Denuvo v5 got cracked - Hunting.Simulator-CPY

What do we do now bros?

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you do what you like but i'm going to continue not giving a fuck

Even before the actual wave of AAA titles using it started.
They probably already have an updated version anyway, which will spice things up. I'm really looking forward to this.

haha! even less incentive for devs to release games on PC as they know their game will get pirated no matter what!

I didn't even know they came out with a new one

Where's Agents of Maymay?


yes, pc gaming was practically dead before denuvo came along

>Playing hunting simulator when Call of the Wild exists

The strenght of Denuvo was the 64bit thingy.
Now that they finally made a usable and stable 64bit disassembler it will be cracked super fast just like any other drm before.

You make another false flag thread of course!

CPY is back babyyyyyyy

Really though, according to them it's still v4. Says so right there in the nfo.

then the patch probably affected baldman methos but not CPY

Denuvo never really had versions, the version nomenclature was made up the cracking scene. This new V4 had many modifications in the coding, so it could very well end Baldman's cracking ability, that's why calling it something new is important. For example the Denuvo that fixed the 3DM bypass is referred as V2 and only CPY or Steampunks can crack V2.


Why are devs still paying a shitload for Denuvo? They've never lasted that long, just seems so pointless.

Play games as usual and don't give a shit about what some random fatasses on the internet think?

Nah, that's asking too much.

It's great for niche games like hunting simulator. Nobody could be arsed to crack it for the longest time so they could sell a lot of copies in the meantime.

Because that's all that's important to the publishers these days. It's either first week/months sales where normies are spoofed into buying th same shit yet again. Or it's games as a service where it's always online and micro transactions out of the wazoo.

>A few days ago someone made a thread and said THIS VERSION WILL NEVER BE CRACKED and DENUVO IS BACK BABY

He must feel like a fool now.

What Denuvo games are you guys looking forward to getting cracked? I personally want Assassin's Creed, South Park, Sonic Forces, and Life Is Strange.

You're gonna need to have patience. Baldman was the fastest Denuvo cracker around and he has been missing in action for a while. CPY is the God of cracking and can crack any denuvo version, but they usually take weeks to crack something.

The Evil Within 2, Asscreed We Wuz and maybe the MvCi just to play with Nemesis for a while and then delete it.

Everything. I jack off to NFOs.

It's not v5 though.

I'm not that interested in piracy but you guys make it sound like a fun spectator sport, I love it.

All of them there must at least one AAA that isn't crap.

>takes a month for slightly modified v4 to get cracked
>niggers think v5 will be cracked any time soon

Maybe Ass Creed just to do the usual virtual tourist thing, see the gameplay still sucks and uninstall less than halfway through.
Pretty much it, really.

>they could sell a lot of copies in the meantime
2K players isnt a lot, that's 80K is gross revenue without steam cut, plus denuvo is eating 10-20k for indie releases

imagine being this delusional

how good is Hunting Simulator?

This is like a horror movie for Denuvo devs.
Every time they seemingly get away from a serial killer (upgrade their DRM trash) he just appears behind them.

Don't forget taxes.


Don't think it's going to be using denuvo due to mods support, although it may differ depending on how the game built.

in the "leaked" mails bannelord devs contacted denuvo

Sonic Mania