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I never noticed how stupid her boots were.



what about ashley?



Literally came here to post this.

I wish there were some bunny suit or something in-game to make her look even more like a dumb slut.

I'm gonna draw her giving perpendicular paizuri in that left outfit.

That sounds hot as fuck, I'm rooting for you

I like to call her Ivanka


rusky ears

This movie was the best gift a Rebeccafag like me could have asked for.

why is that?

Is it any good? I haven't watched it yet but I enjoyed the other two dumb CGI films.


The vest + skirt +boots combo is actually untoppable.


Because she looks incredible in the CG and there are lots of extended closeup shots of her face. There's also a scene after her shower and her hair is wet and black and I had to fucking open a window.

It's just as good as the others, if not better. Lots of camp, terrific action scenes, and incredibly well-done fight choreography.

Oh boy, you're gonna love it then.

Action is pretty good, if you like over-the-top John Wick stuff and punished Leon no longer giving any fucks about preventing civilian casualties (or the BSAA for that matter).

Story is typical bizarre RE fare. Kind of annoying that Rebecca has actually figured out everything that's going on, and all Chris and Leon have to do is read her laptop to get the whole picture of what's going on.

Also, Leon serves no purpose in this movie. It's Chris and Rebecca's show, but Capcom apparently doesn't think Chris can carry a movie on his own.

so just for the eyecandy?
i was a bit disappointed by her role in the movie since she didnt have any real purpose
leon and chris were doing zombie cqc and dejavu shooting
the last time we got to see her she at least did something cool in re5gold as she takes out dual flamethrowers

>11,000,000+ views

Holy shit. I mean, I know it's from 2004 and Newgrounds used to be THE shit, but that's still insane.


She's not eyecandy, she has a bodycount of four or five.


I said WEEKEND SUB, Pete

Wet Becky
Glasses Becky
Cleavage Wedding Dress Becky
Restrained and Mutating Becky

So many fetishes ticked off


>no Killing Motherfuckers with Scissors Becky
c'mon son

Is kind of cute, even without ballistics

Whenever someone complains that Ashley was a bad addition to RE4, they instantly give away that they're bad at video games. Literally perfect AI for an escort mission.

>Literally perfect AI for an escort mission.
No that would be E.E


>too pussy to hold her breath properly
>requires you to spray bugs on her behalf

Killing Muthafuckas with Scissors Becky
Clubbin' The Coffee Guy with Fire Extinguisher Becky
Scared Becky
Abducted Becky
Latte Orgasm Becky
Blood-splattered Becky
Eyelash Fluttering Becky
Using and Abusing the Beta-Orbiting White Knight Becky

I'd make sure Jill gets some of that salad too.

Jill only eats sandwiches

you literally dont have to do much for 90% of her escort
>gets behind you while youre shooting
>throw her in the garbage bin while you clear out an area
>gets captured anyways so you're not even escorting her the entire game
the only shit parts were covering her while she turns the cranks on the second floor and the solo part where you have to throw lanterns and find the key for leon

Goddammit that's it
I'm gonna replay RE4
/r/ing that gun tier list pic so I can pick the worst ones

Why do they even give you the choice of who to turn the crank in that room where someone has to smash the wall out with the wrecking ball? I've never chosen to have Leon turn the crank, because you get swarmed by military ganados. Is it different if you choose Leon to turn the crank?

Modern Japan is like virgin:the culture.

God bless Sawao.

>and the solo part where you have to throw lanterns and find the key for leon

That is admittedly the worst part of the game, though only the first half of it. The second half with the knights and sliding puzzle is great, even though they should have refrained from making the puzzle so easy. Whenever I replay the game, I intentionally mess up the puzzle from the start to make it a challenge.



What a terrible character

Monkey Ears

It's a beautiful film and deserves 11 million more.



The Ashley part is literally 3 rooms

You can turn the crank faster than Ashley, but you have to constantly stop doing it to fight off enemies. Not worth it, if you ask me. Give Ashley a workout, while you deal with the enemies.



I think they were supposed to be like Uggs or something.

But they look like shit.

Yeah, it's thankfully over quickly, but the part with the lanterns is just bad, mostly because you can't manually aim the throws.


She's fine for the purpose she has in the game. Qt enough that you can overlook the fact that she's a civilian with no military training and thus can't really help you with anything other than the most basic tasks. Does a good job of keeping the fuck out of the way and doesn't lose her shit in a crazy situation. You can even toughen her up so she's not so squishy except in the good places



Red 9. Those juicy headshots, man.

Blacktail simply because the Red9 looks like trash. I fucking hate antique guns and it always ruins my immersion when I don't have a pistol that looks modern anywhere but the cutscenes.

You are total fucking homo.

If you're a faggot, you really have no place talking about women.

I think /fa/ or /lgbt/ may be more for you.

Oh, and I forgot to add:

Offers the proper reward for a conquering champion of rocking your dick and paizuri 'till dawn which you'll never see in vidya again.


6.5 vs 4.5 firepower
.4 vs .27 rof
22 vs 35 capacity

Red9 is the ammo efficient choice blacktail is for less stable but higher dps. Who cares when the tmp is better than either of them anyways?

I'm not really into resident evil much anymore, but, damn! They are doing great with Rebecca!

Those tits are stellar!

>tfw still no news about REmake 2


if it's not at Gamescom or Sony's event, yeah, RIP in pizzas

Eventually they'll need to make a new RE, and making REmake 2 will be cheaper than RE8.

I don't know if we'll ever see her in a RE game again, certainly not as a playable character. She makes it clear in the movie that she's not cut out for field operations, that her strengths lie in finding a medical solution that will eliminate the threat of BOWs. Maybe she could become a secondary sidekick to Chris, like Hunnigan is to Leon.

At least she has a better chance of reappearing than Jill does.

You can do it faster as Leon. Just get some flashbangs and you finish in half the time.

No Mikami to helm the project though. Dude should just ditch EW and crawl back to Capcom

Remember when Becky was the cutest? Shame that they removed the rice out of her

holy uncanny valley

that bitch is stiff

She's like 35 my dude. She's an old hag now.


jk, but it's kinda disappointing regardless

Nipons doesn't know about fashion, unless they overly sexualized a characters.

She's in a very tense situation. The guy who's captured her has just made clear how completely fucking insane he is He's stroking is dead wife's severed arm and has his mutated family and friends stored in boxes in a recreated wedding reception all around her

She's scared shitless but her intellectual autism requires her to outline how she's figured out all his bs.

No Haddad no buy

But seriously, the others just sound way too old to voice a young rookie cop

Guy's over 50 now. Who knows what he sounds like?

ok dude the animation in all these movies is terrible

I didn't like her until I saw the version on the left. Then I got a boner and fell in love.

Seriously the fashion on right design is ridiculous and makes her look so badly proportioned. On the left she looks like smoking hot white trash -- like what Britney Spears would have been if she couldn't sing.

poor ashley

leon is such a homo

Got any fun ideas for her expression and where her hands should be?

They saved it for the action scenes

uhm, sir ?

youre forgetting the eye component to why red9 owns: the stock. that thing turns the gun into a fucken laser.

>zombies take the elevator
>slow-mo motorcycle entrance
>John Wick gun-fu in Resident Evil
>bland villain giving speech to nobody

this is so boring and retarded, but whatever

Japanese please fuck off, woman are beautiful until menopause only, stop with your christmas cake meme.

all you're good for is complaining

about bad things, yeah

otherwise, I love the RE games (2, 4, REmake are the bet) and even a few of the live-action movies

>zombies take the elevator
Zombie movie/game staple
>slow-mo motorcycle entrance
Contemporary action movie staple
>John Wick gun-fu
Honestly, can we really expect anything less from Leon at this point?
>bland villain speech to nobody
He's talking to his dead wife, and he's batshit insane, despite his calm exterior.

Thats why I said the blacktail was less stable by comparison

Fuck off, you nerd.
I was only talking about her tits.

Why do people hate her? She's a godsend among escortees, if she dies, its your fault for not putting her in a safer position, or for not aiming better.

Funny, I remember her tits being way bigger