What the fuck was her problem ?

what the fuck was her problem ?

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all of the sexual, physical, and verbal abuse in a literal trash heap of a home.

nothing,she is a selfish edgy teenager like any other

When you get raped so much that you have to beg to get your face hit with a buzzsaw to look slightly uglier, and even that doesn't stop the rapings, it's probably hard to want to live after that.


Neglect from infancy turned into abuse in childhood turned into sexual abuse in adolescence. Didn't help that it is implied that Brad also sexually abused her with Marty

Just beat Lisa:The Hopeful
Is Pointless worth playing or wait until it's finished?

>that noose around her neck

I appreciate that little detail

if he was so mad about Lisa's death why didn't he just kill marty ?

He wanted Brad to suffer more than Lisa did before he died/turned into a mutant. The real question is if he wanted Brad to suffer, why constantly supply him with a drug that suppresses feelings? Most of Brad's suffering stems from things outside of Buzzo's control, stuff like sacrificing others/items/arms really didn't seem to do much to Brad, but to us as the player. The nipple choice is a good example of Buzzo actually inflicting suffering on Brad the character.