PC fags.... This your future now

PC fags.... This your future now.

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Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.


I beg to differ

I'm an idort and completely find with this. What's the problem, OP?

And it's looking bright.

>this triggers the average redditor on Sup Forums
can't wait for actual uncensored h-games on steam

golden age my friend. no more shitty SJW games only big anime tiddies now

He's just one of those guys who thinks he's cool because he hates anime.


Cute girls are the only reason to live.


>normies on Sup Forums

>he's jealous because console cucks don't get hgames

you wish... Pc "friend".

These shits have always been on PC OP are you fucking stupid.

Let's check out some pc games, shall we?

>No man jaws.
I'm fine with this.


PC =/= Steam

>woah cute Kemono art
>it's always boys and yaoi
It's not fair.


>console fags mad they'll never be able to play anything they want at any time ever for free forever x100
Stay upset

Ho, but I agree.

Has science gone too far?

I can't wait for Jeremy Bernal to ride the Steam cock.

Moero Chronicle is coming out in less than a day now!! THE LEWD FUTURE IS NOW!

A console a day,
keep the furry/scally away.

I'll probably get this.

Bye, retard.

I decided to play Raidy a few days ago. It's alright.

Why japanese keep copying the old wizardry games instead of the other Dungeons Crawler games is beyond me.

Getting that for best girl.

damn it sucks that i HAVE to buy these games
oh wait i don't so it's literally a non-issue and you're an idiot
phew! that was close! for a second i thought you had a point!

6 hours to go.

If you don't have it already, Monster Monpiece is on sale at Humble Bundle for $4.

Oh God no, not more options that I can use or ignore at my discretion, anything but that!

She's FLAT.

As a PCfag, how can I deal with the fact that Cloud Meadow will never be finished/good/meet up the expectation you have from the animation?


I know right, she's so perfect.

I'm not a big fan of monster girls but I do like DRPGs. Will I enjoy this?

It's a shame there's so few like her in the game desu.
I want to fuck Kukuri.

It's casual, you can adjust the difficulty settings, but any person experienced with dungeon crawlers will destroy everything this games throws at you, strategy against the bosses for example can be really obvious, so it's hard to die unless you are doing something wrong. I stilll had fun with it though.

If it's Wizardryshit just like Elminage Gothic, I hope for god you don't have fun with those "games"

>Yume miru kusuri
This one was cool.

What is the Monster Girls Quest of 2017?


Stop avatarfagging I already saw you over at the loli and ddo threads which is damn good taste but still.

Not him but I had tons of fun with Elminage Gothic. I'm a fucking masochist I think.

I wonder what PC gaming will have next...

Who doesn't, Kukuri is a miracle.


Her dance was even sexier than the original.

That was me, not him.

Is there any way to hide whatever you're buying and playing from your Steam contacts? Asking for a friend haha.


>this will never be real in your lifetime

i thought trump was pro animu

No! I will stop it!

Thats a lot of kukuri.

My niggas, Mahoujin is probably my AOTS, look forward to it all the more that the rest of the season is such garbage.

already here:

No one's forcing me to look at any of that shit though
I mean, my "PCfag" present right now is survival crafting zombie open world early access and will probably be battle royale games soon
Just ignore 'em


Cute and simple design makes her good reaction image material.

Tenshi no 3p isn't bad either desu. But yeh the rest is not worth watching.

nothing wrong with it


>we will never get a Mahoujin Guru Guru video game on PS4 that based Degica would port to PC
>we will never see that dance in a Mahoujin Guru Guru video game


>let's play a 4X gam-

Boy, a new game would be sweet, it could happen. The anime has Square Enix behind it, and both the original games on the Super Famicon were by the old Enix. I'd love some kind of GuruGuru action rpg.

>nah, it was just a coinciden-

>Neogaf spacing


Same, I am enjoying other suff as well, but Mahoujin is my best this season.


look like it:

Wow I didn't even know there were games as a noobie to Guru Guru. Which ones are good and to what extent?

Maybe robots at least are saf-

There's a few for SNES and for the GBC, they are one of those RPGs aimed at the younger audience that were common in the 90s, like Madou Monogatari. They are all pretty nice games, but there is the language barrier, the games are all in Japanese without any fan translation around.

Hol' up

Is that new doki doki?
Is it a remaster or new story?

It's a full remake actually, with the story following close to the original manga.

>pure coincid-

Weird proportions.

Thanks, I can read Japanese so I think I'll check them out. The Famicom one is pretty cheap on eBay.


I built my PC for eroge and total war

They really are, I got both games for 10$ I think

I remember little about them, just that the first one is considerably shorter than the second, and that the sequel is much more difficult. I should play them again. But I had a good time with them.


>most of the screenshots were removed because a tumblrina reported them all


Because Dragon Quest

It's a good future. Only issue with it is the amount of ironic weeaboo normalfags it's attracting. As a result Steam is being flooded with shitty Sakura ____ games from Sekai Project and shitty Youtuber bait like Dream Daddy. Dream Daddy isn't even a dating sim and no one will call them out on it because no one knows what a dating sim is anymore. It means "LOL SO QUIRKY XD romance VN" now.

eww, I think we have a homophobe here.


If hating Let's Play bait and mislabeled genres makes me homophobic then I'll wear the label proudly.

those wont stay up for long.


>Consolefag think we waited them to have lewd game

Bigot. Purchase to make up for it.

>Evil Maze now has an uncensored patch

No wonder it's on my friend's wishlist.