Then why did you buy it retard?
>he spent money on it
Stupid faggot
>You have purchased Destiny 2 (PC).
The first one was fucking trash.
Why would you spend money on the same trash game again?
>Buying the game on PC when the open beta is a couple weeks away to try for free
*unzips katana*
"You shouldn't have done that..."
*teleports behind you*
"Now it's time for you to die"
*walks the dinosaur.*
>pre-ordering for early beta access before playing the game even though the beta has 3 hours of content at best
>Trying to compete with warframe
>PeeCee Gayming
Just kidding.
Beta is right around the corner. Why pre-order?
isn't that the game where a bunch of nerds started orgasming because the devs finally implemented 1 open zone purely because destiny 1 sold well?
Warframe has more and better content that Destiny 2 could ever hope for, and it's all for free. The gameplay is objectively better, and the devs actually care.
This open world content is a first for the game - and the engine that they use. It looks fucking amazing - and it's not like this is just a throwaway feature to stick on the back of the box. It's a new system for them to build upon>
Warframe gets a lot of shit on Sup Forums, but most people on here are cynical degenerates who are CONVINCED that enjoying something is "gay" or something.
can't you refund it?essentially ending up with an extra for no cost
>Warframe has more and better content that Destiny 2
So this is what being raped and abused for years does to one's mind. Truly fascinating stuff folks.
t.mindbroken d1 fag
>Warframe has more and better content that Destiny 2 could ever hope for, and it's all for free.
It's also 100% shit with extremely floaty and unsatisfying gunplay. Warframe is garbage at its very core. The only thing it did right was being free because paying anything for that heap of shit would be an insult.
>try and make a thread shitting on destiny 2
>you accidentally show you bought it like the people you're trying to insult
this is truly the purest form of irony, enjoy this rare moment everyone.
>spent money
>plebs dont know you can use wow gold to buy anything of
>he spent time playing WoW
I have 700 hours in Warfarame and nothing will ever make me go back.
>he played WoW
>he wasted WoW gold on a bad sequel to a mediocre game
t. china
>enjoying something
>devs actually care
Her example of the interception map is just stupid. It's not like you have to control the entire map. The entire reason that map is shitty is because it's inconvenient to traverse it.
PoE has archwing. There's the problem solved.
When was the last time you smiled or had fun? Is the idea of having fun so horrifying to you that you equate it to rape?
Reinstalling for 75% off platinum discount brb
>first game is a console exclusive
>flops hard because of its grossly inflated budget making it impossible to ever make its money back
>sequel is multiplat
I guess nothing that happened in the first game mattered, then? Since they're trying to sell the sequel to an entirely new audience without even bothering to port the first.
Not him but I also think DE cares. They're just not good at executing on their ideas.
>the devs actually care
>it's not like this is just a throwaway feature to stick on the back of the box
>saryn still broken
>mirage still retarded
I bet you buy plat without the discount.
>Staying up for 27 hours to ensure an update goes smoothy means you don't care.
Also, These new landscape systems have damn near limitless potential. Imagine a corpus city, or a lunar landscape.. Or grineer shipyards. It's not just a one off feature. It's a new feature to add to the games' already expansive repertoire.
>Saryn being broken.
>flops hard
destiny made a shitload of money user
>WoW gold
What the fuck else are you gonna do with a digital currency in a shit, dying game? Not that D2 is a good purchase mind you, but it's not like he gave anything of value for it
I'm sure we all wish it did but come on user, you're not that retarded
>Saryn not broke
he doesn't know
>pays $100s through wow subscription(s)
>buys every expansion pack
>wastes his life grinding on that """"""""game""""""""
>exchanges gold for overwatch and claims he got it free
>mirage still retarded
I'm sorry but Hall of Mirrors by conception is a broken function in a game that you shoot guns. If you suddenly shoot 5 guns for the cost of 1, YES THIS WILL FOREVER BE BROKEN SHUT UP AND ETHER USE HER SQUISHY ASS OR FUCKING USE NEVER DYING WUKONG. BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY TWO WARFRAMES I BET YOU FEEL ARE VIABLE.
Zephyr, explain that Steve.
Now fuck off, and try to fix the broken bugs that are going to inevitably be shipped with eidolon.
am i banned?
I got back into Warframe recently and all the community stuff around the announced open world stuff is highly skeptical, and concerned it's gonna ruin the pace of the game (the game becomes borderline parkour/speedrunning at later tiers of gameplay)
It's cute how you think they still work like that. It's been 3 years since then, and they know they can just milk whales now with new primes even if they can't even think of a bullshit reason why that prime would even exsist lore wise.
Though why care about lore? They sure as hell don't anymore with how the butchered what they started with everything after the potato's became active. Now we just have NPC's doing crap for the sake of crap to be done. And oh, is that NPC dead? Nope, NOT REALLY! Never died, don't know what you're talking about.
reminder that janitors can only briefly block you but mods might review it later and actually ban you :^)
>DE not giving a shit about the lore
>Prime frames
I can get them for free quite easily just by doing what I was going to do anyways - play the game.
>play game for 700 hours to get a single item from a 000000000000000000.000000000000000....1!!% drop
>items need to be crafted over the course of several real time hours
>you can spend goyim points to speed it up
You honest to god have a hole in your brain if you think warframe has a good visual style, story, gameplay or loot system. Free or not.
god that image is horrid
fucking retard
you have to wait an extra 7 weeks to play after the console fags
you might not even like what you see
I'm pretty sure malnutrition brought on by only consuming tendies can explain your lack of ability to reason.
Prime Equipment is stupidly easy to get. It at most takes three days to get ALL of the gear required - and if you don't get the drop that you want? Melt down your prime shit into ducats that you can use to purchase cool shit from Baro.
>Hyperbolic drop-rate example.
Plain wrong. If you do a 4x radiant run your chance of getting the rarest piece of equipment in that relic is around 33%. So that at most means that you need 12 relics split across four people, with 400 void traces per person.
Warframe is great at taking a lot of your time, and yet not wasting any of it.
Yes, the timed crafting is the worst part of the game. However, once you amass a bit of an arsenal, it's entirely mitigated, as you are constantly cycling your inventory and keeping your favorite weapons while leveling. It's the one "f2p" part of this game.
Not that user, but you're fucking stupid. Prime variants of weapons and warframes are well explained in the universe itself and the lore and farming warframe parts with sharing relics is super easy. It is very obvious you have neither played the game in a long while or have not played the game at all. I agree timegating making stuff is bad but it really can't be helped with the business model, I don't really mind waiting.
>>play game for 700 hours to get a single item from a 000000000000000000.000000000000000....1!!% drop
>get relic
>upgrade it
>go to trade chat
>H> [Axi Dick relic] radshare
>get 3 other people with the relic
>do it
>get the item I wanted
waow how 700 hours flies by.
I must have 400,000 hours in the game
I came here to laugh at you
It's trash because its pay to win. Grinding for frames takes days sometimes weeks for the best one. Or you can buy platinum like a good goy and circumvent 75% of the grind.
Go ahead and rationalize it. Say that you can trade in game items for the currency, or you can get everything for free, eventually.
It's still pay to win and complete shit.
>Relic doesn't drop what you like
>You get another rare item
>145 dickets
>Go to baro
>Acquire free cosmetics in a f2p game.
>A PvE game is p2w.
Retard. I literally just got Oberon Prime crafting because I spent like three hours playing relic missions - and having fun regardless since this isn't some shitty korean MMO. It's a fun shooter. Also, I just now rushed him using the plat I got from trading away Primed Mods that I got from Baro, which I got from trash drops from all the other prime runs I've done.
explain to me this "open world" shit. I remember them changing the star map but the farthest I ever got was saturn.
>it's a PVE game!
>has pvp elements and competitive loot grinding for raids
You are a shill and fucking retarded. I also like how you said you circumvented the pay to win system like I expected you too. You're retarded.
The timegate gets really stupid in some cases though
>Any dual weapon, and dear lord if it's a prime dual.
I really gave up as well because it gets to a point where you have to craft, and fully level up like some 15+ weapons that you haven't already used in some fashion for a single rank, and all that rank does is boost your rep gains by a few more points max per day. Like the game becomes tedious for tedious sake and I hate it for that.
>flops hard
>implying it's wrong
You do realize PC has no actual games at E3 right?
its a shit game I got about 1700 hours wasted on that trash. the only people who defend it spent money on plat and have to justify it.
>competitive loot grinding for raids
I'm surprised you left out the worst offenders like Atlas and Nidus. I mean, the game gives and it takes. I haven't unlocked Nidus and Titania and Harrow because I just couldn't find the time and I agree, but at some point there's gonna be Prime Variants out anyway. I just hope DE listens and stops putting blueprints in C rotation.
>items drop once and are extremely rare and sometimes have to be rolled for in the end game content, guilds can complicate this with locking people out of content that didn't get this particular item
It's literally a gear treadmill like any mmo.
>flops hard
>broke countless records as a new ip
>millions of players daily login for over 6 months
>made shit tons of money
What a flop!
>Warframe is great at taking a lot of your time, and yet not wasting any of it.
>I agree timegating making stuff is bad but it really can't be helped with the business model, I don't really mind waiting.
>I love eating shit
My experience with Warframe was fucking garbage. I'm not arguing one way or another for if primes make sense in universe, that wasn't me. The story presented and what I played was uninteresting and shit. Much like Destiny to be quite honest, poorly told to the player and uninvolving for your character.
I can recall grinding for hours to get prime pieces, and then having to wait hours to fucking create them. I remember pisspoor level design and dipshit enemies either absorbing bullets like monsters or crumbling like wet fucking paper. I remember absolutely disgusting looking frames and fiddling with useless ability modifiers over and over again as I got new ones and noticing next to fucking nothing change.
Fuck off with your fucking game, it sucks fucking cock.
I'm almost surprised no one tried to defend Destiny's dogshit launch with no content by saying "m-muh taken kang", then again no one fucking played the game.
>It's also 100% shit with extremely floaty and unsatisfying gunplay
Well yeah, that's what players of this style of game want. You can't expect taste from retards who play a game just because it features the ability to slowly build stats over time. Might as well just play fucking cookie clicker.
Bonnerlord,XCUM TWICE and Mazdamundi 2
The PvP is literally entirely seperate and balanced by a different team. Their progressions don't touch one another at all. Also, you claimed I was a shill, and revealed that you're a conspiratard idiot. Enjoy those snake-oil and weed enemas, fucking freak. I hope your non-vaccinated kids get measles and you have to watch them violently shit themselves in pain. I'm not going to hope that they die - I hope that they grow up and hate you for your idiocy before going no-contact.
The open world stuff isn't related to the starmap. It's part of a new feature they're adding called landscapes. Look up the plains of eidolon demo.
>this post
Warframe shills everybody. So de-synthesized by getting fucked in the ass by the devs and have probably spent 100s if not 1000s on platinum so they can get the sickest frames possible then shitpost on Sup Forums about how it isn't pay to win.
You aren't fooling anyone, you are a loser.
No one is arguing about whether the game is good or not. The retard in the quoted post said something that was completely untrue.
I've spent about 80 bucks total on this game over four years.
buy more plat
I'm excited for it. Why? Because it's basically looking to replace CoD with it's yearly release model, only allowing itself to increment with expansions as opposed to a proper full new game every year, they basically charge the same pricee for expacks as if it'd been a new game, but it keeps the entire playerbase on one constant. That was a huge part of why I loved the first game. I had NONE of the DLC up through rise of iron, but eventually caved in an bought all the expansions for like $40. Totally worth it, especially considering how much playtime I got out of it in this last year. If destiny 2 can give me even 100 hours for the $60 i'm spending, I'll be super pleased.
Oh, forgot a sentencein there. Even though I never bought the expacks I got to play multiplayer with everyone who had, all the same. I missed on iron banner and trials of osiris, yeah, but I still got to play the regular ass multiplayer with everyone.
First one was absolute garbage and this sequel barely changed anything. I dont really get hype behind this shit title.
Just because it's bad doesn't mean millions of retards didn't spend absurd amounts of money on it
why do you think that the first game was garbage
The best part is that the legendary weapons no longer have perk rolls, so you don't have to grind like a WoW player to get a weapon that doesn't have shit perks.
Oh shit, can't wait for CoD's and Guitar hero's to be on it too!
See you in /dg/
Guitar Hero would be pretty cool, honestly.
Haven't played that game since high school.
If you think that it wasn't incredibly successful re-using assets and re-selling them at a premium (literally full game price) then you're a fool.
The second game is a planned third expansion for the first that just got changed somewhere along the way to be it's own. And it's going to make even more millions for actiblizz. It won't make back that 500m spent on marketing deals and other shit back alone, but together with the first I think they may actually break even.
PC for guitar hero is dead. even FoF fell to rocksmith. Rocksmith still makes tens of millions every year with it's DLC, ubisoft struck a fucking goldmine with that shit.
>The second game is a planned third expansion for the first that just got changed somewhere along the way to be it's own.
How can you say this when Destiny was planned to be a trilogy from the start?
Are all Sup Forums posters obese? All these breathing difficulties
>he played WoW
>he spent REAL money on a subscription
>he spent fake money he earned using real money
Because of the story behind it. It's literally exactly where the first game picks up. The first game wasn't originally planned to have ANY expansion, and to be a yearly release, I have no doubts that the second game was originally taken king+rise of iron+d2 packed together, chopped up, and for some reason, d2 remained a separate entity.
Some people say that there are some guitar heros available for PC that you can buy legally, but when i search i only find links to download GH3 illegaly for pc.
>spent real money on a sub
not him but I never spent a single penny on wow and have gotten over 5m gold to date. It's not a shit ton but it's plenty for buying tokens. All it takes is finding the new it thing and exploiting the everloving shit out of it in a new WoW expack.
>>play game for 700 hours to get a single item from a 000000000000000000.000000000000000....1!!% drop
the fuck are you smoking to just blatantly make shit up and shitpost
I wouldn't really count the story as anything, considering how much of a clusterfuck it was in development (and ended up on release).
>and for some reason, d2 remained a separate entity.
Probably because they always intended to make a D2.
You can, but they're old as dirt. They're not legally available anymore either, they were only physically released and it was two prints to my knowledge.
You go through costumer support to cancel a preorder on Battlenet, right? I say this because I'm too familiar with Amazons method of cancelling.
Of course they did, but I'm saying that the game we got is literally picking up 100% not even fucking 20 seconds from the ending of rise of iron, there's no way it wasn't planned to be an expansion. It's like if disc 2 of xenogears was sold separately.
yeah, customer support. They're pretty good about cancelling preorders. They cancelled my starcraft remastered one without any sort of fuss.
Fuck, that explains it, i guess i am just going to stay with the pirate version of the 3 and the console ones, thanks user.
Right, I forgot the game had a f2p period.
> but I'm saying that the game we got is literally picking up 100% not even fucking 20 seconds from the ending of rise of iron
Can you explain why this wouldn't be the case?
Why on earth would you not simply continue the story in a sequel? Especially one that has been in the planning for years?