The characters are all unlikable and the game is fucking unplayable, why would ANYONE defend this piece of crap?

The characters are all unlikable and the game is fucking unplayable, why would ANYONE defend this piece of crap?

I thought Snow, Fang, and the black guy were ok. the combat system was inventive but it overstays its welcome 10 hours in and its a 40 hours game. could have been decent if there was level design of any kind before the 20 hour mark and if any of the level design was good

YMMV on the characters, but it's not unplayable.

The only thing I didn't like about the game is that it's literally hallways 90% of the time, but at least it's nice to look at.

Also, Vanille was cute.

I loved it. Lightning is my wife.

how the fuck do you level up in this game? the interface is confusing as fuck desu senpai

only character i hated was vanille.
game is perfectly playable but a little too linear, plays out more like a VN
people defend it if they like it, if you dont like it. move on to another game?

>why would ANYONE defend this piece of crap?

it's a really good game. and I'm not a waifu fag. the point is that all the characters are familiar stereotypes (Snow = strong will guy, Lightning = cool, stoic, determined girl, Hope = muh revenge guy, ... ) and the game takes it up to de-construct them, tear them down. because you get to the end and no single hero can kill Orphan until they all come together. it's a meta game character wise.

also it has a battle system which is boring -like most games- during normal battles but it has some of the best boss battles in the franchise.

You spend points in the crystarium, but your progress on there is gated by story progress.

I refuse to believe ahuman being wrote the script. It was composed by a story generator of some sort.

are those your levels then?
how do you get points for the crystarium?

I liked Sazh.

>I refuse to believe ahuman being wrote the script.

I love how XII and XIII stories usually trigger people. they are both REALLY good in what they do.

The same could be said about 15. Then again, it started as a 13 spinoff, so I don't know why would anyone defend any of those pieces of crap.

Same way you get XP in any FF. Kill stuff.

>have to read the fucking logs in a menu for 2 hours to even understand what the fuck the characters are talking about
there's nothing good about it

>it started as a 13 spinoff
It doesn't even have anything to do with 13 anymore.

>>have to read the fucking logs

do you even realize that's a legit good thing ?! non retarded people HATE exposition. XIII was a rare jap game that doesn't treat you like a slow child.

Because nu/v/ feeds on contrarianism

>game play easiest in the entire franchise
>doesn't treat you like a child

Because not everyone is a subhuman nostalgiafaggot cancer. Kill yourself.

this is legit the stupidest thing i have ever read

Why defend it? Should I care about your opinion?

This. Vanille is cute (wish we had actual panty shots and lose that strap over her belly button), and Sazh is pretty cool

Waifufags. The game is absolute trash, but Sup Forums loves it because MUH SUPERIOR NIPPON

The same reason normies love VII, they played it for the first time when they were 12. Only difference is the actual quality.

I liked the story but I'm a weeb with 10 years of experience with Japanese popular entertainment so mileage may vary.

>>game play easiest in the entire franchise

no. the games easily has some of the most challenging bosses in the franchise.

>this is legit the stupidest thing i have ever read

NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS HATE EXPOSITION. welcome to the fucking universe. Yes, I know people complain a lot about the logs "dude Im not reading all those fuckign logs" but what a surprise, they are fucking retarded. Exposition is a shit way to convey a story.

Sup Forums has always been contrarian

having to convey your story through a bunch of menu screen logs instead of just showing and telling about these things IN THE GAME really says a lot about the quality of the product, it's also not ever told or explained to the player that 80% of the story is in those logs either by the way, but that's another story really.

Man I remember reading all the books in Baldurs Gate. But I'm autistic so yeah...

Hated 13, loved 13-2, liked LR.