What the fuck was her problem ?

what the fuck was her problem ?

Other urls found in this thread:


all of the sexual, physical, and verbal abuse in a literal trash heap of a home.

nothing,she is a selfish edgy teenager like any other

When you get raped so much that you have to beg to get your face hit with a buzzsaw to look slightly uglier, and even that doesn't stop the rapings, it's probably hard to want to live after that.


Neglect from infancy turned into abuse in childhood turned into sexual abuse in adolescence. Didn't help that it is implied that Brad also sexually abused her with Marty

Just beat Lisa:The Hopeful
Is Pointless worth playing or wait until it's finished?

>that noose around her neck

I appreciate that little detail

if he was so mad about Lisa's death why didn't he just kill marty ?

He wanted Brad to suffer more than Lisa did before he died/turned into a mutant. The real question is if he wanted Brad to suffer, why constantly supply him with a drug that suppresses feelings? Most of Brad's suffering stems from things outside of Buzzo's control, stuff like sacrificing others/items/arms really didn't seem to do much to Brad, but to us as the player. The nipple choice is a good example of Buzzo actually inflicting suffering on Brad the character.

Buzzo wanted brad to turn into a joy mutant so he'd be an even bigger failure. That's why even if you don't take joy the whole game he still says "It doesn't matter, I already made sure" because no matter what, after that scene where he made him take 3 joy back to back he was destined to become a joy mutant no matter what.

>tfw no crazy childhood gf to boss me around and force me to mutilate small animals and her

>why constantly supply him with a drug that suppresses feelings?
Because he'd mutate, and his withdrawls filled him with agitation and guilt, as well as reminders that he's no better than his alcoholic rapist father. Brad also lost control in many areas and became a fucking monster to the one person he genuinely loved, and drew the full extent of her ire and fear towards him, similarly to how Lisa saw Marty.

Generally, people who were victims of abuse tend to abuse other people. Hence, why she tormented Buzzo the way she did.

Sure but does that matter at all if Brad transformed without feeling anything? If Joy actually affected major scenes where Brad shows any kind of emotion and changed them so it would appear he didn't feel anything due to the joy Buzzo's plan would've been an even larger failure than it already was.

Reminder that Brad did nothing wrong
Fuck sticky, fuck Ricky, fuck Buddy and FUCK Marty. Now here's the best song in the game.

>best song in the game
>not work harder


was Nerm talking about Lisa during his dentist flashback?

>Now here's the best song in the game.
No, you don't understand music. I've been shitposting for 33months since release.

Today is the day I contribute

posting best boss fight

ALL SHIT. The only actual songs that come close to Highway King are these

what would you do if you were stuck in the world of lisa Sup Forums ?

jerk off all day

The Pointless is really good but holy shit it's hard as fuck.

Dem lips tho
made for sucking

kill myself

Since I'm already a wizard it's like I'm living in the world of Lisa already.

Would Joey be a warlord in Olathe?

Become a real S.T.A.L.K.E.R and just like the game stalker there are mutants,bandits and lol no women either

Drinking vodka, killing mutants,sleep repeat

the Pointless is fucking great