh
>he never played against yata lock

Nostalgiafags didn't even know how to play the game, ignore them.


It's a fantastic way to do that, but I hate that the mouse input is still locked to the grid of the console versions. It's so uncomfortable to use that I unironically prefer the PS4 version.

Honestly cant wait to see how the new ruleset plays out. Everything after the Synchro Era has been a bit too fast for my liking given most Meta decks focused on a 1-2 turn kill. I am guilty of running some of these myself but it gets stale quick.

As for the show well it kinda went downhill after 5Ds(and poor dub viewers, they cut the true final arc out because Leo/Rua technically dies in an episode)

>There are people who still use extra deck shit and pendulums to mass Special Summon.
Little girls really are the best deck in Yugioh.

OCGfag here. This meta is:
>summon one big boss monster and hope he doesn't get Kaiju'd

Dinosaur, True Draco and ABC are meta and fun to play.

Reminder that Ninjabridged is literally abridged kino. Compare LK at his prime

With Little Cuckribo in the latest episode. It's depressing. Is it his fat ugly wife that gave him depression and made him lose the ability to be funny?

When did Yugioh lost it?
Synchro for me. The fact that there are thousands of card A that only work with card B doesn't help either.

Confirmed for never actually playing yugioh. Synchro was fucking shit when they were released and got BTFO'd by Lightsworn and Gladiator Beast on daily basis.

When Konami actually thought Psy-Frames would be a fun archetype to create

How do i get into Yu-gi-oh? What should i start with? How much money will it cost me?

Pretty much after GX.

Nostalgiafagging aside, who the hell thought that Pendulum card is a good idea? It has ugly clashing colors and it crammed even more text than before. It's ugly as hell. Link cards looks better in almost every way.

Wrong, battle city is still the best he has ever made.

>yugioh 5D happens to air on a tv station.
>Took me 30 minutes to understand that it no biking anime but the card game.

I don't really know how to get into it now that there is new rulings and shit tho, you should try watching the anime, that worked for me with pendulums.

Pirate legacy of th duelist to get a general idea
Then wait until Ygopro update to link format and play that

totally forgot that this exists, the movie was kino.


Just play Duel Links on your phone

I'd unwrap her.