Will we ever get good licensed anime games again? What series would you like see get a game?
Will we ever get good licensed anime games again? What series would you like see get a game?
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How can you make a good game if the source is shit
The anime industry is nothing but a fat neckbeard Sup Forumsirging pandering machine that offer no substance in it's content.
Why would you expect any good games to come out of it?
That's not even mentioning how budgets are getting more and more restrained while the production cost (of both, but even more so in games) only keeps rising.
Just give it up, user.
I want to fuck Akko.
A game better animated than the original source.
and just to be fair.
you are not alone
I want to fuck Sucy.
Give me a Lupin III licensed game I already played the SFC game.
Delete this. That game is gonna be so damn trash.
i don't believe you at all
I'd prefer homogenous over varied but grotesque
>production cost of anime
what? that makes no sense whatsoever. machine animation only gets cheaper as time goes on and the days of paying hundreds of thousands for animators skilled at hand drawing are over.
I want to shitpost using Akko related memes!
That image is bullshit for various reasons. OK KO, Ducktales, Wander, the new Mickey Mouse shorts, etc. Cartoons have far more diversity than you give them credit for.
>What series would you like see get a game?
How it has not gotten a non phone game at this point is beyond me.
Maybe after S4 or S5
Oh did hte new show come out? Is it good or just a shitty reboot?
the Virtual-On being tainted by a harem LN
>yfw we'll never get a Kill La Kill game made by Platinum Games
Goddamnit Kamiya, try giving the people what they want.
I don't even care about Index, I'm just worried about the controls. It being PS4/Vita only makes me super worried.
>Oh did hte new show come out?
Came out last week. As far as reboots go, it's one of the better ones. Not perfect, but you can tell there was a lot of heart put into it. Luckily they uploaded the entire thing on YouTube like the Mickey Mouse shorts, so you can watch it here:
The only thing I've really heard bad about it is they try too hard to make the girl duck into Mable from Gravity Falls
Is this real? why?
chuu2 16 bit brawler with story progression and all the autismal fight moves that made the anime tolerable
looks legit, Carton Network is ded, the corpse is actively decaying at this point
as for the why
This doesn't mean that it's bad though, it's just an artstyle change. 10's definately looks better than 00's. But if you want to see samefag post that Kyoani image.
Mahoujin Guru Guru. It actually had a few games by Enix after it's initial exhibition in Japan during the early 90s and they were pretty nice. I would love to see a modern game for the series.
>The only thing I've really heard bad about it is they try too hard to make the girl duck into Mable from Gravity Falls
for you
Anime artists still have a notable variety in art styles, and older styles are always coming back, but it's unfortunate that no one give attention when they do.
I do miss the designs we see in 90s fantasy anime, stuff like Slayers and Dragon Half, absurdly huge shoulder pads and all.
But user, she's retarded.
akko best girl
Your mistaken user, you don't fuck Sucy.
Sucy fucks you.
delicious highleg
I had so many faps just to her alone.
That fucking highcut leotard got my dick going.
Of fuck yas, that style is the best thing ever created. Ys used to be so cool looking too but it followed new anime's devolution and became gayness. Pointing this out in Ys threads just leads retards to point out "Ys was always weeb" but they don't get it. Weeb was cooler back then.
Women were a mistake
Akko is stinky.
>implying sucy wouldn't mindbreak
I would love top see a game come of this, train wreck though it was. The spots where they really went all out on the coloring and shading were gorgeous.
I want another one piece game.
I'm liking what I see so far, hopefully they can keep it up.
This. It shows in their video games too.
Mobile shit, JRPGs, VNs, shit CCGs, etc. It's all just time sink games that don't require any thought, skill, etc. Just dedication to mindlessly slogging away, pushing one button over and over.
Yeah, mindbreak you.
What show is that 10's image making fun of?
I'm still mad about potato no rotoscope.
God I love this dumb bullshit.
Aku no hana
Subs fucking when
I want to fuck Sucy's footpussy.
Subs for 6 are out
No idea for 7.
That image is just not fair, because it changes just a few things without adapting everything to the proper art style, except for 60s and 70s. With the 90s, her shoulder would be much more accentuated, and her hands much bigger. it also doesn't help that it's literally Saber Marionette, which had a unique art even for the 90s.
I know it's a bait image,but I always wanted to reply to it seriously for some reason.
>episode 8 in a couple days
>7 wont come out until setember
Sasuga commie
Akko belongs to Diana only.
wont come out until setember
What is the 90s one?
>tfw no LWA on Switch
I just want a good portable beat em up with cute girls.
>anime game
I think I've spotted your problem
I want to play as Mumei
Di Gi Charat
>them fuckhuge eyes and deformed faces
The late 90s was really a dark time for moe anime.
Nothing ever went wrong, from the 80s to today, anime has always delivered the cute girls I need.
Di Gi Charat.
Dragon Ball Fighterz my dear user.
I'd rather a Mystery Dungeon game 2bh.
>that image
God, those learn to drawn books were amazing.
Probably will come out in a few days. Remember, Commie need attention to function.
90s moe in general, not just late 90s, had fuckhuge eyes.
Can you give me the name, googling gives me china only.
I'm pretty sure the only one Sucy wants to fuck is Akko.
I like the Naruto games.
This, kinda. The first OVA was the one I loved the most, particularly the part where they explore the dungeon, I want a game about that kind of stuff.
Best girl, the girl that takes me away from my lolita complex.
Dude giant 90s eyes lmao
Made in Abyss would be a pretty good game.
Or make it like the early Harry Potter games. Casting mad spells while exploring the school and surrounding area.
God bless Japs
How would you do it without it becoming "the Dark Souls of X?"
Anime is an inherently low IQ genre.
At least with video games, you have to be above average in the 130 range to be good at multiplayer games. Plus, even the shallowest of games give far more intellectual stimulation than anime, or any cartoon or comic book, anyway. It boggles my mind when I think about how many people actually waste their time with this tripe.
It would be a Rated M suffering simulator.
Cease this dumbfounded opinion of yours.
if MiA got a game people would call it the dark souls of etrian odyssey.
>At least with video games, you have to be above average in the 130 range to be good at multiplayer games
Chance that to 110 next time you post, less obvious bait.
>tfw too smart to find entertainment in non-vidya mediums
I want a Kino game where you just ride around and visit a bunch of countries. I know there's already two of them but they're just Visual Novels, as I understand it.
Pretty easy.
>that mouth placement.
I love 90's anime but sometimes it can be wack as fuck.
sorry user, but he's right
People were itching to say that since before the premiere because they want to continue their bitching from GF
They really aren't anything alike nor is Webby insufferable like Mabel was