Do Sup Forums like tanks? I wish there were more tank games that isn't simulator

Do Sup Forums like tanks? I wish there were more tank games that isn't simulator.

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Girls und panzer is coming as a game later this year. I probably won't be very simulator-y seeing as they drift with the tanks in the trailer.

>probably Japanese only

Mechs are better
>weeb uguu moe trash

You can just import the Asian version in English. That's what I'm doing.

there is an english version announced. text only the audio is still all nip.

To each their own, broham

i wish people would stop unironically making these -girls doing not girly things- games/animes

Why? At least the girls are still girly and not women trying to act like men.

The problem is I don't have a PS4. So unless they port it to Steam I can't play it.