Push to talk

>push to talk

Other urls found in this thread:


>push to talk

>push to talk
>*crinkle crinkle munch munch*

>whoops sorry guys

>"brb bio"

>push to talk
>*bong noise*

>someone makes a person post complaining about people using PTT to laugh
>retarded autists don't realize laughing is just as integral to communication as speech

Fuck off. I know you're here.

Maybe he lives next to the big ben

>push to talk
>starts eating loudly



I PTT to laugh but usually only if I have a comment afterwards, if it's just a light chuckle I don't bother

>push to talk
>no sound, but his name in the corner stays there for the rest of the match

>Laughing to a microphone

I think the real autist here is you

>enter server
>it's full of funny people that constantly banter and they're all likeable
>sometimes laugh at the things they say

Playing Counter Strike 1.6 in a third world country surely is the best fucking thing

>unplug mic
>people can still hear the sounds from videos you watch on your PC

The autist in me wonders if you're really supposed to hit the push-to-talk button when you're laughing. Just the thought of deliberately letting people know that I laugh instead of just letting it happen normally in a conversation is weird.
It's even more weird in a group and you're imagining everyone laid back in their chair holding in a button and laughing.
It's better than an awkward silence at least.


it's when they realise what they're about to say is actually outragously retarded

>push to talk

That's not an argument

>push to talk
>breathes heavily

>push to talk
>parents fighting in the background

Doesn't look like he was trying to argue anything, user.

>Literally every normie in csgo does this
Guess everyone's an autist but you

>push to talk
>baby crying in the background

>aren't I?

I don't get it.
How come you can say "am I not?" and "are not I (aren't I)?"? Why the change in word order, and why conjugate 'I' with 'are'?

>Push to talk

I guess it's one of those weird english exceptions.

"Haven't you" sounds perfectly fine before you separate the contraction as well.


English is fucking weird.

>push to talk
>console shuts off

>use push to talk because I want to help with callouts without needing to handle smalltalk with strangers
>someone tries to make conversation or asks me how I'm doing
>anxiety overwhelms, I stay silent for the rest of the game then disconnect asap

Every time.


>push to talk
>*whale noises* *girl moans* BAZINGA BAZINGA BAZING


It's fine to use aren't like that informally in conversation, but technically it isn't grammatically correct.

get mad and stay mad, faggit

>Use to live a few streets down from a church
>One with beautiful bells that would sing at the top of every hour
>FC hears it one day, asks me to hold the mic open to listen to them
>Just kind of get in the habit of doing it when ever I hear the bells
>Everyone super disappointed that they don't get to listen to the bells anymore

I'm not going anywhere with this. That post just reminded me of it.

Thanks for reading!

Because all kids are in CSGO