So a healer revenant is shit, then...

So a healer revenant is shit, then? I've been playing this game for a while and so far this is the only class that was hooked me so much. Am I doomed to suck shit forever? It's okay if I am I'll accept it.

Guild Wars 2 thread I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:

A thread just died, and I don't think there's enough talk about it to keep this one alive for longer but we'll see.

Oh really, sad I missed it. Well, who knows.

My friend told me he faced a tablet rev in wvw and he just couldn't kill it. I guess you can make it work?

Yeah, I guess anything is possible is you're good enough. The problem is, I'm not good in the first place. So if it's noticeably under powered, I'd likely get my shit kicked in more so than usual. You know, I'm just gonna roll with it. I usually lose anyway, might as well have fun.

i hear revenant is shit

I also hear this. You think they'll make it not shit?

What things have been improved since launch? I've been seeing some webms of the new content and it looks pretty and the mounts are really well animated. Put about 100 hours into the game at launch but dropped it at engame (in Orr) because it was a buggy mess of a zone, and the story went to shit. Never really picked it up again since from what I heard the story got even worse (and the story was timegated & behind a paywall now). Has build variety gotten any better? Was Orr fixed? Did the story unfuck itself?

Trahearne -> Scarlett -> whatever was here -> Balthazar
we've flipped from bland, to retarded, to whatever I missed, to the ultimate generic fantasy story, so it might've gotten worse

All I know is that they've changed the way skills worked, from launch anyway. I don't know if it's strictly better, but I've heard it improved.

i'm lost as fuck with these "elite specializations" that is essentially a reskinned trait menu with some new weapon access
but that's because i'm too lazy to read the skills again

Revenant is hard to balance since it either brings too much to the table with Glint or not enough. They have to rework that legend because it's the best boon provider period. (except full might stacks)

i hear this entire game is shit

Really, nothing in terms of skills. It's just been bug fixes and levels.

And bosses have a stun meter, that's a new thing.

Ugh, doesn't sound good. Also didn't they turn Balth evil or some shit? Goddamnit.

Eh, I think I gave another short try a few months ago, but only got to level 30 or so before stopping. The whole way to gain skills has changed but not sure I like it better.

I love the art style and the environments, and the overall world is great, I just find the combat kind of lacking (not really bad, just... meh) and the story is shit.

I don't think Orr is still broken, I remember the events always bugging out at release. Anyway, the new pve maps are more fun than Orr and were never as glitchy. The story is still meh.
For build variety, regular pve is still either power or condi damage, but you need some different things like tanks/healers/boonrip for raids. I don't know about the current state of spvp, but the specializations added a lot of build possibilities so there is definitely more variety in what you can play. Unless they go full power creep, we'll get even more variety with the next expansion.
I usually try retarded combinations with friends in WvW and try to make them work. At least gearing is really cheap compared to most MMOs.

Bunker Rev is legit in WvW, Its mostly druids in raids though.

Ah well, I like it so far so I'll stick with it. Now I just have to decide on a race and stop remaking characters every hour.

Is it actually useful in groups, smalllarge? Usually play warrior or guardian for all the buffing.

no one knows what the fuck they're trying to pull with balthazar
he shows up in the fifth episode of living story season 3, after pretending to be lazarus (for some reason) since episode 2. When you find him at then end of the episode he mentions 'they' dimmed his light so he decides to siphon power from elder dragons to get more powerful. During this, your player character (who decides to be against balthazar even if he's human and fucking worships the dude) says that what he's doing will destroy tyria, and balthazar responds with 'your planet is a trivial concern'. Anyway you kill his doggos and then he disappears, before showing up in the crystal desert a couple months later.
In the Path Of Fire announcement trailer he says that 'they cannot escape my wrath' and 'soon, I will be the only god'.
so in conclusion I'm not sure even anet know what the hell they're doing here, since he seems to not care about tyria and just wants to get back at the other gods.
oh yeah you summon lazarus in the final instance of episode 6 of living world season 3 and kill him in that same instance with the help of livia (who is alive)

It's true

Story is shit. It always has been.
Combat is superb, best MMO combat atm with TESO slightly behind. i personally only care about wvw ( 5k hours into the game, around 4k spent in wvw. Best rvr game at the moment, there is no contest. Game is not p2w but you can soend a lot of money in the ingame store for skins and convenience items. No gear grind, but thereis a huge gribd for cosmetic items. Gw2 is alk about cosmetics after a while. Never cared about raiding or fractals so can't comment on that. For me the game is brilliant with my whole wvw community on TS. Most unique thing in all mmos.
Specialisations and having good trsits/skills are neccesary to be competetive.

GW2 rewards skillful gameolay much more than having good statst

He also says "I will right this wrong" in the Path of Fire announcement trailer.

Charr genocide and human return to Ascalon confirmed.

Are there actually more than 3 classes that are viable for PvE now?
Can I use my thief for something other than PvP now?

charr hide set when
I really wish they hadn't made the charr playable because everyone who played humans in prophecies should (rightfully) fucking hate them and now they have to coexist

It's marketing

New expansion is coming out, so suddenly a lot of not-so-subtle threads talking about the game are springing up all over various forums.

People forgot GW2 existed so they're paying people to remind me that it's a thing in time for them to pick up the new expansion and hope it hooks them again.

>with the help of livia (who is alive)
This doesn't even surprise me, I expected her to show up eventually. Her ending in GW1 made it obvious she was gonna do some shit with the scepter of orr and probably end up a lich or some unaging thing.

I only care about PvE. The combat system feels alright but it still feels... off somehow. I think it all feels too loose and lacks impact other than certain things like hammer/mace attacks.

Also mostly still mad about them giving the base game away for free for people that buy HoT but not giving existing owners any sort of benefit. Dick move.

Glint will become either obsolete or excusively pvp in PoF, Renegade provides more interesting support >

how the fuck do I make money in this piece of shit game

she looks the goddamn same
I don't have any closer screenshots and I had to crop my character out. you can probably guess why

You run fractals for their dailies. Easy 20 gold a day.

>she looks the goddamn same
I'm okay with this. She was hot and I liked her character so I'll accept any stupid handwave. Probably the least dumb thing I've heard from the recent plot.

>you can probably guess why
Sparkle cat?

female salad
at least I'm not a furfag or ratfag

It runs well in zergs, I usually play AH Frontline Guardian in WvW zergs and that is a lot of fun since you never die, haven't really played Rev at all though.

>tfw neither Scrapper nor Holosmith interest me at all
>Feel like I will be severely gimping myself if I choose three vanilla specs

Oh that's not bad. My main was a salad. Loved their character design and hoped for a great race based on naivety with the world.

I never asked for a race of mary sues. Fuck.

grind silverwastes/dragon stand/tarir open chests salvage and sell, SW doesn't need HoT i think
do daily fractals open encryptions vendor grey items
pray to Dwayna you get an expensive item like a precursor or something so you can get some mad dosh(you won't)

I don't hate playing them, I just wish I could mention I play one without Sup Forums jumping down my throat about mary sues and SJW reeeeeeee shit.

what tier? I barely made fractals back in the day
do I need to be super equiped?

do I need to open those chests with other character at lvl 50 or so?

thanks for the tips anons, I got disappointed on how little gold leather gives now and it was hyped as fuck everywhere

Auto-attack Daredevil is and has been a thing for a while. You do competitive damage and have a pretty easy rotation, you only need to worry about dodging since you've got very little health.

healer rev can be good, even with my highest dps build that ignores blocking like mad, i can't seem to kill them in 1v1

but then again his dps was so low that even as a glass cannon build he couldn't kill me

Bro what. Or maybe the expansion is coming out so people are coming back, people who want to talk about the game? I wish I was getting paid to make threads of Sup Forums of all places.

T4, obviously. You need to have mostly ascended gear with decent agony infusions or agony will fuck you up.

fractals are still time gated behind ascended gear for agony resistance, so tier is irrelevant just go the highest you can

What the fuck is up with the general on /vg/?

I should probably put an asterisk and say that the expansion is about to drop and things are definitely going to get turned on its head so what might be decent now may be subpar in a couple weeks.

So who is the approved race, then, I'm curious.

>google it
>staff build

I have to buy that fucking expansion

Weaponized autism in the form of a bot spamming cross-thread posts.

human for obvious reasons
some people like norn becuase B I G T H I C C F E M A L E S
and then there's rat fuckers and furfags

Mary Sue implies that the entire race is perfect, but you still have the nightmare court, Mordremoth and it shows that sylvari are just corruptible creatures. Traherene was the most mary sue like character since he took control of the story. But he's dead and we wont see him in PoF.

Honestly these threads are all the same and nothing really changes.

What race has the best armor that isn't humans

let it rip

that would be because most of the people complaining are parroting posts from other people or that fucking frog image that's laughably out of date
there's nowhere decent to talk about this game since the subreddit just gobbles anet cock and the earliest opportunity and /gw2g/ is a post searing hell hole of bots


Human it is, then.

human, norn and sylvari all wear armor pretty much the exact same and asura and charr gets hsafted routinely with clipping issues and armor that doesn't look all that good.
so human

holy fuck

I've been playing since launch, races work like this:

>male norn
A bro or BBC
>female norn
A futafag

>male charr
A furfag, possible bro but not likely. Probably gay.
>female charr
A sjw bomb waiting to happen, also see: furfag

>male human
Snowflake or someone who is just gay
>female human
Waifufag, also see: snowflake

>male sylvari
These exist? Also see: gay
>female sylvari
Mary sue or a sjw

>male asura
Tryhard pvper
>femalr asura
Ratfag or waifufag, not really much of a difference

This is of course 100% legit and the only ones who disagree probably fit the list. This isnt to say there arent stragglers.

Guild Wars 1:
>hundreds of viable and fun builds

Guild Wars 2
>each class has 2-3 viable builds at best, and half of them are based around boring shit like autoattacking

What went wrong?

might as well just sum it up as
>male anything: faggot
>female anything: waifufaggot

don't forget, we also don't even have a feature to save builds for easy switching

On the flipside

Guild Wars 1
>A balancing nightmare where the game was ruled by rotating FOTM builds

Guild Wars 2
>Relatively balanced, while still allowing a modicum of leeway in how you build

Except male norn, but pretty much yeah. Though replace everything female with : sjw.

You should all pre-order the expansion NOW.

>relatively balanced
>entire classes like Revenant and Necromancer are completely worthless

GW1 might have had shit balance, but at least you could play any class you wanted

Revenant is in a bad place, but completely worthless is stretching it a bit. I don't know what you are talking about when it comes to necro, though. They will always be in a decent spot due to their class gimmick which effectively doubles their health pool.

p/p condi stock engi is fine.

I thought they got rid of the trinity, are there still supporting/healing classes?


>necromancer and revenant meta and core of wvw
>necromancer makes fractals ez modo
>completely useless

A few of the elite specs are geared more towards support and moderate healing. Not to a degree that other mmos allow, though.

Because there's no reason not to if you wish to play this game.The new specialisations and gear stats will make the older ones obsolete.Not to mention that every new content will require it.

I just finished the City of Hope achievements, the last one where you were a rabbit killing wolves reminded me of death leveling in Old Ascalon in GW1.

>Implying the new elite specs will overshadow the HoT ones, instead of being options

I know that nothing is going to convince me to switch to Deadeye from Daredevil.

Female Sylvari can be waifu fags as well

I'm considering buying the HoT+PoF pack, not sure if it's worth it though.

Im thinking of giving it a chance since Im bored to death. Which is the ADHD class in this game?

>Relatively balanced, while still allowing a modicum of leeway in how you build
>relatively balanced
No. It should have been easier but they still fucked it up. These people don't know what they're doing.

Ele or Engi probably?

Dagger/Dagger thief. Just mash 3.

Am I meant to walk there?

>still top 3 condi DPS in raids
anet pls

What are some glaring balance issues in the game, then?

don't worry, it's not as far as you think, although I'm not sure why you'd skip literally everything leading up to HoT

need glider for WvW

if you're in a guild with a guild hall you might be able to skip the walk there by going to the guild hall and leaving out the normal entrance

Don't you have a teleport to friend to use?

Oh, neat, they finally added guild halls. Thanks!


I would've said useless weapons like Reaper's greatsword, but they just improved it so I'm not sure how viable it is now

power builds, especially power warrior are almost completely unusable with the nerfs

GS #4 and #5 are improved and useful.Everything else is shit.

WvW has its own skill line

Minion Necromancer is pretty fun desu. What weapon should I be mostly using until Reaper?

>tfw I really want scrapper but everyone says it's HoT garbage for PvE

didn't realize that first pip would give you access

>there are people who unironically play Guild Wars for the PvE

your kind disgusts me

what the fuck are you supposed to play it for?
the garbage pvp?

He's playing Guild Wars 2 though.

>why you'd skip literally everything leading up to HoT
did they give you the living story for free or some shit?