Your thoughts on roguelikes?
Your thoughts on roguelikes?
Really fucking great genre. My favorite is Brogue for it's simplicity. Also it's pretty as shit.
My favorite is Elona
I like them when they are actually like rogue, and not "other game with permadeath"
I like watching people playing these but I don't want to try.
Satiate my autism
I quite like Stone Soup.
I really like Brogue.
Fun to watch, annoying to play.
It's like all the knowledge sink of a MOBA but single player, no thanks dude.
I've tried quite a few of them too.
Well there's no four other people yelling at you for every misstep, so I'd rather play a roguelike.
Only one I really play is Cataclysm DDA. Building some stupid vehicle to live in and travelling across the world looking for artifacts and shit never gets old.
I like roguelikes and am okay with losing but if you lose due to an unrecoverable situation due to RNG and factors as such, I don't think that roguelike is worth playing. If I play and cannot recover from RNG fucking me in the ass I don't think that's even partially fair, since it was decided from the beginning if i was going to succeed or not.
Losing to RNG is part of the fun, if you get pissy because muh fairness the genre's not for you. Roguelikes are about risk management, many situations where you think the game fucked you over were created by your recklessness. But in many others the game does just fuck you over.
I like ToME4 alot, finally completed main campaign and Embers of Rage on normal
Trunk Crawl is more of a roguelikelike than a roguelike though.
Trunk Crawl is the most challenge Crawl ever been since 4.1 alpha, though.
There's a difference between being able to recover from a bad situation, and having the decision to be able to win or not be out of your hands.
But I mean if you wanna suck the genre's dick that's fine too, I was just saying that it's unfair and cheap if I play as best as possible then having the game say "You don't win. I do. Here's why."
They take gorillion years to learn and once you do the game becomes all about exhausting grind. I did 15-rune in DCSS, I don't I'll ever waste my time one another RL. It's much easier to just fire up some shit like Spelunky and unwind.
>roguelike thread on Sup Forums
>full of casuals
Mighty confident of you to think that you're playing "as best as possible" in a game with hundreds of items, monsters, and class/race variations, you must be a very smart boi. Best Stone Soup players are able to maintain around 50% winrate even when they're playing meme class combos, so unless you can match that, no, you're not playing flawlessly.
did you expect the posb@ lot to be here and not /vg/? admitedly the anons sayin RL is too hard is making me cringe, wasd and I for inventory 2deep4u apparently...MUDs would probably make you want to kys.