Can World of Warcraft be considered the best game of all time? Particularly the Wrath of the Lich King expansion?
If not then what game is? Post em.
Picture defiantly related. Brings back some fond memories.
Can World of Warcraft be considered the best game of all time? Particularly the Wrath of the Lich King expansion?
If not then what game is? Post em.
Picture defiantly related. Brings back some fond memories.
The downfall began already with BC. You probably didn't even play Vanilla, you mongoloid.
I played Vanilla, and every single expansion.
So you agree that WoW is the best game of all time?
The short answer is no, but the long answer is nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
God you vanilla wankers are insufferable.
So what game is better you professional shitposters?
Better MMO? Nothing
Better game overall? Xenoblade Chronicles, TF2, Breath of the Wild
>Not posting the 2016 edit
So you agree that WoW can't be the best game of all time?
He's a Wrathbabby, not even a 'vanilla wanker'.
It has too many flaws to be considered the best game of all time.
It's a strong contender for the best time waster of all time, though.
>currently playing XIV
>curious about what old WoW was like since I wasn't into MMOs back then
>no point in subbing now since they'll just start me at a super high level and i'll miss 99% of the content
feels bad man
Best electronic time wasting drug maybe, but even then that is probably league of legends or dota. Videogame though? Nah.
Nope, WoW had it lll man. I miss Pvping, raiding and exploring with world with my friends. I have so many fond memories playing that game.
Expansions from best to least best.
1. Wrath of the Lich King
2. Vanilla
3. Burning Crusade
4. Mists of Pandora
5. Legion
6. Warlords of Draenor
7. Cataclysm.
Legion, warlords and Cataclysm are all interchangeable honestly.
Legacy servers will come. Don't worry. I don't think it will come until after the game is really starting to die out and they will release these types of servers to really milk the game for all its worth.
You can still create a level one on a new server and level all the way through and play the game slowly.
I personally love doing this.
Haven't there still been lots of changes to the old content to change them from what they used to be?
Yes. Don't listen to that retard, leveling in modern WoW is nothing like leveling in vanilla/BC was. The Cataclysm expansion ruined most of the good zones and added new meme-filled quests, the leveling content is now devoid of any challenge, and no is one leveling anymore so you will not encounter any other players in the wild
>posts WoW screenshots and calls it the best game ever
>calls other people shitposters
the irony!
Yes, BC/WotLK (especially Ulduar) likely is the apex of MMO gaming. Shame, since after group-finder was introduced shit steadily got worse in wow.
>Shouldn't use high level spells since you don't have the mana for it, stick with only mid-range shit
>Leveling zones are disjoint, have to run and kill random garbage after finishing a zone since you don't have the levels for the next one.
>Tanking with almost no tank gear
>Actually, many classes needing a hodgepodge of gear from other armor classes to function well
>Every class has like 1 viable spec
>Rouge/Warrior only PvP domination
>Leveling made for dps specs, blew as healer and tank
>Quest chains in dungeons broke apart parties
>Largely brain dead bosses
Truly, elitist vanillafags should be gassed.
ITT people who never played Ultima Online
Blizzard will likely release WoW vanilla on mobile phones in 2024, not joking.
No you're the retard sir. You don't understand that there are already vanilla servers up dumb fuck, They have all the original leveling and content of Vanilla Wow. They are just not worth fully committing too because blizzard can shut them down anytime.
Really tough choice between DQV and Diablo II.
>Particularly the Wrath of the Lich King expansion
Kill yourself Wrathbabby,
what the fuck OP
you have to be 18 to post here
Reminder that the game itself was never good and you only liked it because of the social aspects
Yep. Most zones, if not all the azeroth ones, dont' even have day/night cycles anymore. The barrens is the same fucking time of day 24/7
Yeah but we'll be thirty by then, and blizzard will be total jews about it.
>Rouge/Warrior only PvP domination
not when windfury was completely broken.
I've heard lots of stories about Ultima basically being the 'wild west' of MMOs before the changes made by activision. You weren't a PKer were you?
WoW is a shit game and it has been ever since Cata.
Completely agree.
I don't think you can simply rate the WoW expansions atleast between TBC, Vanilla, and Wrath. They were all equally good for their own reasons. TBC was the pinnacle of raids, vanilla was the pinnacle of being a big ass social MMO, and Wrath was the pinnacle of balance.
I'd argue Pandaria had the best incarnations of a lot of classes, if Pandaria didn't have dungeon/raid finder it'd be in top three easily.
Shame about the lack of content after SoO was released though
People hate Wrath but its one of my guilty pleasures because the roleplay around then was ridiculously good. Never in my life have I seen a more coherent, well written, politely spoken people gathered in one place in my entire life. Vanilla and TBC were great but during wrath the server was literally full all hours of the day. You always had to queue when you got in, Stormwind was so busy it literally lagged when you passed by the districts. The world was truely alive. Its too bad Cataclysm came along. It disgusted everyone so much they all left.
Contribute or get the fuck out anons.
>The MMO that literally destroyed the whole MMORPG genre with its casualization
>considering the best game
WoW removed the RPG from MMORPG's
MoP was great for the classes but the talent tree removal was really disappointing. If we're not counting whole expansions early Cata had the best class balance.
Talent tree removal didn't have a major effect on pure raid setups, but it fucked over all the cool hybrid shit you could do for 5-mans and pvp
It was really cool speccing for a smiteheal build in Cata though
wrath babbies are the worst
Never really thought about it but the queue finder addition did ruin the social aspect of the game. Nice assertions anons.
>They were all equally good for their own reasons. TBC was the pinnacle of raids, vanilla was the pinnacle of being a big ass social MMO, and Wrath was the pinnacle of balance.
Solid stuff! I really did love them all. But man Wrath was so much fun, it was in that expansion i made the most memories.
>Vanilla and TBC were great but during wrath the server was literally full all hours of the day. You always had to queue when you got in, Stormwind was so busy it literally lagged when you passed by the districts. The world was truely alive.
Broooo! I remember this like it was yesterday. I would get out of class and immediately jump in the queue because i knew it would take a solid 35-45 minutes to get in.
Good fucking times. There were so many great people playing the game back then.