>On August 16, the price for the game will become US$50.99.
>On August 16, the price for the game will become US$50.99.
Will it leave Early Access? Might pirate it at that point.
just a ruse to make people buy it before the 16th
Today is the last "major update", according to the devs, it will be fully finished """eventually""". It's still early access.
>50 dollars for a game where the hype has already worn off
People still give a fuck about this shit?
literally who
>mad their last game got finished in 5 hours so they think proc gen is the answer
>Procedural Generation
I'll pick it up on a Humble Bundle for 7 bucks:
>On August 17th, this game will be part of a Humble Bundle for $15
The first trailers got me interested like it might be a Shock style game and the gameplay reveal as a survival randomly generated game killed all interest I had. Such a waste
Last time I checked this was another shitty open world survival game, what happened to the dystopian walking simulator they showed at E3?
I remember the trailer being extremely good and it reminded me of bioshock.
>that part when the pinata turned into a rat
I'll probably check it out
>0 ▶
>Raise price
>Not out of early access
>Still bugs out the ass
It's dead then.
t. everyone who saw the trailer
People still care about this game?
Get out now senpai
I wanted Bioshock, it gave me survival crafting garbage
Fuck you user you meanie
You're gonna regret your choices my dude I'm trying to save you the disappointment
Reading their website they've said that they didn't want to lower the price ever while not in Early Access because they felt that Early Access/Kickstarter backers should get the best possible price for the game for at least a couple years. It's a decent goal and props to them but it doesn't matter when your game's missing so much content
it's noble, but too bad it means no one will ever buy your game. Charging more than $20 max for anything on steam means you had better be AAA hot shit like GTA V, bargain bins exist for a reason
I don't see why, the trailer looks pretty damn good and I just watched it again.
1/10 fucking kys
the trailer doesn't tell the whole story
the game is a procedurally generated crafting game, the bioshockesqe elements are hardly there and take a back seat to everything else.
trailer has nothing to do with the actual game you underaged spastic
>shill with cinematic trailers on multiple E3s
>turns out to be early access survival trash
How does the trailer not have anything to do with the game you idiots? Am I being trolled here?
Is this one of those "user..." threads?
>no further plans to update the game
>Game is still considered incomplete
Better raise the price
Just watch gameplay on youtube instead of a trailer dumbass. It's not like it's the first time a trailer didn't represent the game. Also your question is answered in this thread But you conveniently ignored those. Are you baiting ?
>Game about drones going about their business and if they step out of line they get black bagged.
>Eats lots of pills to keep the masses sedated and happy.
Oh hey it's Equilibrium the game.
not so fast sonny jim