Now that it has a PC demo, can we discuss one of the best games of the year?

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whens it coming out?



it was shit.

Game was solid but a few flaws held it back.

>Art deco was a mistake; drew too many unflattering comparisons to Bioshock
>Graphics in general were average; mainly the typhon effects looked neat
>Environments were bit samey aside from the arboretum and zero-g areas
>NPC's look fucking hideous; game would've been better off without them
>Cystoids were fucking stupid and annoying
>Not a horror game but acts like it is

However the fact that they managed to build such a cohesive space station was pretty great and it was fun overall.

Fuck off, Sawyer. Go back to your dying company.

Shit art design. Too much reading. Dropped.

>too much reading

You know, you could always skip the reading part. That shit just fleshed out the backstory and has no strong relevance to the main plot.

>too much reading

Really nigger

Play Inquisitor.

Fucking phenomenal game Imo. One of my favorite games from the past few years.

To anyone wondering if it's worth their time. I will say it's not quite as good as SS2, but if you loved SS2 you will most likely love this game too.

You're aware that the original "Prey 2" was destined to be absolute shit, right? And the original isn't exactly a timeless classic.

Original Prey was shit and the only people who hate the reboot are full on contrarians.

...and you know this because...?

>And the original isn't exactly a timeless classic.
it BTFO of Doom 3 (and 4) and nu-PREY. That's already something.

I had fun but space travel was unforgivably fucking garbage and anyone who defends it should be drawn and quartered

>Hurr durr sloppy 3d movement because that's how it would logically work


Literally my only complaint with the game is the Zero-Gravity sections

I mean it can be speedrun in around 5 minutes, that's pretty broken

I play games to play, not read. If I want to read, I'll listen to an audiobook.

Keep being a contrarian faggot.
and underaged.

Garbage and cancer
Sad that Arkane stopped making good games and just tries to rip off Looking Glass studios with making same kind of games but for Skyrim generation

There is literally zero reading required, its purely for the autism. Even for codes, you are automatically told what they are when putting them in. Passwords are auto filled in too.

>not being on Zenimax's paylists makes me a contrarian

I bet I'm at least a decade older than you, 90s kid.

doesn't change the fact that for the past decade, Bethesda has done nothing but rape good old series.

>Arkane stopped making good games

Dishonored 2 alone was fucking godtier level and gameplay design, what are you on about.

>Garbage and Cancer
Like your post


>If I want to read, I'll listen to an audiobook.

Do you even know how to read you dumb hick?

>calls me a shill
>proceeds to call me underaged
also the original prey was pretty shit

>this is your average burger

Played it when it came out and loved it. I'm still sad about the canned Prey 2. This game should've been called something else.

During my second playthrough I found out about the cut content which made me not have as much fun with the game anymore since I kept thinking about the depth and added challenge the full status ailments would've brought to it.

(As it is now there are some status effects but they're only debuffs that last a few seconds. People datamined that the player could've had their legs blown off and would've then had to go to see a medical operator to get it fixed, etc.)

(Also that whole side quest about the weapon with an AI that doesn't want to kill would've been nice to see. They removed the weapon but it's ammo is still littered everywhere in the game. It's really bothersome once you know about it.)

(I doubt Arkane will those as optional content either since they've moved on to that new Dishonored.)

There is an Expansion in the works I thought?

>the original prey btfo doom 4

speaking from opinion rather than fact lmao
classic underage

prey one barely has over a million combined sales to date
doom 4 came out in 2016 and already has over 1.5 million on pc

Really? This is the first time I'm hearing about it.

Goddamn, really? Any idea when? Will it have the same team?

just like bioshock
the game is fun but once you play system shock 1 and 2 and find out about the cut content and what could have been suddenly the game feels about 200% more bland

Prey is a solid 8/10 game. It is the sort of game you play through once normally, then a second time with your own optimised build and then you forget about it for 6-12 months. A year later you pick it up and play it again, beat it and then put it down to only pick it up again another 12 months later.

In other words its one of those flawed gems that people like to play because they can overlook those flaws.

I'm Canadian.

I looked into it again to make sure I wasn't just spouting bullshit and found stuff like this.

But I haven't heard anything recently other than speculations on Steam Forums and shit. Could've swore I read somewhere that they had two planned story DLCs though.

you're not even trying
go back to RPGcodex, faggot

Much worse then

I thought this new Prey did a good job carrying the torch left by System Shock 2. I wouldn't even put Bioshock on that same scale.

I feel like Irrational had the writing staff from Looking Glass while Arkane had the rest of the devs from there who could actually make interesting gameplay systems (not counting Dishonored).

Bioshock is mostly writing and window dressing with not much else going on under the hood while Prey better understands what made System Shock good.

It's the definition of "Mediocre"

>muh sales!
And every year your typical CoD-shit sells tens of millions.

Sales have seldom been a measure for good taste, and casual consolikids eat up just about anything you sell to them as the hottest shit.

>also the original prey was pretty shit
you didn't even play it, did you?


I did on the 360. It was shit.

>I did on the 360
and you think your "opinion" somehow can be taken seriously?

Out of curiosity. I'm wondering what people who disliked Prey thought of System Shock 2?

>can't refute the fact the I played his precious video game
Shouldn't you be back in your safespace?

>Playing ancient meme games.

lmao@you're shallow life.

I'm inversed. I sort of disliked SS2 due to stupid balancing and stiff controls but I could appreciate and respect the game and it's influence.

Prey is imo a better experience.

I enjoyed System Shock 2 and disliked Prey.

It's literally the same fucking game. To the point it's called an identical clone.

He's making the point that you tried playing it with a controller instead of a mouse.

I haven't played it (yet), so I don't know. That said, I'm not against the open-ish, more immersive concept behind the game, it's just the implementation that I dislike.d

I'm sure they have some retards in Canada as well

And the control scheme suddenly turns a bad game good? Nah.

>This game should've been called something else.

its a fucking name. One word. what could it possibly fucking change if they did?

System Shock 2 has better enemies, the plot's more interesting and the soundtrack is better, sorry dude.
SS 2 7/10
Prey's a solid 5/10

Basically System Shock 2 with better level design and worse story.
Good fuckin game, not for the retards. And since retards are now a majority the game got some hate.

How linear is this? I remember the original being entirely hallway-linear, but its design was good so that wasn't too bad

Calling it something like Psycho Shock, PsiShock, or Neuro Shock would've done a lot to shut Sup Forums the fuck up about their precious Prey 2.

>SS 2 7/10
Jesus Christ you really do have shit taste. SS2 has more fucking depth to it than 99% of video games seen today, It's a de facto 10/10

>contrarians acting like Prey 2006 is some beloved classic

>worse story

I'll have to disagree there because I'm a neurofag who loves shit like this, but SS2 definitely had a better atmosphere and felt like authentic horror experience.

One of my major problems with it is that it's too easy, even when you don't use any alien neuromods.

It kind of peters out towards the end and I'm more of a Thief guy when it comes to Ion Storm.

T1/2 are the true 10/10.

This is what I don't understand. Prey 1 was a mediocre piece of garbage bin trash, a forgettable "next gen" title that everybody forgot after a week. Where the fuck did all this nostalgia come for it?

>bad game
you clearly just have a shit taste

The game has nothing to do with the original Prey.

The level design is pretty open-ended exploration of a space station but you get waypoints and objectives and shit.

>what could it possibly fucking change if they did?
The initial reception when it was announced and the subsequent launch reception. For example naming it something "Shock" would've sent a more clear message to the general public about what kind of game it was and avoided the whole shit flinging from Prey 2 fans advising everyone to not buy it.

Haha, of course I meant Looking glass studios, hope you didn't notice that fuckup!

For me it was the novel concept of having a Cherokee descent fight aliens in space and going through a bunch of levels with cool gimmicks build around portals and gravity. It also ended with a cliffhanger so even if the sequel would've not had any of that it still would've been great to see a continuation of that universe. There are also a very few if any space bounty hunter games so that would've also been a really novel idea to see realized. Perhaps more unique than a game that knows it's a spiritual successor to a series of games (System Shock) which also have had another series of spiritual successors come before it already (Bioshock). Not to mention the remake and sequel to System Shock that were also already in the works.

I hope Prey 2 and Prey (2017) could've somehow both coexisted.

This is sort of the answers I was expecting from my question.

This one not so much.