What are your expectations so far? Honestly the trailer got me pretty hyped but there are a few red flags that are making me lose hope.

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>for a game that will not be released in the next 7 years

Why bother thinking about it?

It will be better than KH3 but worse than FFXV

I like that it's going to be an action game and not turn based crap. I hope the materia system keeps the same feel, but gets a little bit of any overhaul.

Link the trailer and list your redflags.

I expect them to cancel it and just keep making SB content.

>worse than FFVX
Literally not possible.

It lives and dies on how well they remake Tifa.

It being action and not turn based is what has me worried most. A lot of the fun of FF7 was setting up a team with various material combinations and having them work off each other (like skipping characters and having one mime their own limit break). If it's all action and the CPU is controlling the rest it will ruin any attempt at strategy I want to set up.



it's gonna be absolute garbage, are you kidding?

>It will be better than KH3 but worse than FFXV
How is that possible, considering that KH3 looks vastly better than FFXV?

It depends how much Compilation shit they sneak in to make it "all connected". I'll admit Crisis Core was an ok game, but my god I better not hear the words "deepground" or "Genesis" in the remake.

I expect it to be an absolute fucking train wreck. You are a fool to trust modern Square to do anything other than shit.

OP here, my red flags aren't actually based on the trailer but more on what they've said about the game, like each release being on the same scale of FFXIII, or them worrying about what to carry over from the original because of modern social norms, and finally how they are actively allowing AC to influence the characters and story (though I guess that a was given)

Oh, didn't know they were censoring themselves. That's pretty fucking stupid. But what do you expect from sony?

It's going to be shit, because you can't translate the original experience to modern level building in fully 3D environments.

Not to mention the whole "episodic" crap which most likely means a lot of the optional/secret content (Fort Condor, Wutai) will be cut out.

Sure, I'd like to believe they just integrate that stuff (and Yuffie and Vincent recruitment) into a more linear experience, but that too takes away some of the magic.

I also see a lot of dialogue being cut because of the modern expectation of everything needing to be voiced (and FF VII has a ridiculous amount of text)

>them worrying about what to carry over from the original because of modern social norms

No Tifa balloon tits, no buy.

I expect it to be shit.

Cloud looks like the blonde guy from the latest game.

Are you really going to hinge your purchase on tits? Not the merit of the game? Why not watch porn? Its free?

That is a question that sounds so familiar, so oft repeated, that I can't help but wonder if you are merely going through the motions for a (you). What do you think?

>Not the merit of the game?

It's going to be bad. Square remaking FF7 is basically them throwing in the towel

"You're right! FF7 is the best game ever, so we're gonna waste years of money, time and energy remaking it and the results will still be terrible"

If FF7 is so great to begin with why does it need a remake? The whole idea is fucking retarded

>why does it need a remake?

This is literally just a cashgrab, not a testament to the quality of the original game, probably because not even SE themselves had high hopes for FFXV's success at the time.

"A FINAL FANTASY for Fans and First-timers"

what a load of horseshit

At this point I don't give a shit about the episodic remake. Just give me the HD upgrade like you did with FFX

I very much doubt it feels like that to a lot of the people working on it. A game as famous as FF7? No way there aren't dozens of people on the team who are fans of it and want to do the remake well.

>If FF7 is so great to begin with why does it need a remake?
Because it's great but not perfect and has tons of room for improvement. The graphics, no matter how "charming" they may be to some people, are undeniably outdated, and for a game that has a world with so much substance to it, it would really benefit from having current gen visuals. Also, combat was unbalanced as hell, the game was laughably easy and a lot of materia (and characters) were utterly useless.There are many more flaws but honestly just improving the two listed above would almost turn FF7 into a 10/10.

>What are your expectations so far?
the motto will now be "for newcomers, but not for fans"

I expect a good game. A lot of people will love and a love of people will hate it of course because it's not 1:1 the original and lot of people will just shit in it because they can, especially on Sup Forums
Also expect a lot of threads with xv-kun as always.

>HD upgrade
Vanilla PC is absolutely disgusting, and looks even worse with different models modded in.
PSX original on a CRT is the only way it should be played.

>i'm only a fan if i can only enjoy the original
No what you mean is a blind fanboy, not a fan.

good old ff threads where everyone hates everything

How mad would you be on a scale of 1-10 (10 being mad) if they included references to (or just downright included as characters) Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj from 7:AC?

Pretty pointless strategy if all it amounts to is flavors of Big-Ass Nuke and Big-Ass Heal/Rez.
Like what is the point of Knights of the Round? The game encourages the player to waste their time grinding bullshit and feeding chocobos, the least interesting and most braindead thing in the game, all so they can go up some mountain (that they should be able to access via their fucking flying ship) and get a shitty summon materia that does slightly more damage. There's no substance to it. Here in the remake if they pull off the action combat they could give a heart to all this gimmicky side content. That's why this remake deserves to exist.

But its true. There lots of porn out there. Why pay for a game just for tits especially if its not emphasized? Senran kagura I get, because thats the main focus of the game plus it has decent gameplay to back it up. It doesn't matter how much of a horny manchild you are, you can literally get FREE porn or pirate porn games. You're a fucking dipshit if you base you purchase of this game on tifas tits rather than if its a good game.

>want to do the remake well.
they won't

>tons of room for improvement.
there won't be any, not from modern Square Enix
>The graphics, no matter how "charming" they may be to some people, are undeniably outdated
there's literally nothing wrong with that.
>it would really benefit from having current gen visuals.
not really. and there's no indication Square Enix is capable of that level of high-quality work. unless you think gas stations in FFXV are a good indication.
>combat was unbalanced as hell, the game was laughably easy and a lot of materia (and characters) were utterly useless.
unbalanced combat? difficulty? It's a JRPG, what are you expecting? you think a modern remake will make things harder? you think Yuffie and Vincent and Special Pre-Order Materia and Weapons won't be DLC? hell, the game is already gonna be broken up into episodes, so it's already a failure.

>>The graphics, no matter how "charming" they may be to some people, are undeniably outdated
>there's literally nothing wrong with that.
Negro when is the last time you watched those FMVs? They look like shit, especially the animation. youtube.com/watch?v=Jlu_KK1YIuA


In my view there's one thing that Square has to accomplish to ensure the remake is at least partially worthwhile. Do the cinematic storytelling justice, with modern production values. But even a big franchise like FF doesn't have the budget or talent to pull off something like Uncharted with action RPG elements. It'll be just slightly less messy than Nier Automata.

Oh man. They showed off Cloud squeezing through some narrow rubble in the trailer. If they actually kept up a cinematic platformer kind of hands-on approach to set-pieces, it would be GOTY hands-down. I fuckin' doubt it though.

I was strictly talking about what could be improved from the original regardless of what Square's vision or motives with the remake may be. I'm inclined to think you must be a nostalgiafag if you sincerely believe the game wouldn't be better off with updated graphics. Also about the combat, I understand that JRPGs are usually not very difficult or anything, but VII is still definitely one of the easier and more broken FFs when compared to the likes of IV or V or IX, it doesn't make the game bad because it has so many other redeeming qualities to it but that's the point of a remake, to try and improve on the original while also staying as faithful as possible where it counts.


things, like games and movie and TV, are allowed to be of their time. not everything needs a sleek-ass update and I wouldn't trust Square with one anyway


bitch we're in a FF7 thread

Yeah poor choice of words there. Still doesn't invalidate the rest of my post though.

We live in a world where meaningful and exciting remakes such as Metroid: Zero Mission, Bionic Commando Rearmed, and Another Metroid 2 Remake exist. Remakes are completely valid. Especially one like FF7 which aims to completely overhaul things. It has a reason to exist.

Difficult to quantify. More mad than a reference to Crisis Core, but way less mad than any reference or "foreshadowing" to Dirge of Cerberus.

sure, good game remakes come around once every decade based on your examples. in the case of Metroid, those games were begging for an update.

FF7 isn't so dated/unplayable that it begs for one, and square's not gonna make a good one either.

Looks like it'll be pretty neat. Hope people aren't expecting FF7 recreated with good graphics tho. It's a remake, not a remaster.

I don't care about porn. Tifa without her tits is simply not Tifa. Are you a woman or something? Is this one of those things that women will never understand?

We'll see.

Wrong, but I'll debate anyways. If they keep the original a design, that's fine, that's not the issue, its the fact you're willing to pay square enix money because they did one thing right while fucking up everything else. You're rewarding a fucking low effort anti consumer cash grab because they pandered to you.

As long as SE continues with their mindset that Final Fantasy must compete with other AAA titles instead of just trying to do their own thing like they used to, the series will continue to be shit and the same applies to the any remakes or sequels

>Still doesn't invalidate the rest of my post though.

Sure it doesn't.

Would be cool if they made Summons controllable like X or Type-0. It could make finding Materia more exciting because it'd be like finding extra playable characters.

It almost sounds like you're angry with me because you've imagined some crazy logic where in me wanting something means it must somehow come at the cost of things that you want.