Why do people hate to play support characters?

Why do people hate to play support characters?

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I don't

They want to be the center of praise.
Supports usually get shit on

Maybe because they lack trust in others or have played with shit players so much.

real men play male supports

They make up the backbone of the team and have the most work to do but get no recognition from others/the scoring system and are the first to get shit on when things go south.

They're seen as the "bitch" role and a majority pf people can't take that blow to their egos.

I like to play support but I play casually, and everyone expects the supports to play like they are in comp 24/7, only bad part about playing support.

Team games are fucking gay and I hate supporting other people, especially good for nothing "gamer" types that get mad when you do something they wouldn't do, and doubly if they're russian or spiccian

>adc runs into a fed midlaner and dies instantly
>omg support u suck

Because of that

If there is a character that actively attacks things, like hitting/cutting/shooting etc, then that's something that most games have and it's a cool role that's fun to play.

If there's a character that has to support someone else, they'll probably be nearby the character that is attacking and the only things you have to worry about are keeping them healed and buffed while avoiding dangers yourself. This role is incredibly defensive and feels like sitting shotgun while someone else plays games like we're all used to.

IMO pure support sucks ass and support is only fun when you have decent offensive tools as well.

I love to play supports.
When 1 tank or dps leaves there is no big deal.
When I leave, the party goes to hell.
If they shit on me, I just leave the party fucking them all and make another. Some come back begging to be in the party. I love it everytime.

Because it's boring whack-a-mole. If anything goes wrong you're the first to be blamed. 90% of the time you have to overachieve to compensate for bad players who don't know how to avoid the fire.

If I wanted to feel important I'd just play a tank and essentially do the same mindless bullshit the DPS is doing but still pretend I'm better than everyone.

Because some people like to do the murdering themselves. Supports that can hold their own and do more than just heal the team are probably the best attention-requiring roles. God forbid we have that with the class trinity of tank/dps/heal.

>don't know the le meta because I don't watch faggy youtubers or read the reddit guides
>everyone gets mad when you put the ward in the less efficient spot
teams games are unfun faggotry play a sport or something. sad!

Most boring role to play.


>your whole game is ruined if the carry you are babysitting is retarded
>also you get flamed if your lane fails
>oh you want items to catch up? too bad wardbitch
>fuck off, don't steal farm faggot. you don't get to have scraps, that's for the offlaner
>by this point gimped so hard that their carry can delete you instantly if he feels like it
>late game you are worthless and will probably end up with most deaths

>play support to try something different
>someone dies
>they stood in the clearly marked instant kill zone that no amount of healing and buffing can counter
>get blamed for their death

They're usually the first to be blamed when something goes wrong and the last one to be praised when something goes right
Only exception I've seen is Overwatch, people will chew out a DPS player immediately while supports usually get ignored

offlane+support is master race.

Why does Jaina from Frozen have a gem implanted in her forehead?

>being a lolbabby

>play solo offlane
>enemy runs a trilane or just a support with crazy laning
>ends up poor as shit and underlevel
>no one bother to help even after calling them

>trilanes in 2017

From my experience i get raged on all the time playing as healer on ow

Im at master rank by playing dps and healers and when i play with friends i get shit on by plats who think they can merely out tank incoming damage then bitch at me the healer when they die

My friend almost exclusively plays support type characters because he doesn't consider it to be as responsible for a team's loss as playing as any other type of character

coming from overwatch/tf2/paladins, it gets annoying having to play support every round because most people are fags and instapick dps/tanks.

For me its not the problem of insta picking

Its the fact they are shit as playing them

Dota support is pretty fun though, you can't tell me that fingering their carry as Lion or getting an amazing spell steal as rubick isn't fun. Even the more defensive supports like Omniknight can do some hilarious shit.

>implying roaming faggots care about their own offlane

Supporting is a job for GIRLS
You're not some GAY BOY who doesn't want glory are you?

why do all girls play mercy?

Say that again after I weld this doah with you on the other side.

zenyatta and ana require aim
lucio requires skillful movement

mercy requires pushing shift

the best has to be lich
>literally deny every ranged creep every wave
>fuels his stupid good nova
>armor towers because fuck pushing
>teamfighting? fuck you eat chain frost
>can even become a right clicker with talents and like one AS item

>play lucio
>punch doomfist to death repeatedly
It's the only thing worth playing the game for these days.

>lucio requires skillful movement

>pick "support" character
>buy wards and courier
>spend the rest of the game stealing farm and buying luxury items

>not taking all kills, all CS and building full damage when youre stuck with support

I mean, it's not Tribes, but skillful movement compared to the rest of the cast.

I'm 31 and played CS:GO with my 19 year old brother; I was his support AKA bitch.

First round, he'd but armor and I'd get him the best starting pistol then I would be point, die and then he'd would go in and pop domes like a Boss.

The other team got so salty about it.

lich is the most boring hero in the game

get with the times

>implying seeing the enemy offlaner 3 levels below you is boring

Because Monkey King is too fun not to play

More like why do degenerates love to flock to support characters and expect everyone to want to poz their negholes?

Supports generally have boring designs, besides DotA.

I don't hate them, I just don't like heal bots and shit. I prefer ones with good crowd control of debuff capabilities


Because supports die, and supports need a team to work well.
If you are playing randos, you are basically putting your fate in the hands of a bunch of anons. When you blow your skill load, then jump into the death pit to buy the people who matter those key few seconds, only to see that nobody is using this opening at all; the person you were relying on to win this is still pacing, another guy has fucked off, and one last guy has decided to charge to your rescue after you died, and this happens more than once, you stop playing supports.
Playing supports requires trust in your team, more than most other roles, so after a while of this, you stop playing the die guy to a bunch of incompetents and pick something you can actually (sometimes) win games with on your own.

>Implying that isn't Io

When does dota get good?
I just played my first normal match and despite volvo telling me that everyone else is new as well, my team got completely dumpstered and my viper rage quit halfway through. Also why is limiting my hero choices a thing?

Because it has less variety and gets boring faster.

No one cares about ward placement as long as they are placed somewhere.

The other positions don't understand dynamics of warding and don't look the minimap anyway. However if there are no wards they blame supports when their lack of awareness gets.them killed.

>my team got completely dumpstered and my viper rage quit halfway through.
Early on this tends to happen more than it does in higher matchmaking.

>Also why is limiting my hero choices a thing?
This is something they recently added, the idea is to think out the hero pool so fewer of the overwhelming heroes to play against are there and there's a smaller number to learn at once.

does it?

position 1 carry is way more repetitive

>Also why is limiting my hero choices a thing?
gotta crawl before you walk

As a lucio player i can tell this is bullshit, you just spam jump and wallride everywhere and suddenly gets master

you say that, but while I couldn't pick a complex hero like invoker, my mid did. He tried his best, but we couldn't attempt to win w/o the viper.
So I still have to play against them, I just can't pick them.

Because you are playing newb games that intentionally restrict the more pubstompy heroes. There's an option you have to tick if I remember correctly to just start playing normal maps. Rest assured, you will see why a few of those heroes are not in those games.

Dota will walk through fire to ensure you maintain that tasty 50% win rate over time. You will get used to things you are fairly certain are bots absolutely destroying your team or theirs, so don't worry. Play a few more games until it decides your rhythm.

In those roles you have to generally be more engaged in positioning, situational awareness, and whatnot.
A lot of supports you just use your CC on the carry or someone out of position, make sure nobody has to buy anything they don't like, then wait for your cooldowns to reset before doing it again. Sometimes you CC someone else, or get to buff people, but those are generally the exceptions.

Not saying position 1 carry isn't repetitive, mind, but they at least get a more constant mental load, needing to juggle shit like last hits, spacing on their lunge/blink, HP values they are certain they can get kills at, and so on, while a lot of supports only get similar, if not lower engagement, and only get it part of the time when a teamfight/gank starts, or someone goofs.

Supporting in Dota is pretty good. People are missing out. My first rampage was with a support Crystal Maiden, and the last time I played, I was the backbone of my team's rape gang as Dazzle. Literally just went on killing the enemy for like 5 mins straight until I ran out of mana, with absolutely none of us dying.
It's good to be a bully in 1k.

Because it takes a certain kind of person. Generally people who play mostly support are whiny cunts who fail to do the most basic things required of them. Mid's are all assholes who think the only thing that matters is winning their lane. Carries are egotistical retards who believe everything revolves around them and offlaners are the most obnoxious kids who will end up throwing the game. Junglers don't exist and roamers feed.

Real men play all roles equally.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

Sure would be a shame if one of those thousand kicks hardcountered that one kick.

I quit dota after they switched out the awesome hud that looked like it was carved out of stone for some shitty minimalist garbage and added retarded anime intros

Why not practice 10,000 kicks 10,000 times?

What if I practice 1000 kicks 10 times each.
One of those kicks is actually with my hands, he'll never see it coming

I'm not a pro player and neither are you. There is no reason to not be able to play every role whenever it's needed in your pubs.


>Your mastered kick just doesn't work against badgers for some reason, and here comes a fucking badger
>Someone mastered the same kick, and filled out his application faster
>You bring your mastered kick to a wrestling match
How could having one trick go wrong?


I have kicked the edge of my desk probably coming up on 50000 times now.
Do you fear me?

On the contrary. As a support, you are always doing something, while carry has to commit time to farming once in a while.

It's fun to support a friend you can work with.
In Dota 2 I played as Omniknight and Phoenix with a friend who played Centaur and Legion Commander.
It was fun to be able to dump on players in the early game and redirect aggro with almost no guilt in dying late game.

But with randoms?
Never play a role that relies on a good teammate to succeed.

>playing poorly balanced games with counters that hard

PPD or kuroky could probably beat your average 4k mid with them as CM and the 4k as shadow fiend or qop

I'm not talking about maining a hero you fucking goon. We're talking about roles. There is nothing in Dota that hard counters "support" as a role. There is nothing that hard counters "carry" as a role. Do you get it?

>the one who started out as a pos 1 carry

Because they need to ego boost of the implications that a core is the most important.

no, real men play child support

every team he plays carry he loses

every team he plays support he's been in TI finals

All the manliest heroes are support though

When playing Dotes on the MMR grind I find myself able to be able to do more as a offlaner than a support.
I know everyone says "pick support if you want to win" but when your cores only get a vlads at minute 15 theres not much you can do

-Most supports in games suck fucking dick and are generally unfun to play.
-Sniperdiapers need to wear their diaper
-kiddies just want to unsuccessfully lone wolf rushdown
-people want to play someone like Megaman

Good thing Dirty Bomb covers all these issues with one support character

They're often unfun to play and sometimes designed to be far too passive to be enjoyable. Some games can make them engaging, though.

>Why do people hate to play support characters?

Glory Hound Syndrome

I don't play support because most supports just arent fun to play. To they're credit though, the few supports that i like, i tend to really fucking like.


>Why do people hate to play support characters?
Because most game do a bad job designing supports.
Good support class/hero should hinder enemies just as much as it helps allies.
Dota excells at this with heroes like Shadow Demon, Bane, Lich, Lion, Shadow Shaman, Witch Doctor, etc.

I don't know if they're technically support but that reminds me about cool shit like Mesmers in Guild Wars whose sole purpose of existence was to annoy the enemy to death with constant debuffs and interrupts.

>pick support if you want to win

Literally no one says that and its suicide on any bracket lower than 4k.

If you wanted to climb a gank heavy midlaner was always the prefered choice in the entire games lifespawn.

Oracle is one of the funnest heroes in the entirety of dota 2.

Because the only way to grind MMR as a support is to be so good as a 4 that you can carry your team or do it the Slacks way ie finding the one good player on your team and enable him as much as possible

I main supports in most games and I hate it because no one defends their healer.


>Why do people hate to play support characters?
I used to play supports and I still do that with friends, and there are mainly two reasons for this:
>As a support, you rely a lot on the carry/DPS/whatever of the team
this is fine if you're playing with friends, because you can talk with them, you know how good they are and how they usually act; for example, I spent more than one year playing dota without a mic, but I played so much with a friend that ganks went really well without even saying a word, since we knew how we usually play. This level of coordination and trust is missing if you're playing with a stranger, especially if they start raging against you despite them being wrong

>Usually, support heroes are boring
Now, this really depends on the game you're playing, but in most games the idea is that being a support should be the most tedious stuff ever, and even the score system doesn't reward you in any way; there are a few exceptions however, like Dota, where supports are kinda fun to use (like Witch doctor, Lion, Windrunner, Shadow Demon, and my favourite, Disruptor)

>Plays a game where you can't get the most kills and still keep everyone alive

it's shit

I sorta avoid Oracle due to his skills having both negative and positive effects so you have to do weird workarounds. His purge/root is fun though

Because it lets them feed their ego of being 'helpful and caring' without actually doing anything productive.

Mercy's lore is also that kind of 'mary sue' kind of character which was apparently written by some neckbeard so it amplifies the effect