Wasted Potential: The Series
Wasted Potential: The Series
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More like Microsoft being Electronic Arts lite and forcing Lionhead to develop an entirely multiplayer game despite no one on the team wanting to do so
First one was pretty rad with a good OST.
Played it for the first time well into my mid twenties.
>Teresa being built up for three goddamn games, stealing the tower in the second game and being behind your brother's 'evil'
>MS didn't let them do a Fable 4 and they tied up Teresa's story in the Kinect game
I will never not be mad about that
>tied up Teresa's story in the kinect
What the fuck? They actually did that?
How did it end with her
Fable 1 and 2 are great though
Microsoft are making it increasing harder to be an Xbox fan, with them destroying Lionhead and delaying Crackdown 3 etc. No Fable 4 that improves on the first 2 games is a fucking crime.
Fable 1 was great,Fable 2 is GOD tier
it all went down with fable 3 im sure microshaft rushed the team to make some watered down piece of shit
The backstory on the rise of Korea is great and it could've paved the way for a Freedom Fighters sequel
Now they retcon it to a "technology is bad guis!" shit story
>Fable 2 is GOD tier
c'mon. It's alright, but not god tier.
>people actually defending Fable 2
i'm getting too old for this site
I'm one of the two people on planet Earth who unironically liked Fable 3. The only aspect I truly hated was the homogenized "weapon evolution" system where you would end up with a weapon that looks exactly like all the others by end game.
I liked it, but I wouldnt say it was great, and its not even close to the other 2 games.
>Fable 2 is bad
Unironically kill yourself grandpa
Is it me being a Nostalgiafag or was it that Fable 2 was pretty awesome? I remember spending at least a 100+ hours on it back when it released.
Any criticisms of the game?
the one shot boss at the end thats it
i unironically liked fable 3
Maybe because I was in my 20's when it came out but Fable 2 is prob the biggests gaming let down in my life.
No Man's Sky level of lying beforehand and we got an on the rails rpg with a crippled magic system and faggy pirate oufits.
>muh dog
Was worthless. Just found buried "treasure" which was often just a couple bucks
And then the 30 min dlc...yeah fuck fable 2
I enjoyed all three to be honest? Even the last one...still would play Fable 4 if it were ever made.
That's your opinion and I respect that.
I played the first Fable when I was pretty young, maybe 10 or 11. I hadn't heard about it so I wasn't riding the hype train to disappointment, I'll always love this game
Dude, fuck Fable 3. The " UI " ( aka a level that had to be loaded every time you paused the game ) was cancer. The property management UI was even worse.
>own dozens and dozens of buildings in different towns
>have to go through overhead map views and click on each one individually to repair them
Fucking garbage ass game.
>can't die
>lol just get facial scars if your health runs out
>braindead combat
I mean, the first game was way too fucking easy as well, but not like 2 and 3 were, jesus fucking christ.
I respect you for respecting my opinion
Yeah microsoft doesn't have much going for it right now. Wish I'd bought a ps3 instead of a bone
The tone for the first one was nuts. You have hoblins and farts, then there's your kid sister getting her eyes gauged out.
'Remastered' version sucks shit. Get Fable: TLC, it's a groovy port if you wanna play: You can hotkey nearly anything.
2 and 3 were incredibly underwhelming. Fable 1 had promise and isn't a waste of time. It's just also a weird game.
I played them as they came out.
I mean, I didn't hate them, but they always just felt like kinda mediocre B-grade games. Something you'd rent and beat in a weekend. Not terribly slick or memorable, built entirely out of cliches, not particularly impressive in terms of presentation, but also not awful.
The Fable games were on the level of the sorts of mediocre forgettable games that used to get released by the dozens, maybe hundreds, ever year.
I mean, holy shit, you play as a HERO who has to fight BANDITS and MONSTERS before saving the world from a big evil world destroying monster.
The problems were really:
>no interesting or memorable characters
>boring idiotic combat
>a story that hits allthe normal cliche beats
The one thing that the Fable games managed to do really well was sidequests. They always had some great humor and interesting things happening in the sidequests. It was like they were made by an entirely different team who actually had a soul.
>wench rough sounding/looking wife
>her cum noises during the black out sex
which game, bout to try this out
I recently played this game (PC version) and I noticed that I had a choice to "repair all".
Fable 1/TLC is better than that, I think, if only because the writing/atmosphere was pretty on point. You're absolutely right about the combat though, and it only got worse as the series went on. Is there ever a point where you're in danger of a game over in Fable 1? I always had 9 res phials and eventually you just start selling them off for dosh.
Fable 1 is great with minimal wasted potential
Fable 2 is goodish with quite a lot of wasted potential
Fable 3 is trash that managed to not understand what worked in the previous 2 games
>posting frogs
this, the remaster is bad
I liked that the female character would stay feminine after stat investment, as opposed to Fable 2 where they'd become monsters after a bit of Strength or Skill was upgraded. Also Reaver returning was great.
Must have been patched in or PC only. I played on 3shitty and that option didn't exist.
haha really nice post *liked*
Fable 1 was the worst offender in terms of story and characters
>be happy idyllic kid
>town attacked by bandits
>get raised to be a HERO
>there is an evil guy taking over the world
>defeat the evil guy taking over the world
The one interesting part of the story was the time you spent in prison. That was about it.
Your average JRPG has all these lame story beats, but at least they tend to spend time with a cast of unique characters that you get to know over a nice meaty playthrough. Fable was 10 hours long and you never spent enough time with anyone to learn anything about them.
>liked Fable 3
Holy shit, my nigga. 3 is my favorite, then 2. Haven't played 1 yet.
I've played the original Fable and I couldn't understand some fellow saying it was an awesome game. "look! he slowly gets accustomed with the hammer and now can carry it with one arm!" and all I got it was a barebones rpg game that looked right out of the sims. the guy grows horns if you're being evil, for fucks sake.
They're pretty comfy and I love the world, but they're basically "babies first RPG".
The story was bare bones and generic, I know. But the flavor and humor was excellent.
>tfw they kept removing more and more magical elements with each game
Why? Everyone wanted more of fable 1 going backwards to the Old Kingdom, not this piss poor Steampunk Victorian crap.
>fable 3
>sets up the boss as some ancient evil shit
>takes over your mentor, and you have to kill your mentor while not actually finishing off the boss
>turns out he's just a bitch to some other ancient evil shit
well fuck you too
it was supposed to represent the loss of real magic throughout history
but that shit is lame as fuck
Fable 1 was good, but too short. Each sequel after it became worse.
>Fable 3
The part where you made kingly decisions on policy was brilliant. They should have just done a whole game like this instead of a Fable game.
And this is why I unironically love Reigns.
I loved Fable 3
and I agree I hated the "weapon evolution" too
able to evolve your weapon right after a dungeon filled with skeletons
so everybody i knew had skeleton looking weapons
Hunting those gnomes was comfy.
>morality system
>killing bandits gives you good karma
>even if you're an evil village murdering lunatic
This bit always pissed me off. A simple tweak to have them become friendly at a certain level of evil would have been nice.
Fable 2
Yes it was incredibly boring, enemy variety was so fucking horrible in 3. I miss minions the faries, wasps and beetles, you know actual variety besides fucking gay pirates and shitty clockwork robots all over the place.
2 had the best alignment system
>where do you think we are?
Love that game. Every time I hand my phone to let someone try it, they buy it,
2 was shit
fuck the dog
2 at the very least resembled a fucking fable game. The wraiths were pretty spooky.
>fuck the dog
>tfw we will never get a Fable game set in the Old Kingdom
It's legitimately all I wanted out of the series. Just a chance to go to the moment where all of this crazy high fantasy stuff was happening and all of these legendary beings were walking around Albion.
Of course, what's most likely going to happen now is that Microsoft will sit on the IP for the rest of eternity and only use it to make shitty mobile games or revive that dead MOBA.
>loved Fable 1
>loved Fable 2
>hated Fable 3
>want to reply 1 but old man fingers want to use a controller
>remaster is dog shit
>want to play fable 2 but no more 360
>fable 3 killed the studio so no hope for future fable
Being a Fable fan is suffering.
That's what I wanted too, but I guess it was kinda monkey paw'd into existence with Lionheads suicide pill game, that fucking hideous co-op trash.
>Hey! a nice winter home. Maybe I can purchase it and be all comf---
what was the deal with this again
I vaguely remember, but its been years
It looks comfy and inviting but once you step towards the door the house changes to a ruined shithole full of tortured skeleton remains.
Fable 1 was pretty good.
Fable 2 was extremely disappointing.
Didn't bother with 3.
god damn
yeah, I agree 100%. First game was mediocre but the lore, THE LORE. Then the second game just threw it all out the window. Hold me Sup Forums.
is left or right the remaster? I assume right is the remaster, yeah that looks downgraded in just about every way
This post genuinely made me chuckle. Nice one user.
The character morphing thing was actually inspired by another Lionhead game, Black & White. It didn't have anything to do with The Sims.
It wasn't just the lore, but the music and atmosphere. It felt like a true epic space opera/mystery rather than an action sci-fi which I feel like it was never supposed to be.
ITT: People to young to remember how over hyped Fable was when this was talked about 16 years ago as Project Ego. Fable 1 never lived to the hype and the rest of the series was shit since.
Then there's you, someone who fell for the marketing and is still salty about it 20 years later.
Shouldn't you be taking your meds, Gramps?
Not even going to deny it. Remember that Fable 1 was promised to be a totally open world game right up until the game went out for shipment. I learned a valuable lesson, we all go through it at least once
I liked all of them as well. ONLY game I could be 100% evil in and not feel bad. (had to save my people of course, but only cause otherwise its very empty)
I don't because I didn't pay attention to xbox games but I enjoyed the game. I did pay crazy attention to Fable 2's hype campaign and still I didn't get upset when the result was nowhere near that.
And even for TW2/3's hype campaigns which lead to imo pretty shitty games, I didn't let it bother me because I have enough brains to judge the final product for what it is rather than what it was supposed to be.
I made a thread about it earlier but basically this could have been Microsoft's Zelda if they played their cards right.
This also interests me can someone please spoonfeed
she gives her heart to the spire or some gay shit
>Peter Molyneux
Working life sim elements like property ownership/management and waifus into an action/adventure game was a pretty good idea. I wish better devs would steal it.
never 4get
>whitewashing in the game industry doesn't exi-