Is this game considered to be good and/or representative of the series as a whole?

Is this game considered to be good and/or representative of the series as a whole?

The queer picture-walking thing was a total turn off for me and felt so fucking out of place. The graphics are like a bastard child between ALttP and Phantom Hourglass. Buying weapons and having infinite arrows/bombs etc. is fucking stupid and I hate it. Avoid.

Yeah its good

It's ok. A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time would represent the series better.

That being said, if you never played a Zelda game there's nothing wrong with ALBW. In fact it's very similiar to ALTTP, it often feels like an extension (this is my main critique of the game, it doesn't stand on its own).

This game was too easy, and thiz is coming from someone that was too lazy to beat majoras mask

It's a VERY solid 7/10 game.

This guys not that wrong, it was a bit hand holdie, but everything is these days.
I liked it regardless, but see if you can cop a second hand title, the campaign isn't quiet long enough to warrant full price IMO

At least it's better than any 3D console Zelda

I will never understand the Top-Down contrarians.

It's good, but very easy. It's not entirely representative of the series but most of the basics are there.

Start with ALttP if you can. ALBW is a good sequel though.

It's on Nintendo Selects, it's super cheap now

It's the best top down Zelda

That would automically make it the best Zelda...

No Zelda game is representative of the series but albw is good.

Honestly this. It's a fine game, but it felt too much like a remake. Part of what makes Zelda games so enjoyable is exploring a whole new world full of surprises. In ALBW, I pretty much knew the entire map from playing aLttP before.

>Sup Forums hates this game now despite sucking its dick when it came out

I guess enjoying something wasn't contrarian

You make it sound as if it's actually better to skip ALttP in favor of ALBW.

I preferred aLttP, but that could possibly be due to nostalgia. Overall I just think that aLttP is more challenging and in every way a unique title with its own identity. I can't say the same for ALBW. Although I still enjoyed both a lot.
ALttP has actually aged very well, I'd start with that one personally.

It would' ve been way better with a new map.

Kind of this. If you break the series down into chunks of games, some games represent their own chunk pretty well but will never quite cover all the bases.

It's one of the best 2D Zelda's imo. True that it's a little on the easy side, but the puzzles are so tightly and impressively designed and use the central "gimmick" (turning into a painting) to great effect - essentially making you think about the 2D spaces in a 3D way.

I'm not sure that'd I'd say it's very representative of the series as a whole.. Zelda is a pretty diverse series, it's hard to pin one down to represent them all - but I'd probably go with Ocarina. Pretty much all the Zelda games (2D & 3D) leant heavily on stuff established in Ocarina since it came out, and it's a fucking brilliant game - my personal all time fav (don't listen to contrarian dickheads).

it's just a shittier easier alttp

It's NEW a link to the past. Good game though. Would recommend.

I love OoT but it's basically just ALttP in 3D.

It's only easier because moldorm isn't bullshit like in alttp

I never understood this point. Yeah, it has some of the same names of people and the dual world mechanic, but that's pretty much where the similarities end.

Well, it is a sequel

>top-down shitter
2d is obsolete, albw proved that

It's the best for newcomers, play it then ALTTP, then the other 3D Zeldas in release order

pretty damn good Zelda, I hope they make more top-view single player entries in the future