Is this actually good?
Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it?
Is this actually good?
Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it?
>Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it?
Either paid or shit taste
It's a boring walking simulator broken up by boring, clunky combat sequences. People only give a shit because of the whole "mental illness" angle.
Wow, she is so pretty!
utter garbage
>Youtubers fawning over Western AAA trash
How shocking. Next you'll tell me that they're all HYPED for the next Ubisoft game!
For the price, it's one of the best games of 2017.
Because they're psychotic, too, and it makes them feel understood.
I want to fuck that boy.
>Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it?
The main character is hot and utterly broken like an abused dog.
>Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it?- 9 posts shown.
Mental illness.
>Why are so many youtubers creaming themselves over it
This game is the literal ebmodiment of aids, I want tameem to fucking die for his sins
Sup Forums wants all mythology related games to be pre-wife's son God of War, sex scenes included.
If I wanted to sit around listening to someone tell stories about Norse mythology, I'd get an audiobook.
Movie game of the month #542
Second place goes to the remake of Night Trap
It's probably one of the first games this gen I feel genuinely duped in to buying. It's nowhere near as cool as the concept makes it sound, and it's short as fuck. Trading it in on Monday
Okay apparently I just got to the game-breaking bug.
I went through the waterfall and didn't re-light the torch. I was able to get back to the fire I'm supposed to use but I have no torch now.
Is there any way I can fix this or am I fucked?
>main character is hot
>like an abused dog
Can somebody tell me what the lowest resolution you can set in-game is? I want to know if my toaster can run it.
isnt it celtic mythology
bump, anyone?
Its not. Its a celtic warrior venturing into norse underworld.
That made more sense in my head.
I think your dog would disagree.
Are there any mods yet that fix that face ?
>Dirty ass girl with mental problems
>ninja theory
Lol ill pass
You're a Celtic warrior, but were told stories of the "northmen" that influence what the character sees and experiences.
It's enjoyable for exactly one playthrough if you go in blind. It looks nice, the story and writing do enough to hold your interest, and the combat is solid enough to hold up for the brief duration of the game. It's absolutely not worth the 30 or whatever they're charging and I'd be hard pressed to call it good. It's not a bad way to waste a few hours but only if it's much cheaper.
She's cute imo