Objectively the finest games ever crafted

>Deus Ex
>System Shock 1
>Dark Souls 1
>Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
>Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
>Dwarf Fortress
>Thief: The Dark Project
>Master of Orion
>X-COM: UFO Defense
>Bioshock 1
>Silent Hill 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
>Ultima VII: The Black Gate
>Sid Meier's Pirates!
>Ultima Underworld
>E.V.E Online
>Tekken 3

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree with this, but bioshock could be bumped to third row

ITT user lists popular games and calls them good


>Ultima Underworld
So close

>western garbage

into the trash

>no vtmb
lurk more

i considered adding:
Dragon Quest III
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
but gameplay-wise they're just not as good as the games listed, they just ride on their fancy plots.
that being said: Gran Turismo 2 and Ace Combat 5 definitely deserve a place on the list.

the gameplay of that game borders on the mediocrity. i only love because of it's atmosphere, world, and setting.

>japanese "games"
clicking "attack" in a menu 10,000,000,000 times is NOT gameplay

my point is that you can't make a Sup Forums core meme list without vtmb

plebbiest image i've ever seen

this isn't a meme list, this is an objective list of games bordering on gameplay perfection.

Then you should state that in your OP

>this isn't a meme list
You put witcher 3 in a thread about good gameplay? Or Morrowind? Or New Vegas? Since you equate "gameplay" with "combat", then you've sure picked strange games as the best.

>no stalker
>fucking eve online
>mandatory OoT dickriding

>Then you should state that in your OP
i thought rating games based on their gameplay is common knowledge
>You put witcher 3 in a thread about good gameplay? Or Morrowind? Or New Vegas? Since you equate "gameplay" with "combat", then you've sure picked strange games as the best
ignore the fucking pic man, i found it on google images. and no i don't equate gameplay with combat, there's more to it than that.

They're popular for a reason

Stalker ain't got shit compared to the games on that list.

>i thought rating games based on their gameplay is common knowledge
Really? In your time of lurking Sup Forums, have you noticed people praising games like Planescape Torment to death? Do you think they do it because of its gameplay or its story and dialogue? Take a guess.

>ignore the fucking pic man, i found it on google images.
Well, that was kind of my point, your thread rests on that pic and if you can't justify every pick on that list then you will get people saying a game was overlooked and it will be difficult to argue with them, hence the thread being perceived as a meme.

>i don't equate gameplay with combat, there's more to it than that.
So explain what you think gameplay is apart from the combat, and why you defend games like Witcher 3 being there but not vtmb on the grounds of "gameplay".

It's on par with Deus Ex. Some people even call VtMB Deus Ex with vampires.

>and why you defend games like Witcher 3 being there but not vtmb on the grounds of "gameplay"
ffs bruh the Witcher is trash, in the pic it's place on the retarded row along with similarly retarded games, i didn't even list it on my greentext list which the primary focus of this thread.

>No Planescape: Torment
>No Homeworld
Objectively shit and you know it.

Except for the fact that Deus Ex is a finished game that doesn't fall apart halfway through.

The exact game doesn't matter, replace "Witcher 3" with "Deus Ex" in my post and make your point

I just started playing system shock 2 having skipped over ss1. Should I stop now and go back to play it? I seem to see 50/50 people saying skip ss1 or don't.

Except this is dead wrong and spouted by people who have heard of memes surrounding the game but haven't played it. The game "turns to shit" when it forces you through long combat slogs, and this part is after all the 4 hubs of the game, at the final missions. Around 1/10 of the game or less, let alone half.

EYE > your shite

VtMB's gameplay has three pillars:
>interacting with characters
>developing your character
>engaging enemies in combat either through stealth, or melee, hand-to-hand, or shooting
of these three pillars the game nails the first two, but absolutely fails in every aspect of the third which comprise the bulk of the game especially late-game.


And Deus Ex nearly completely falls short of the first two, yet it's still on that list. Not to mention that VTMB is bashed for having shit direct combat. The stealth doesn't get any bad rap, there are even disciplines that develop your stealthy interaction with the environment and enemies further, just like Deus Ex.

in Deus Ex character interaction doesn't play an important role in the experience, it's just enough for the game, no one plays Deus Ex and criticizes the lack of character interaction, on the other hand combat is a crucial component of VtMB, and the game fails at it, which makes a lot of combat scenarios in the game unsatisfying.

VtMB doesn't fail at combat, I find it enjoyable. The issue is that later in the game enemies start to get a lot of HP and melee starts to get a bit underpowered. Like the Ming-Xiao fight isn't really bad, it's just her massive amount of HP that makes it a slog.

>no diablo 2
>no gothic 2

i forgot Diablo 2
i didn't forget Gothic 2

One of Deus Ex's biggest selling points is that it offers many ways of solving objectives. The game even allows you to interact with guards and convince them to let you through, or talk to employees to give you passwords etc. Just because it's not developed doesn't mean it's fine.

Or you could look at it the opposite way, that VTMB builds up on the multiple solutions formula by significantly expanding character interaction. So, while it might fail in the direct combat (subjective, the combat is fine if you invest in the right disciplines such as celerity, more so than Deus Ex) it also gets a lot more right, which more than evens out its flaws relative to Deus Ex, it adds two pillars of gameplay, that's much more than Deus Ex does. This is the reason VTMB's replayability is also much higher than Deus Ex if you're looking to make different builds or have other clans and experience the roleplaying possibilities.

And let's not pretend Deus Ex's character development is good. Swimming and env. protection is useless, hacking is broken since boosting it to lvl 2 allows you to hack into every computer, boosting melee is useless since you get the dragon tooth blade which insta kills enemies anyway and so on. VTMB treats the effects of most stats with a lot more meaning than Deus Ex.

>the combat is fine if you invest in the right disciplines
Yeah this is what I always tell people who complain about melee combat. They seem to be taking it on its own without discipline use.

the fact the game forcefully switches to 3rd-person view for melee combat make me despise it (the melee not the game).

OoT really doesn't deserve to be on there when Majora's mask had a major time constraint and was much better.

I'm not sure why they did that, I think there's a mod that will let you stay in first person for melee though.

>Oh, so you found the new forum too :). I'll just repeat my answer here: This mod is included with the Unofficial Patch. You can find it in the tools folder

I thought the time constraint was good for the most part but it could also be really annoying. It also had a water temple that was just as annoying with a horrible boss fight, and when there are only 4 temples it's a bigger deal. It has some high points but the low points make it slightly worse than OoT overall, IMO.

user I meant a development time constraint, the in game time was part of why the game is so great

>Sup Forums objective
>not a bunch of edgy manchildren circlejerking
hehe xD


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