Webm thread

webm thread








That's beautiful, what game?

should've stopped the runner

Dishonored 2.

dishonored 2


There were two runners, got them both before they killed the NPCs though so nothing too bad.
God I wish there were more games like oni though, shit's fun.

what gaym?




dxball 1?

Day of Infamy I think.

This map and the time travel one were real mindfucks. I feel like the game was underrated because of performance issues at launch.



Looks way more fluid than DX BALL, maybe a sequel


looks like a new game on steam

Peach pulled an item that breaks shields in 1 hit. Jiggs is the only character in the smash roster that straight up dies if her shield is broken.

A smart player would know not to shield when that item's around since a regular hit from it does negligible damage.

Seriously? Is puff's shield-break death only in that version of the game? I don't remember it being in earlier versions.

this is really cool, but wouldn't the fire expand and rush up the stairs and into the room?

It is not rare that a great game is held back by a shoddy launch, sometimes it can be forgiven if content is there. Dishonored 2 was my favorite game of last year but its launch was also one of the worst of all year. The level design is top notch. Developers should really take note from some of the things used in Clockwork and Crack in the Slab. Maybe even the Grand Palace.

Can't remember but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.



I'll look it up then. Thanks for explaining the webm famalam

Titanfall 2 has a map that plays almost identically to crack in the slab but I think it was most likely a coincidence.

Guess I have to refund edf now


what game?



Super Mario Bros



Dust District is best map.

Walküre no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu