Literally gambling for children

Literally gambling for children

And it's legal!
Reminds me of that Kid Beer WKUK sketch

You mean CS right? It even has the fucking rotating slots for fuck sake.

Children aren't supposed to be playing the game. That's like complaining about slot machines because a kid could walk up and use it.

I never understood the obsession with lootboxes in overwatch. Skins add no content to the game outside of aesthetics. I've never bought one and still have many legendary skins from arcade. Hearthstone on the other hand is legit gambling.

>can open for free
>meanwhile TF2 apologist plague Sup Forums

Really makes you think.

It's for ages 13 and up. You're still considered a child until you're 18 or 21. Any kid can walk into gamestop, spend $100 on prepaid card, and use that money to gamble on crates.

those crates are shit you can't trade what's in them
how am I supposed to enjoy opening a hundred bucks worth of crates if i can't hope getting something worth at least 30 in it ?

there is no fucking value in the loot boxes though...if youre stupid enough to actually buy them instead of just playing the game then blame yourself no the devs.

They give you the means to buy them for free,youre a lazy fuck who likes to waste money so you buy them with real money and then regret it later so you can complain on Sup makes no fucking sense.

If you let your kid do that then it's the parents fault. Any kid can buy a prepaid Visa card and gamble online in real life

You have to be 18 to buy prepaid Visas in stores unless you got an adult accompany you or the store clerk really just doesn't give a fuck.

>The idea is too good. It's breaking apart the universe.

>th-think of the children
When did Sup Forums get filled with nancyboys? All lootboxes do is part retards from their money

That's Valve lootboxes, since you can actually trade them for real cash money or fake gabebux that act as cash on the Steam store.
At least OW shit is not tradeable

> Fooling kids with jesiwsh schemes is ok they're retarded anyways
Valve hires psychologist and economists to make their lootbox system as enticing as possible.
It's not a matter of being retarded it's a matter of having the mental predisposition to addiction, and Valve lootboxes will get you addicted.

More like Kinder Surprise.

Why don't real casinos exploit the loopholes that these games use to get away with it?

Because they don't have to?

Soon it'll be illegal. In Japan there's already laws restricting how much kids can spend on these type of gambling games.

Casinos are more regulated and they already get enough money by being legalized crime

>Earned for free every few hours and free to open
Valve's system is way worse by a long shot.

>some jap kid emptied his dad's wallet on gacha shit
>probably didn't even get his waifu

The real question is why is gambling illegal? Why is prostitution illegal? They are things you do to yourself.

Shit like that is why "guarantee gacha" system exists now. If you spend enough money, you get to choose what waifu you want.

> why arent we allowing our society to go balls deep into degeneracy lol
Kill yourself

Intentionally targeting adult activities to children because they will get addicted is wrong, user. Or are you one of those AnCap types who think it should be legal to sell crystal meth to kindergartners? There's a reason gambling establishments have to be licensed and cannot allow minors into their establishments.

Gambling is illegal because it's used for money laundering.
>give guy a bunch of dirty money
>tell them to go into a casino and lose it all
The huge tax on casinos is literally the casinos bribing the government to look the other way.

I think he's asking why don't they find loopholes to open up gambling establishments in places where gambling is illegal.
The answer is that this does happen all the time and they then often get busted. A few years ago, many "internet cafes" were shut down in Florida because you gambled with prepaid phone minute cards, but ended up not being a good enough loophole.

haha, can't wait till they get sued for it

>black markets don't exist

Keeping prostitution in the black market enables more degeneracy in society than allowing it to be legal. Standards of care and workplace safety being pretty high on that list. Many prostitutes are essentially debt slaves to their drug dealers who pimp them out, an arrangement that is pretty hard for them to escape since they can't actually control their own income. Legalizing it would also allow access to better provide care to prevent the spread of sexual diseases and drug addictions.

I just want deep web diver Sombra. I NEED THIS.

>Provides nothing that can be sold for real value
>Provides currency that can be used to buy what you really want
>Have an infinite amount of time to get an infinite number of lootboxes to get any skin that you want
The only people who buy lootboxes in Overwatch are impatient idiots who barely play the game, yet want to still feel like they have the status that comes with it.

Valve lootboxes, where you can get a 1 in 10,000 item that is worth hundreds to thousands of dollars?
That's literally gambling.
That said, I made $200 off an Australium rocket launcher from $3 of MvM, so I don't care much.

This. Not to applaud Valve's Jewish practices but not being able to sell or trade shit off really takes the steam (hurr) out of crates

How can people be addicted to gamblinf if they never win anything

Except sex trafficking in all places in the world where prostitution is legal is higher than in places where it's not, so you're wrong.

This. I mean, I barely play(ed) overwatch, and I have several thousand coins left over after buying everything I want. It's really an incredibly forgiving system, unless you want one of every single recolor.

The black market argument can be used to say that everything should be legal though so obviously it's not valid.

It shouldn't be, only braindead commies disagree.

>i'm bound to win now!
Sunken cost/gambler's dilemma fallacy

not to mention that valves upcoming dota card game will allow you to trade cards between other players through steam community market. a digital trading card game that lets you actually trade cards with others, holy fuck. makes hearthstone and magic seem like scams.

Unfair to criticize Overwatch since it's the only game with a reasonably fair system

If a game has a lootbox, I simply don't play it. Haven't ever played Overwatch and haven't played TF2 in years along with all of those other games.

Also, gambling is regulated because of . I don't like gambling, but I also don't like drinking and I have no desire to ban it. The difference is that gambling leaves such a non-existent footprint for all sorts of other criminal activity by its very nature.

>tfw imagining the faces of game devs when the US government eventually regulates this
surprised it hasn't happened already desu

oi vey there is no wrong doing here goyim, the game is rated teen and no one is forcing you to give me your mommies credit card

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, I don't even like Dota or card game video games and I think that's pretty hype for the people that do

They'll go from making a large fortune to a small fortune.

>trading cards
this sounds almost magical to my ear (no word play)

>The real question is why is gambling illegal?
>why are drugs illegal?
>why is shooting yourself in the head illegal?

literally gambling for children

Hey. I watch Jim Fucking Sterlingson as well. :D

You can buy a game
Or the box

I seriously believe that every mechanics like that (includnig Card Packs in CCG) should be lawfully enforfced to be called gambling because this is literally what it is.
Also any game with is should be PEGI18 or Mature Only.
It would kill this retarded trend right away.

They all have reasonable explanations though.

Gambling is regulated because it's a virtually untraceable way to launder money.

Recreational drugs are regulated in the name of public health interests, for the same reason why the FDA has certain minimal thresholds for what pharmaceuticals are safe to consume. An individual's lack of responsibility can degrade the safety of their community, just like with vaccination. The issue here is that there are a lot of racist and conspiratorial reasons why certain drugs are banned, but that's a much larger and insidious issue.

Suicide is regulated because it's considered a sign of mental health that's become so degraded that one can't be legally responsible for one's own actions at that point. This is the one that I have the strongest objection to, but there's definitely a reason other than "lol bad." It's the same reason why small children normally aren't allowed to vote and the mentally disabled normally aren't allowed to drive.

at least it costs only 25 cents.
how much does a overwatch lootbox cost now?

>gambling is regulated because money laundering
Nigger money laundering is a fact a life for rich Americans. Out government could barely give less of a fuck about money laundering.

Correlation doesn't equal causation you colossal retard. How fucking stupid are you? Surely it has nothing to do with the extreme poverty and corruption in those countries right?
Because the argument is sound.

Regulating drugs makes sense but banning them is literally the cause of all overdose deaths.

The cost doesn't matter, it works on literally the same principle.
Don't take this as me defending the OW lootbox system, I hate it as much as the next guy but for different reasons.

why would anyone buy lootboxes anyway? ffs i have every skin i like and more within a 100 hours of playing

>extreme poverty in holland

What's your discord? I want to call you up and go "DUUUUUUUUH HUUUUURR DUUUUUH" until you hang up.

It's ok when Valve does it

Black Ops 3 was especially bad about this. Treyarch says its going to be cosmetics only and then in comes rabbi activision to add in weapons. They're still adding weapons so people buy that shit, 2 days ago in fact and the game came out November 2015!
Plus there's no way to sell what you get, the drop rates for weapons are ludicrously low, and there's no duplicate protection.

that fucking nhs walking stick on the far left dude.
my fucking sides..


Not to mention gang violence, potential revenue not being tapped into (captialism always prevails), drug companies pushing drugs, fear mongering/spread of misinformation about certain drugs and users, etc etc.

There's a lot of issues that pop up when you decide to outright ban a substance. We saw it with alcohol and by god, marijuana has been shown to be less harmful than drinking does and yet it's held to be as dangerous as crack by idiots like Jeff sessions.

We were even told by the Nixon administration 40 years later that the war on drugs was a deliberate plot to target minority groups and liberals.

>We were even told by the Nixon administration 40 years later that the war on drugs was a deliberate plot to target minority groups and liberals.
That's why they're doing it again.

Um, there's a literal kid arguing with some angsty college teen in at least 1 out of every 4 games.
In fact, I'd say this game is best suited for people around 10-18

>drugs are only bad because they are illegal
>i've literally never heard of alcoholism

Everything's ok when Lord GabeN does it.
It means it's for the greater good.

>bad person does drugs
>it's the drug's fault
Literally dindu mentality.

There's a reason for the stereotype of organized crime and off-the-grid Indians monopolizing American casinos. I know that people like you prefer to stick your heads into the sand and act as if money laundering is equally easy everywhere and anywhere, but there are definitely specific industries where it's far easier and more practical to move that amount of cash. You can't fence millions a day at a laundry service.

The game is rated for Teens and up and you need a credit card to use real money. So no.

We were also literally told that THEY'RE TURNING THE FRICKIN FROGS GAY

WTF Literally gambling for children!!!
Please ban, think of children
Gob blesssddd

>less harmful than drinking
Well we tried banning alcohol idiot.

People weren't huge fans

It's OK when valve does it, right?
>have to actually spend money to buy a key to the box
>Overwatch boxes are free to open

You should be against it. Not because "the kids omg" but because of what it does to the industry. The laziest cheapest content gets pushed on you for the most profit. Just take a look at overwatch. A year and how many new maps/gamemodes/characters have there been compared to the endless skins, sprays, etc.

Unironically agree. Never ending card expansions that force you to gamble for even footing are cancer and should have been stopped decades ago.

its not gambling, gambling implies that you can gain something of monetary value, in overwatch you do no such thing, CS:GO on the otherhand is legitimate gambling.

this is why I say microtransactions for cosmetics are a bad thing
It makes the devs put more time into more skins and shit instead of the maps
Just look at PUBG, an update 3 months in the making just for crates and a few bug fixes

>those gumball machines with capsoles that have dollar bills in them

You don't have to pay for loot boxes. You can get one daily if you rank up every day. You can also get 3 additional ones every week. I've gotten all my gold skins without paying.

I used to buy prepaid visas all the time so my parents wouldn't know how much i spend on games, and ive never heard that

I remember hearing somewhere that the sound effects they use in lootboxes are designed to emulate slot machines and shit

But kids can't just walk into a casino and start gambling, they have security for that. Obviously that kind of thing can't be enforced in an online videogame, so why make it so accessible to kids in the first place?

at least they don't charge real money for keys

suicide isnt illegal tho

>reading comprehension
I said nothing about paying
making the skins distracts the devs from making actual content

Depends where you are.

Oh God
I think you just identified the root of my gambling addiction

The people who work on art assets aren't usually the same people who work on development, and I'm pretty sure Blizzard-Activision can afford to hire as many of either as they need.

what you mean like pachinko and how you win useless balls but you can trade it for medals that you sell to a "pawn shop" for large sum of money?

>making the skins distracts the devs from making actual content
You don't know much about game development do you?
A team that works on cosmetics isn't going to be the same team that works on balance and map making, however that team would be responsible for making the maps pretty
even then, most skins are outsourced. so quit this fucking "omg quit making skins and fix your game" meme

two different work groups user

play more, and you get to spend less real money during events, or potentially even nothing at all, although you have to be a total fucking faggot to achieve that.

ranges from $1.00 to $0.80, so basically still a quarter per cosmetic

you do realize its either loot boxes, or season pass with most of the game being placed in DLC right

you cant have giant budget games nowadays and just sell them for a flat $60 and call it a day, they wont make enough money. people who buy loot boxes pretty much subsidizes the cost for making other content free for all players when it comes to overwatch like maps and characters. They very easily could've made characters DLC unlocks $15 each with a map or something like that for maximum milking

I guess it depends where you live and buy but most stores that sell prepaid Visas here in Florida require you to be 18 years of age or be accompanied by a parent.