How are you not making money off playing video games if this idiot can do it?

How are you not making money off playing video games if this idiot can do it?

Other urls found in this thread:;;;

He also reviews food.

>lost 100 subs on twitch in a single day

is there anything DSP can't do?

Sup Forums is a mix of bigger idiots and normies, can't really beat phil when you are worse.

I'm not charismatic

He's barely getting by, from what I heard. I'm not sure if his viewer numbers have gone down that significantly or if he just doesn't know how to manage his own personal finances. Probably a little of both.

Don't get me wrong. I'm fully NEET right now but I'm not getting into any significant debt and I'm trying to live as frugally as possible based on savings. Helps to have a long-term goal in mind, which is something that Phil probably doesn't have.

Seeing how much he begs, I'm not sure it's worth it

DSP is charismatic?


He isn't either, not in the slightest.

Anybody can panhandle, user.

I'm not an attractive female so no

This was the limit for me

He's making money begging his viewers for donations on streams, his ad revenue from the 20+ videos a day he uploads to Youtube is nothing

that's not it?

> I'm fully NEET right now
>long-term goal in mind

oh it is. I remember him calling out his viewers for being "lazy" because his view counts were down.

not video game related

What? How?

great now I have a craving for hot dogs.

Independent study. I guess that might disqualify me as a NEET since I technically have an E going on in my life, but it's not being conducted in a formal academic setting or apprenticeship.

I also got into shape for the first time in nearly a decade, so that helps. Anyway, I don't want to go into further detail since I don't want to turn this into more of a big defensive blog post than it's already become.

Essential DSPKino;;;

Because you can't anymore. Youtube is tightening the belt with their SJW bullshit and on Twitch you're actively competing for time slots with far more popular people. Only chance of success you have today is already being established. Of course, DSP's problem is he squandered every shot he was given, but that's on him.


Half-hourly reminder.

his business is failing

>Middle-aged man can have much more satisfying faps then you
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Because I enjoy my job a lot more than playing video games, I'd hate playing vidya for a living

>Forgetting the most classic one

>the same shitty fast food reviews a week


How could I forget. I'll add it to the list

its too late, everyone and their mother has a youtube gaming channel. the only way you can be successful at it is if you already have an established fanbase and/or you are a really hot girl

> dsp
> making money


I don't have a dumb unique voice or the need to constantly talk like DSP does