Do Sup Forums like tanks? I wish there were more tank games that isn't simulator.
Do Sup Forums like tanks? I wish there were more tank games that isn't simulator
Girls und panzer is coming as a game later this year. I probably won't be very simulator-y seeing as they drift with the tanks in the trailer.
>probably Japanese only
Mechs are better
>weeb uguu moe trash
You can just import the Asian version in English. That's what I'm doing.
there is an english version announced. text only the audio is still all nip.
To each their own, broham
i wish people would stop unironically making these -girls doing not girly things- games/animes
Why? At least the girls are still girly and not women trying to act like men.
The problem is I don't have a PS4. So unless they port it to Steam I can't play it.
I hope when this turd comes out, all weeb homos will leave World of Tanks for good
Company of Heroes is the best tank game.
A good solid tank.
Are there a lot of weeb homos playing WoT?
Yes, but I like SPGs more.
coh tanks are nonsense
Everyone I know who plays that game is a weeb homo.
Yeah but they're great fun.
Men of War is better in every possible way as a tank game.
write down skins for world of tanks in google, roughly 1/6th of the skins are some faggot anime
Shit really hit the fan when the GuP went viral
>that lack of recoil guard
Never. WoT will most likely get more collaborate with GuP when the OVA come out at the end of this year.
I hope we will finally get official GuP tanks.
Could be worse.
>I hope we will finally get official GuP tanks.
But they already exist.
Too bad they are Japan exclusive.
Please tell me they are fresh recruits.
I'm not actually sure.
But if all the weeb homos left, who would you play with then? Just jerking your chain
Ah, I kinda see what you mean but the thing is, I highly doubt the GuP game will allow you to custom skin your tank. So if people want a skin from something that's not GuP, they will come right back to WoT.
>Not playing Wargame: Red Dragon
lmao @ your life fampai
Wait, what? did you mean official skins or official tanks?
>tfw there will never be an arcade non autistic non p2w cash shop grind tank game
>Shooting a giant douche
The Japanese version has collaboration events related to the tank-battle anime series Girls und Panzer. Additionally, six voice packs featuring the characters from the anime as well as an expansion pack changing the tanks look were released.[40]
>Wargaming will never EVER give the Centurion III a five second reload with the 20-pdr
Why even play?
wow, how did that little bullet make such a big explosion
I don't know if it counts as a true SPG, but AMOS is my favourite. Double barreled, 12-round MRSI, scooting before rounds hit the ground.
it was obviously a Magnum and the ammo is proportionately rare, you'll be lucky to see more than 30 of those in a whole campaign
7/1 gets 11.something rounds per minute with the 20pdr B
You are both retarded.
The actual projectile was is the big one.
>falling for such obvious bait
user, I...
It was a #4 caster shell
.45 stoppan power
(laughs at all your tiny guns)
Playing TANK! TANK! TANK! in an arcade with friends was one of the best experiences I ever had in gaming. There used to be an arcade that had a bunch of full on Tokyo Wars machines with the fuckin recoil feedback hooked together, and I never got to play it. It looked rad.
Is this how tank shells are normally fired? Or is it a fallback mechanism? It certainly looks like that hole was designed to fit a cartridge, and I guess it isn't that stupid to use a bullet as a firing pin.
This video makes me moist.
get this puny gookanese shit out of here
The Ontos should be in more games. A tank destroyer with six 105mm recoilless rifles.
Make way for spaghetti tank
>implying pastaniggers can make any use of it
Plnetside is not at all a simulator but goddamn if organized vehicle convoys and playing gopher repair man for a tankline on a ridge isn't great
planes > tanks
why are we letting germany rearm? Don't you idiots remember what happened the last time they did!
Different roles.
(reverses and runs you you over)
piece of shit tank
>still no tank game that lets me equip my silencer for stealth mode
That is not a tank.
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
>Left /wotg/ just when the anime cancer started to pick up
Worst thing is how these retards always find two or three people like them and just circlejerk each other for years
Thanks god these idiots have single digit IQ so they will never infest fighting games
Yes, it was fucking hillarious. So much so that we asked them to do it again.
as a 19k this triggers me.
*throws c4 on you*
That looks really inconvenient.
I wouldn't worry about rearming
Please don't bring Sup Forums here.
>women are just as capable as men
They are. Didn't she load that gun?
no canister on gas mask, failed engagement.
Died due to no filter in CBRN environment
>when you gun for a suny or mbt that equips the kobalt and you rake in c4 fairy kills
Done right
Done female
whats wrong here I dont see the problem aside from her kind of jerky movement
>German army=Sup Forums
best tank game coming though
also is best ww2 fps
Japanese tanks look nice.
>Reading comprehension
It was an extremely niche vehicle used in extremely small numbers by one organization from one side of a conflict that's fairly small in terms of participating nations. There's a reason it rarely, if ever, makes the cut.
it is shit thou
I wanna have a fucking CV in war thunder
Only because it's a Russian game.