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>Unlimited Codes 2 never

Fucking this. UC was a fucking gem.

>Unlimited Codes
I just found out this existed a few weeks ago and that shit looks so fun. Where's the Unlimited code and Melty Blood sequels man?

no thanks. there is already a superior game.

Rin is garbage

It was a solid game. Way better than most anime fighters out there. It even had the Lancer from Fate/Zero as a console bonus character. I'm pissed they never made a sequel with all the servants from Zero added in. Now with Grand Order the roster possibilities are endless and they can avoid having all the pointless additions the original did.

>Illya's maids
>Rin's rival/friend
>the humans/mages in general

Ideally I think it would be cool if you picked your Master and Servant. You fight as the Servant and then the master might have some voiced lines and commands in battle.

Prefer Crucis Fatal Fate over Unlimited Codes. Mostly because it had Angra and a cool master and servant mechanic.

Fuck how do I timestamp. Skip to 6:12 for best special

Your opinion is shit. SHIIIIIIIIT!!


I may be a Luviafag, but goddamn if Dynamite Rin isn't a catchy stage name

Love the Avenger laugh. Though I realize I've never heard the real one (this is some fangame). Are there any good laugh tracks of him added to the vita port?

Step aside, it's my game now.


I want Jannu

You're small time.

watch this


I'm interested in what the roster is going to be for the FGO arcade game. The description of the game sounds like it will be a cross between Dissidia and Duel Terminal.

Still annoyed Unlimited codes didn't have True Assassin while having Zero Lancer and Bazett but at least Crucis did.

Well hopefully Papa Bones will be playable in that arcade game

Where's the fighter that lets me go back to when this series wasn't trash

if you choose anyone other than Caren you're shit.

post the 60fps one


>Having Papa Bones and Cursed Arm on the same team.

*Walks over to Saber*
"Let's just leave"

Rin is too busy PLEASING OLD MEN to renew her contract.

>I just found out this existed a few weeks ago and that shit looks so fun
Definitive version is somehow the PSP version for whatever goddamn reason.

>Melty Blood sequels
Nasu has placed Tsukihime on an embargo so French Bread isn't allowed to make the HD Melty Blood remake they promised until Tsukihime remake is out so realistically never.

Honestly I still don't get this series. What's the best order to watch/play? Why is there a spin-off with a loli?

asako is my waifu

You do know of Crusis Fatal Fake right?

>becomes a 3D arena fighter instead of traditional 2D fighter

Would you accept?

mou ikkai

>no Paul Bunyan

Quick, how would your waifu play? In a Type Moon fighter?


Tora or Buru, eternal best girls

Why does everyone call King Hassan papa? Does he act like a dad in his My Room voice lines?

like this

Read the Fate/Stay Night VN and then anything else, but you should probably read either Hollow Ataraxia afterwards or watch Zero. Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai are other Type Moon works that you should look into if you end up liking F/SN because they get crossovers with some of the later Fate games, like in Extra and Grand Order.

>all supers do unscaled damage
>easy peasy 100% combos everywhere

no fucking thanks

This image made my pee pee go sploosh

Like Hilde from SC, but in 2D

just not a fan of hairy anus