Spend 5 Seasons stuck in Gold playing Tank and DPS. Decide fuck it, and decide to play Mercy

Spend 5 Seasons stuck in Gold playing Tank and DPS. Decide fuck it, and decide to play Mercy.

Teams love healers... wait for good team, group up with them. Ride their win streaks. Repeat.

Out of Gold in one afternoon.


Cool blog where do I unsubscribe.

I don't think you understand the meme. "Cool Blog" is for long posts.

>Spend 5 Seasons stuck in Gold
I'm so so sorry for you.

lol It's OK. It's just a rank where 1/2 the people know how to play and half don't. It's got incredible levels of variables.

Good girl. Now play with a buttplug in and makeup on and you'll get to diamond.

lol. LMAO. I'm a girlish guy, but I'm still a guy.

You live how you wanna live though.


I play only Mercy and I've been Master every season. I'm almost certain I would be in Gold if I played anything other than support because I'm terrible at every other role.

>bottom of master is his carrer high playing as mercy
>he cut off his current sr with no shame

hahaha, you already have your profile rotten with hours played into MERCY, why do you care

anything other than MERCY you mean?
try ana you'll be out of masters before midnight

>start playing competitive
>you have to "play the meta" to survive

nah I'm gonna stay in quickplay thanks

Actually it's both faggot

I decayed back to diamond 3000 SR after finishing my promos and a few more games to get to master. I'll do the same thing next season probably.

quick play is fucking cancer though. it puts people gold ranked into games with top 500's and grandmasters ALL the time. you can't get a decent game there to save your life, it's literally just hope your team has less high tier players who are just goofing off than the other team. at least in comp you can pick whatever you like and if you ignore your team's autistic screeching the game is somewhat balanced.

>start playing competitive
>try flex
>fucking suck
>say fuck it and play nothing but symmetra
>win constantly and climb fast
Oh wow that was hard, just play your favourite hero.

Literally this.
I hate this dead game. Playing Quick play during week days in weird hours is basically "placing the first 12 players that are online together after searching for 4 minutes". You basically end up with gold shitters and a master on the other side to "balance" things out
Hope this game keep decreasing in players day by day so it'll go free to play soon

What if you just put teams together and eliminate so much of the variation?

It's a TEAM game if you didn't know.

go back


half the playerbase doesn't know it's a team game either so what does it matter

you could also play ana and still have fun while playing healer.

You'd also be doing a better job at it.

his advice is sage; you would do well to heed it.

You group up with the ones that do. lol

I don't get it.

At the Elo I am at the res is more useful than the nano boost.

Good job, user. Learn positional awareness between your team and the enemy team, keep track of enemy ults in your head, and practice.

To be fair, S5 participation is a lot lower compared to S4.

>At the Elo I am at the res is more useful than the nano boost.

That is depressingly true.

Im still waiting for Mackenzie

>another dps that shitters will swarm over
No thanks

Mercy exists. The ideal hero is already here.